Home General Health How to Stop Itchy Anus? Best Home Remedies to Try at Home!

How to Stop Itchy Anus? Best Home Remedies to Try at Home!

How to Stop Itchy Anus
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An itchy bum can be a real pain in the… well, we all know where! But don’t worry, we’ve got your back(side) covered with some simple and effective solutions that will have you feeling fresh and itch-free in no time.

From soothing home remedies to lifestyle adjustments, we’re serving up a bunch of good tips to help you bid farewell to the itch and say hello to comfort! So, let’s dig in and know how to stop an itchy anus.

What is Anal itching? 

A frequent and irritating issue characterized by itching and irritation around the anus is known as anal itching a.k.a. pruritus ani. It may be mild or persistent and range in severity from moderate to severe. This scratching could result from itching, which can aggravate the area even more and worsen the problem.

How to know that you have anal itching? 

Common symptoms of itchy anus (pruritus ani) may include:

Itching and Irritation: The defining sign of an itchy anus is persistent itching around the anus. Itching can be irritating and can range from minor to severe. So, how to stop an itchy anus then?

Burning feeling: In certain cases, the itching is accompanied by a burning or stinging feeling.

Redness and Swelling: Prolonged scratching and irritation can cause the skin surrounding the anus to seem red and swollen.

Scratching and Itching: A persistent impulse to scratch and discomfort from an itchy anus can make daily tasks uncomfortable and difficult.

Dry or Flaky Skin: Constant scratching can cause the skin around the anal area to become dry or flaky.

Worsening at Night: Some people may notice that the itching becomes more pronounced at night, affecting their sleep.

What can be the Cause of an Itchy Anus?

There are numerous reasons why anal itching occurs before knowing how to stop itchy anus.

Experts at Doctors Hospital say that your perianal area’s skin is delicate. Allergies can occur by scented soaps, powders, lotions, creams, and ointments. If you scrub the region with hot water, a harsh washcloth, or rough toilet paper, you risk irritating your skin increases.

It is also very important to wash the anus properly after you are done pooping.

Watch what you eat as well!!

The consumption of a number of foods can be responsible for anal itching. Keep a look out for these food options.

  • Caffeinate drinks (tea and coffee)
  • Spicy and acidic food (citrus fruits, raw garlic, and hot peppers)
  • Dairy products (milk, yogurt, and butter)
  • Carbonated drinks 

Can constipation cause itchy anus?

Before knowing how to stop itchy anus know that if you have diarrhea or constipation, or if you take a dump three times or less each week, you are more prone to experience anal irritation.

Some other common causes of itchy anus include:

  • Anal fissures
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Yeast infections
  • Warts and HPV
  • Worms

Suggested Read: What are the Major Signs a Fissure is Healing?

How to Stop Itchy Anus Once and for All?

Here are some of the ways that can help you with the answer of how to stop an itchy anus using home remedies. 

Warm Water Soaks

Dr. Muhammad Umer Sheikh who is one of the top gastroenterologists in Pakistan says that an easy and efficient home cure for treating anal itching is a warm water bath. This procedure involves soaking the anal region in warm water for a specific amount of time, typically 10 to 15 minutes. A bathtub or a special sink called a sitz bath that fits over the toilet seat can be used for this remedy.

The warm water soothes and cleanses the sensitive skin around the anus, providing relief from itching and irritation

Aloe Vera Gel

A natural and calming home remedy for how to stop itchy anus, aloe vera gel can be used topically. This gel derived from the leaves of the succulent plant aloe vera has a number of healthy ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. Aloe vera gel has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin, which can be especially beneficial for irritated and itchy areas. To use it, 

  • Look for pure aloe vera gel or extract from the leaves of the aloe vera plant
  • Before applying the gel, gently clean the anal area with mild, unscented soap and water
  • Pat the area dry with a soft toweTake a small amount of aloe vera gel
  • Apply it directly to the itchy and irritated skin around the anus to see how to stop the itchy anus
  • Gently massage the gel into the skin for better absorption.
  • Let the gel dry on the skin, repeat if needed

Suggested Read: Aloe Vera Gel

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel can be applied topically to the anal area to provide relief from itching and irritation.

Witch hazel contains powerful astringent characteristics that can help tighten and constrict the tissues of the skin. It might temporarily lessen swelling and calm inflamed skin when applied to the anal area, relieving itching.

In order to avoid further drying and irritation, look for pure witch hazel extract or a witch hazel-based product with low alcohol content.

Before applying gently wash the anal area with mild, unscented soap and water to get the answer to how to stop itchy anus. 

Witch hazel is generally safe for most people when used topically. However, if you have sensitive skin or experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

When to See a Gastroenterologist

In conclusion, the route to getting relief from an itching anus (pruritus ani) doesn’t have to be unpleasant. You can wave goodbye to the discomfort and restore your comfort and confidence with a combination of easy home cures and a better understanding of possible underlying causes. So, hopefully, now you know the answer to how to stop an itchy anus. In case of any emergency, make sure to visit the best gastroenterologist near you by contacting Healthwire. 

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