Home Pain Managment Dislocated Shoulder Treatment without Surgery – Is it Possible?

Dislocated Shoulder Treatment without Surgery – Is it Possible?

Dislocated Shoulder Treatment
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Dislocation of the shoulder can be unpleasant and incapacitating which impairs daily activities and quality of life. Even though surgical intervention is occasionally required, dislocated shoulder treatment without surgery

is also possible and works wonders in a lot of cases. 

We will examine these non-surgical treatments in this blog, outlining their advantages and going through how they can speed up the healing process. Individuals with a dislocated shoulder can choose their course of therapy with knowledge of these possibilities.

What is a Dislocated Shoulder?

It’s crucial to know the nature of the damage before understanding dislocated shoulder treatment without surgery.

 A dislocated shoulder happens when the humerus, which makes up the upper arm, slips out of the shoulder joint. Falls, sports injuries, and trauma are common causes of it. A dislocated shoulder might show symptoms including severe discomfort, swelling, restricted range of motion, and obvious deformity.

What is the first thing to do when a shoulder gets dislocated?

When a shoulder dislocation occurs, immediate care is crucial. This involves immobilizing the arm, applying ice packs to reduce swelling, and seeking medical attention for proper diagnosis. By stabilizing the shoulder and reducing movement, further damage can be prevented.

How to get dislocated shoulder treatment without surgery?

Some of the common ways used to treat shoulder dislocation without surgery are mentioned below: 

Physical Therapy

The non-surgical management of shoulder dislocation relies heavily on physical therapy. A specialized physical therapist’s rehabilitation plan is intended to help the shoulder joint regain its strength, flexibility, and stability. 

Physical therapy aids patients in regaining functional mobility and treating further dislocations through a series of specific exercises and methods.

The first step in the physical therapy procedure is a thorough evaluation of the patient’s condition and goals.

The therapist then creates a personalized treatment plan, which may include stimulating training to improve balance and coordination, strengthening exercises to rebuild the muscles around the shoulder joint, and stretching activities to increase the range of motion.

Suggested Read: Difference between physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Closed Reduction

Closed reduction is the best, dislocated shoulder treatment without surgery, commonly used. It involves the manual manipulation of the dislocated shoulder joint to relocate it back into its normal position. This procedure is typically performed under anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and relaxation.

During closed reduction, a skilled healthcare professional, i.e. an orthopedic specialist or a trained emergency room physician, carefully maneuvers the arm and shoulder to realign the dislocated joint. 

Gentle traction and specific maneuvers are employed to guide the humerus bone back into the shoulder socket.

After a successful closed reduction, the healthcare provider may immobilize the shoulder with a sling or brace to allow the joint to heal properly. 


While every single person thinks of getting surgery after having a dislocated shoulder, medications, such as dislocated shoulder treatment without surgery, play a significant role in managing pain and inflammation associated with a dislocated shoulder. When a shoulder dislocation occurs, pain relief is essential for the individual’s comfort and well-being. Medications can help alleviate pain, reduce swelling, and promote a smoother recovery process.

Ibuprofen and naproxen are two examples of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) that are frequently prescribed or suggested for pain management.

These drugs relieve discomfort as dislocated shoulder treatment without surgery and assist to minimize inflammation. It is crucial to adhere to the specified dosage and usage period as suggested by a medical practitioner.

Recovery Process

Recovery from a dislocated shoulder can take time and dedication. Following a comprehensive rehabilitation program is crucial for long-term shoulder stability. 

The duration of recovery varies depending on the severity of the dislocation and individual factors. Proper rest, nutrition, and avoiding strenuous activities during the recovery period contribute to a successful outcome.

Potential Risks of Dislocated Shoulder Treatment Without Surgery

Experts at Hameed Latif Hospital say that choosing non-surgical treatments for a dislocated shoulder requires careful consideration of many different aspects that make a certain option appropriate for your situation. 

In many situations, non-surgical treatments can be quite successful, but it’s crucial to be aware of the potential hazards and restrictions connected with these approaches.

Regular follow-up appointments with healthcare providers are essential throughout the recovery process. These appointments allow for close monitoring of progress, assessment of the shoulder’s stability and function, and adjustment of the treatment plan as needed. 

Open communication with your healthcare team is crucial for addressing any concerns or complications that may arise.

Surgery – The Last Resort!

While many people find non-surgical treatments or dislocated shoulder treatment without surgery to be helpful, there may be some circumstances where surgical intervention is required.

Surgical treatment for dislocated shoulder may be necessary for complex or repeated dislocations, structural abnormalities, or situations where non-surgical approaches fall short of providing sufficient stability and function. 

After a closed reduction of the acute dislocation, surgical treatment usually includes cleaning the joint space and/or repairing any damaged structures.

‘Keyhole’ (arthroscopic) surgery is frequently utilized, although open surgery is also an option, particularly for more difficult procedures. 

Determine whether surgery is the best course of action by speaking with an orthopedic specialist i.e. Dr. Muhammad Khalid.

When to Visit an Orthopedic Surgeon

Dislocated shoulder treatment without surgery offers hope and recovery for individuals with a dislocated shoulder. Through rehabilitation, closed reduction, and pain management, it is possible to regain strength, range of motion, and stability without the need for surgery. But if you feel like these above-mentioned options are not working for you, and the dislocated shoulder is still the same, then it is best to visit the best orthopedic surgeon near you by visiting Healthwire. 

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