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Inderal Tablet Uses and Side Effects – All You Need to Know

Inderal Tablet Uses
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Have you been struggling with an increased heartbeat? 

Your physician might have prescribed you a small tablet commonly known as Inderal. 

I used the medicine for almost 6 months and as I suffered from heartbeat issue due to being anemic. Later, upon my physician’s recommendation, I stopped using it. All I know is this was my weapon against the heartbeat troubles. 

Let’s know more about this commonly prescribed medication and know about its common causes and side effects.

What is Inderal?

Inderal or propranolol hydrochloride is a medicine belonging to the class of beta-blockers. It is useful for the treatment of conditions associated with heart and blood vessels. Inderal is a synthetic beta-blocker that is chemically known as s 2-Propanol, 1-[(1-methylethyl)amino]-3-(1-naphthalenyloxy)-, hydrochloride,(±)-. 

How Beta Blockers Work?

Let me make it simple!

Increased cardiac output or heartbeat is usually a result of the activity of adrenaline (aka epinephrine) hormones. Adrenaline is released in response to a stressful, dangerous or exciting situation. After release, hormones act on the beta receptor sites in your heart (β2) and lungs (β2 receptor). Activation of these sites triggers the fight and flight response of the body ultimately increasing your heartbeat.

Inderal is the beta-blocker. These beta-blockers occupy the beta receptor sites before adrenaline hormones. By blocking these sites, beta-blockers prevent the onset of flight and fight response in the human body. This blocking action helps to

Other than this, Inderal uses also reduce your chances of getting a heart attack. It can also help to prevent migraines, and anxiety and is effective against tremors. 

Inderal Tablet Uses

This is generally an oral medicine that is used in variable doses depending upon the condition to be treated. Here are some of the common uses of Inderal. 

Other than these, some of the common Inderal tablet uses include its effectiveness against the following diseases:

Inderal Side Effect

After knowing about the potential uses of Inderal tablets, the medicine can also have some side effects. However, not everyone experiences these and these are only rarely seen. We generally categorize these as common and serious side effects.

Inderal Side Effects

Some common Inderal side effects include:

Serious Inderal Side Effects

Here are some of the serious Inderal side effects to know about:

In case of any of these side effects, one should immediately seek out medical help.

How to Use Inderal?

Inderal is  an oral medication that is usually taken by mouth. Well, the use of Inderal can depend upon many factors. Some of these factors include;

What is the Recommended Dosage of Inderal?

This oral medication is available in variable doses. You can find Inderal in 10mg, 40mg, 80mg and 160mg tablets. The prescription varies from condition to condition.

Condition NameRecommended Dosage
Hypertension80mg, twice a day
Gradually increased up to 320mg per day
Anxiety40mg, 2-3 times a day
Angina, Tremor and Migraine40mg, 2-3 times a day
Post myocardial infarction40mg, 4 times a day for 2-3 days
After that 80mg twice a day
Portal hypertension40mg, twice a day
Later increased to 80mg or 160mg (maximum) twice a day
Arrhythmias, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, anxiety tachycardia, and thyrotoxicosis10-40mg, 3-4 times a day
Phaeochromocytoma(given alongside Alpha blockers)Preoperative – 60mg daily for 3 daysNonoperative – 30mg daily
Migraine (children)<12 years – 20mg, 2-3 times a day
>12 years – As adults
Dysrhythmias, thyrotoxicosis, phaeochromocytoma (Children)Oral – 0.24-0.5mg/kg,
3-4 times a day
Fallot’s tetralogyOral – 1mg/kg,
3-4 times a day

Are there any Risks Associated with Inderal Intake?

Intake of Inderal can be a risk in the following situations:

Inderal Tablet Price in Pakistan

As of today, the price of a 10mg Inderal tablet in Pakistan is 1.84/tablet.

Let’s Wrap Up!

Inderal tablet is a commonly used medication that is effective against a variety of heart and blood circulation related  problems. Other inderal tablet uses include its efficacy against anxiety, migraine and other conditions. However, one should never self-medicate himself. It is recommended to seek out medical advice from your physician before starting any medicine or in case of any side effects.

You can consult the best general physician in Lahore  via Healthwire to make wise decisions regarding your health.

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