Home General Health How to Clean Stomach Naturally and Improve Digestion?

How to Clean Stomach Naturally and Improve Digestion?

How to Clean Stomach Naturally
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A functioning healthy digestive system is essential for general health since it absorbs nutrients from our food and efficiently removes waste. 

The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and colon are just a few of the organs that comprise the digestive system. These organs all work together to guarantee correct digestion and nutrient absorption. 

We have more energy, a more robust immune system, and greater general health when our digestive system is healthy and operating at its best. While the human body is designed to eliminate waste products and toxins naturally, our modern lifestyle and dietary habits can sometimes overwhelm the body’s natural detoxification mechanisms. 

So, how to clean your stomach naturally?

Signs Your Stomach Needs Cleaning

Here are some major signs that can let you know that your stomach needs cleansing. 


A stomach cleanse is recommended to promote regularity if you have irregular or severe constipation and struggle to pass stools. This could be due to a buildup of toxins and debris in the colon.

Constant Bloating 

Your stomach and digestive system may benefit from cleansing if you experience frequent, painful bloating. This is where the belly feels large or full. Gas that has become stuck in the digestive system or poor digestion are common causes of bloating. 


Regular passing of loose or watery stools could indicate a microbiota imbalance in the stomach. Or it can indicate toxic compounds in the digestive system. A stomach cleanse can actually help out people with diarrhea. 

How to Clean Stomach Naturally at Home

Here are some of the easy ways that you can use to clean your stomach naturally at home. 

Fiber Rich Diet

Cliche? I know. But a fiber-rich diet can make the most difference in your digestive health and can really help in cleaning the stomach. 

Experts at Doctors Hospital say that a fiber-rich diet is crucial for maintaining digestive health. Dietary fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the body. Instead, it passes through the digestive tract relatively intact, adding bulk to stools and promoting regular bowel movements.

Fiber in digestion plays a really important role. First off, it softens and gives stools more volume, which prevents constipation. Second, fiber serves as a prebiotic, feeding good bacteria in the gut and promoting a balanced microbiome in the process. Last but not least, fiber slows down the absorption of fats and sugars, which helps control cholesterol and blood sugar levels. How to clean your stomach more naturally than with fiber-rich foods?

Opt for fiber-rich foods i.e. whole fruits instead of fruit juices, choose whole-grain products over refined grains, and snack on raw vegetables or nuts for added fiber. Gradually increase fiber intake to allow your digestive system to adjust and prevent potential discomfort.

Herbal Teas and Infusions

Dr. Muhammad Umer Sheikh who is one of the top gastroenterologists in Pakistan says that teas and infusions prepared from various plant parts, such as leaves, flowers, roots, or seeds, are known as herbal. Due to their therapeutic properties and medicinal qualities, they have been utilized in traditional medicine for generations. 

Some herbal teas and infusions provide natural solutions to assist digestive health when it comes to stomach cleansing. Here is how to clean your stomach naturally with teas and infusions.

Ginger Tea: Ginger is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea properties. Ginger tea can help relieve nausea and promote better digestion. It may also aid in reducing stomach discomfort and improving overall digestion.

Suggested Read: Benefits of Ginger

Fennel Tea: Fennel tea can assist with gas and bloating because fennel seeds are full of essential oils that have carminative effects. To relieve gastrointestinal discomfort and promote healthy digestion, many people drink fennel tea.

Peppermint Tea: Peppermint has carminative properties, which means it can help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce gas and bloating. Peppermint tea is often used to alleviate indigestion and soothe an upset stomach.

Juice Fast

How to clean the stomach naturally with a juice fast?

Apple juice, lemon juice, and vegetable juices are common juices used in juice fasts that are used to cleanse the stomach. However, smoothies rather than juices may be better for your colon and general health.

Juices contain less fiber since pulp and skins are removed during the process of juicing. Smoothies have a lot more fiber than other foods, which is wonderful for the colon and overall digestive cleaning.

A study performed in 2017 found that three days of a fruit or vegetable diet were linked to weight loss, but further study is required to validate these results.


Water is involved in the initial breakdown of food in the mouth. It helps in the moistening of food, making it easier to chew and swallow.

But, how to clean the stomach naturally with water? Digestive enzymes, which are responsible for breaking down nutrients in the stomach and small intestine, require water to function properly. Water activates these enzymes, allowing them to efficiently break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

With that, water aids in the elimination of waste products and toxins from the body through urine and feces. Proper hydration supports the kidneys and liver, which play key roles in detoxification.

Suggested Read: How Much Water Should You Drink in a Day?

When to visit a Gastroenterologist

For overall health and effective digestion, it is crucial to have a clean and healthy stomach. Hopefully, you have gotten all the needed answers to how to clean your stomach naturally. Adopting natural techniques to cleanse the stomach can promote nutrition absorption, improve digestion, and improve quality of life. People can aid their digestive system’s natural detoxification processes by including hydration, fiber-rich foods, herbal teas, probiotics, and mindful eating techniques. In case of any emergency, or any questions you can always visit the best gastroenterologist near you by contacting Healthwire. 

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