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Synflex Tablet Uses – What You Need to Know

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Synflex is a pain analgesic or also known as a pain killer medicine type. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug which provides relief from pain, redness, soreness, and inflammation. Various conditions can cause such types of symptoms. 

The Synflex uses include the treatment of chronic pain, such as migraines, menstrual cramps, toothache, etc. Doctors may prescribe this medicine for muscle or joint disorders. 

There are various conditions related to the muscle and joints which you can treat with Synflex, such as fibrositis, strain, sprain, joint stiffness, etc.

How Does Synflex Work?

When a person takes a Synflex tablet, it helps reduce the inflammation and pain in the body. It happens when Synflex stops the chemical mediators’ production, which brings on such symptoms. 

The most important chemical component of Synflex is naproxen sodium which works to provide relief. You can use this tablet for temporary pain relief as your doctor prescribes your dose. But you should avoid its excess intake. Synflex is also available in different strengths of dose, including:

There are other alternatives to Synflex but from other brands, such as Neoprox, Aleve, Naprosyn, etc.

What Are The Synflex Tablet Uses?

The Synflex tablet uses are for pain relief and reduction of inflammation. The causes of the pain may be different, but this tablet can help control symptoms of many conditions. You can use Synflex for different conditions, such as:

Note: You should consult your healthcare provider before taking the Synflex tablet. 

How to Take a Synflex Tablet?

Many people only take crushed tablets, but you should not use Synflex tablet crushed form. Doctors also suggest avoiding chewing this tablet. Make sure that you swallow the whole Synflex tablet with a glass of water. It deals with the symptoms of acute musculo-skeletal disorders

You need to take this tablet after having a meal because it can cause a reaction on an empty stomach, like ulceration in the stomach.

People with underlying stomach conditions may experience nausea or vomiting after taking this tablet. You need to discuss with the doctor for a checkup if you feel nauseous.

What Are The Side Effects Of Synflex Tablets?

Synflex tablets are effective to treat many illnesses and diseases. But yes, we cannot overlook the side effects of Synflex because every drug has some adverse reactions.

Some of the common or mild side effects that you may experience (which will go away on their own) are:

But in some cases, the side effects of Synflex tablets become severe and can cause more serious reactions, like:

Some people may also experience an allergic reaction, such as wheezing, trouble breathing, face swelling, etc. You should get medical help in such a situation.

Is There Any Warning For Synflex Tablets?

Well, some people with any health condition or disease history should learn all about the risks and warnings associated with Synflex tablets.

Kidney Failure: Synflex tablets may interfere with the function of the kidneys. People with kidney disease history should take this tablet only with a doctor’s consent.

Asthma: Intake of Synflex tablets can put you at high risk of bronchospasm if you have asthma.

Stomach Bleeding: People who take Synflex along with tobacco or alcohol are at high risk of stomach bleeding.

Liver Disease: The liver involved in drug excretion and metabolism. When the liver does not perform properly, it can interrupt toxins’ excretion, which may cause many potential side effects. You should ask the best general physician if you should take Synflex or not.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, do not take Synflex as it can affect the heartbeat of the baby. You should not take this medicine when you breastfeed your baby without a doctor’s approval.

Edema: Synflex causes fluid retention, which can lead to edema. It is a condition when vessels get fluid leakage into the nearby tissue and cause swelling. You should take Synflex with caution.

High Blood Pressure: Synflex causes water retention in the body, which can worsen the condition of people with hypertension. You should discuss it with a doctor before its intake.

Stroke: People with stroke should not take Synflex as it can increase the attack chance.

Bypass Surgery: People with bypass should not take Synflex tablets.

Does Synflex Tablet Interact With Other Medications?

If you have been taking some other medicines, share them with the doctor. It is crucial because Synflex may interact with some drugs, such as:

What Is The Price Of The Synflex Tablet In Pakistan?

The price of a Synflex 55mg tablet in Pakistan is Rs. 15.87.

When you buy the Synflex tablet, always read the expired date and keep the tablet at room temperature. Make sure that you keep the medicine out of the children’s reach.

The Bottom Line!

You should use the Synflex tablet as a prescribed medicine with caution for pain relief. Make sure that you share with the doctor your medical history. Because many people have a medical history, like heart disease, kidney failure, or liver disease. Synflex tablet uses can impact the kidneys, liver, and also your heart. This is the reason, you should avoid using this tablet as self-medicating. People with disease or any medical condition should take the tablets with caution.

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