Instant noodles are one of the most cherished and the most common snacks consumed by people from every age group.
Be it, children or adults, you will always find someone eating instant noodles in your household.
As these instant noodles are economical and require no hefty preparations so they are used by every economic stratum.
But have you ever wondered about the nutritional content of these instant noodles? Have you ever thought of any possible health side effects of instant noodles?
We doubt that these questions would have never made their way to your minds.
But on that note, we are sure that you may have asked this question: What happens if you eat too many noodles?
So we are here with all the answers to your apprehensions. In this blog, we will be catering to all the aforementioned questions. Also, we will try to discover more about instant noodles. So without wasting any further time, let us jump straight into the discussion.
Table of Contents
Instant noodles are one type of already cooked noodles. They come in a variety of packaging and there are different brands selling these instant noodles.
These noodles are pre-cooked in the manufacturing plants. Afterwards, they are dried and then packaged in either small cups or bowls.
These noodles require a small amount of warm water and once you pour down hot water, the very next instant you will see fresh and tasty noodles.
These instant noodles are fueled with spices and oil, in particular olive or palm oil. As far as the composition of noodles is concerned, they are made up of refined wheat flour.
The final packaging may contain some extra flavouring and seasoning materials like MSG( monosodium glutamate).
To store these instant noodles for a longer duration of time, some preservatives are also added to them.
Nutritional Content Of Instant Noodles
Now coming to the nutritional content of these instant noodles.
There is a huge variation in the nutritional content of different brands of instant noodles.
But on a baseline, the ratio of components present in these instant noodles is as follows:
- Carbohydrates 25-27 grams
- Fats 6 to 7 grams
- Proteins 4 grams
- Calories 188 grams
- Fiber 0.9-1.3 grams
- Sodium 861 mg
- Iron 10% of RDI ( recommended dietary intake)
- Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin 7% of RDI (recommended dietary intake)
There are many other components that are available in these instant noodles. The health side effects of instant noodles are determined with respect to the above-mentioned nutrients and components.
Health Side Effects Of Instant Noodles
As we are aware of the nutritional content of instant noodles. Let us talk about the pros and cons of these instant noodles.
These pros and cons will help us to settle the question of the health side effects of instant noodles.
The description of the pros and cons of these instant noodles is as follows:
There are some advantages to using instant noodles. Some of them are as follows:
- These instant noodles are economical and are easily available. Hence a large population around the globe tends toward them.
- They can be made instantly by just adding warm water to the container.
- These instant noodles are a rich source of micronutrients like iron, vitamin B2, manganese, and niacin. There are studies that have found that iron-fortified milk and noodles are linked with reduced rates of anemia in children.
So the question:
What happens if you eat too many noodles?
gets the answer that you will be providing extra micronutrients to your body. But there is more to add to the answer to this question.
This sums up the possible advantages and benefits of using instant noodles. Coming towards cons and disadvantages, there are a number of things that can be mentioned in this category.
One of the biggest cons of frequently using instant noodles is their negative effects on the overall health of the body.
Poor Composition Of Instant Noodles
These instant noodles are made up of refined wheat flour which is not suitable for your gut health.
This refined wheat flour takes a lot of time to digest and can present many other health issues. Besides this noodles are also made up of unleavened wheat dough.
1- Low on Proteins And Fibres
The instant noodles are low on the nutritional count. They don’t contain any significant amount of carbohydrates and fats.
Even if these instant noodles contain some sort of proteins and fibres, then the amount is so small that it is almost futile to consider such trivial quantities.
Even if you think that these small amounts of proteins and fibres are beneficial for weight loss then there are high chances that you might be thinking wrong. These small amounts of proteins and fibres will not affect your hunger and cravings. So you will not feel much difference in your weight.
Related: Discover ways to lose appetite naturally to get desired tummy shape.
2- High Sodium Content
The health side effects of instant noodles often come into consideration when you start to consume larger quantities daily.
Making additions to previously held questions: what happens if you eat too many noodles?
One of the potent health side effects of instant noodles when consumed for a longer duration of time includes high blood pressure(hypertension).
Instant noodles are boosted with sodium which is the prime contributor to maintaining your blood pressure. If you are taking in a lot of sodium then the chances of getting high blood pressure are higher.
Research has shown that high amounts of sodium in the body are linked with increased blood pressure.
High blood pressure if left untreated then it can lead to serious consequences. This may lead to many heart diseases which can further progress to heart attacks.
It has also been found that reducing sodium intake in the overall diet leads to decreased risks of cardiovascular disorders.
3- Instant Noodles Contain MSG
Instant noodles are packed with MSG. The chemical which reads as monosodium glutamate is a common food additive which is used to elevate the flavour of processed foods.
Though it is found naturally in many food items in small amounts, the increased use of MSG in Instant noodles can pose a serious threat to health and stability.
There are reports and studies that have found a relationship between MSG and many ailments. The organs that are found to be affected by the use of MSG include the brain, heart, and liver. There are studies that have linked MSG with weight problems.
Having said that, the health side effects of instant noodles are far-reaching. Using noodles for a longer duration of time will also take a toll on your health as it indicates poor diet quality. Try using other healthy alternatives.
FAQ: Do cup noodles cause cancer?
Cup noodles themselves don’t cause cancer. But if you are microwaving cup noodles then it can increase the chances of cancer. The toxic and carcinogenic contents of plastic cups will enter the food after microwaving and then ultimately reach inside the body where they can cause cancer.
Read more on this question: Do microwaves cause cancer?
What’s The Takeaway
Instant noodles without any doubt tantalise taste buds and are an immediate source of happiness for many people. Research is still required in many areas to decipher the health side effects of instant noodles. If you want to use noodles, then eat them in moderation. If you still face difficulty, then it is better to consult the best nutritionist. This will help you to make the right choices when it comes to your health. To read more on health care issues, visit our website healthwire.