Home General Health Why Does Sudden Hearing Loss on One Side Happen?

Why Does Sudden Hearing Loss on One Side Happen?

Hearing Loss on One Side
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Imagine waking up one day and realizing you can’t hear out of one ear. Hearing loss on one side – that sounds terrifying, right? 

Hearing is one of our most precious senses, allowing us to connect with the world and the people around us. Sudden hearing loss on one side can be a startling and distressing experience, but it’s essential to understand that it can happen to anyone. 

Let’s explore the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for sudden hearing loss on one side. 

Whether you’re someone experiencing this condition or simply curious about it, this information can be a valuable resource for a better understanding. 

What are the Symptoms of Sudden Hearing Loss on One Side?

Sudden hearing loss, medically known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL), typically occurs in one ear and can manifest with various symptoms. 

These symptoms are often distressing and alarming, making it crucial to recognize them early. Here are the common signs of sudden hearing loss on one side:

Hearing Loss

The most obvious symptom is a significant decrease in hearing ability in one ear. 

You may notice a sudden and unexplained decrease in your ability to hear sounds, including voices, music, and everyday noises.

Suggested Read: How to Unclog Your Ears

Ear Fullness or Pressure

Many individuals with SSNHL report feeling fullness or pressure in the affected ear. It’s as if your ear is blocked or plugged, even though there might be no visible blockage.


Tinnitus refers to the perception of ringing, buzzing, or other noises in the ear that aren’t originating from an external source. This condition often accompanies sudden hearing loss and can be distressing.

Dizziness or Vertigo

Some people with SSNHL experience dizziness or vertigo, which can be related to issues with the inner ear. This symptom may make it challenging to maintain balance and can be very unsettling.

Difficulty Understanding Speech

You might find it particularly challenging to understand speech, especially in noisy environments. Moreover, it can lead to communication difficulties and social isolation.

What are the Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss on One Side?

Several potential factors and conditions have been associated with the onset of SSNHL. These include:

Viral Infections

Some researchers suspect that viral infections, such as those causing the common cold or the herpes virus, may lead to sudden hearing loss in some cases

Viral infections can cause inflammation in the inner ear, disrupting normal hearing function.

Vascular Issues

Problems with blood circulation to the inner ear can also result in sudden hearing loss. It may be due to blood clots or issues with the small blood vessels that supply the ear.

Autoimmune Disorders

The body’s immune system sometimes may mistakenly attack the inner ear, leading to sudden hearing loss.

Neurological Factors

Certain neurological conditions, like multiple sclerosis, may affect the auditory nerve or the brain’s processing of auditory information, resulting in one-sided hearing loss.

Trauma or Injury

Physical trauma to the head or ear, such as a blow to the head, can damage the delicate structures responsible for hearing.

Ototoxic Medications

Medications, when used in high doses or for an extended period, can have adverse effects on hearing. These are known as ototoxic drugs.

ENT Specialist Recommendation: Dr. Ayesha Shafi is one of the best ear, nose, and throat specialists in Lahore. She has an experience of fifteen years in her field and can treat all ENT issues effectively. 

How to Treat Hearing Loss on One Side?

Treating sudden hearing loss on one side can be challenging, and the effectiveness of treatment can vary from person to person. 

However, several approaches and therapies may be employed to address this condition:


One of the most common treatments for sudden hearing loss is the administration of corticosteroids, either orally or through intratympanic injection. 

These anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce inflammation in the inner ear and improve hearing. The sooner treatment begins, the better the chances of success.

Hearing Aids

In cases where hearing loss is not completely restored, hearing aids can be a valuable solution. 

These devices amplify sound, helping individuals with hearing loss to understand conversations and hear everyday sounds.

Tinnitus Management

For those experiencing tinnitus alongside hearing loss, various strategies, including sound therapy and counseling, can help manage and reduce the perception of tinnitus.


Audiologists and hearing specialists can provide rehabilitation and training to help individuals adapt to their new hearing abilities. 

Moreover, it can include techniques for lip-reading and improving communication skills.

Lifestyle Modifications

It’s essential to protect the remaining hearing by avoiding exposure to loud noises and taking steps to reduce stress, which can exacerbate tinnitus.


In some cases, surgical interventions, such as cochlear implantation, may be considered when other treatments are ineffective. 

Cochlear implants can provide improved hearing to individuals with severe hearing loss.

Consult an ENT Specialist via Healthwire!

If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, don’t hesitate to consult a medical professional for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized care.
Reach out to the best ENT Specialists in Pakistan anywhere near you via Healthwire.

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