Home General Health Why Do You Get Scabs in Nose & What to Do About It?

Why Do You Get Scabs in Nose & What to Do About It?

Scabs in nose
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Imagine waking up with an itchy, uncomfortable sensation in your nose. You reach for a tissue and discover a scab in your nostril. We’ve all been there, and it’s not a pleasant experience. Scabs in nose can make you feel downright miserable.

In this blog, we’ll explore what causes these nasal irritants, their symptoms, and, most importantly, how to get rid of them. 

Let’s learn how to breathe easy again.

What are Scabs in Nose? 

Scabs in the nose are a common annoyance. They are a protective crust or a rough, hard patch of dried blood, mucus, and tissue that forms inside your nostrils. 

These scabs can vary in size and often cause discomfort, itchiness, and sometimes even pain. But what causes these? Let’s find out. 

What Causes Scabs in Nose? 

What causes scabs in nose? Several factors can contribute to the development of scabs in the nose:

Dry Air

One of the most common culprits is dry air. 

Whether due to a heated indoor environment in the winter or low humidity, dry air can cause the delicate lining of your nasal passages to become dehydrated and prone to cracking, leading to scab formation.


Hay fever or dust mite allergies can irritate your nasal passages. The constant sneezing, congestion, and nose-blowing can lead to trauma in your nasal tissues, potentially causing scabs to form.

Nose Picking

This one is a no-brainer. 

Picking your nose, whether consciously or unconsciously, can introduce germs and trauma to the nasal passages, causing scabs to form. It’s essential to resist the urge to dig around up there.

Suggested Read: Tickle in Nose – Proven Ways to Get Rid of this Annoyance 


Infections like sinusitis or colds can result in an increased production of mucus. When the mucus dries up, it can form scabs in your nostrils.

Environmental Irritants

Exposure to harsh environmental irritants, like pollutants, tobacco smoke, or chemicals, can cause nasal irritation and lead to scab formation.

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What are the Symptoms of Scabs in Nose?

Let’s discuss what symptoms you might experience with scabs in your nose: 

  • Itchiness: One of the most common and irritating symptoms is an itchy sensation inside your nose. It can be maddening.
  • Discomfort: Scabs can cause a general feeling of discomfort or even pain in your nostrils.
  • Nosebleeds: Repeated scab formation and removal can increase the likelihood of nosebleeds, as the fragile nasal lining becomes more susceptible to bleeding.
  • Congestion: Scabs can obstruct your nasal passages, leading to congestion and difficulty breathing.
  • Difficulty Smelling: If scabs obstruct the olfactory nerves, you may experience a diminished sense of smell.

Doctor Recommendation: Dr. Muhammad Tariq is one of the best ENT Specialists in Islamabad. With experience spanning over 31 years, he is a qualified doctor in diagnosing and treating all ailments of the nose, throat, and ears. 

Home Remedies to Get Rid of the Scabs in Your Nose

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter: how to get rid of those irritating scabs in your nose. 

Here are some effective remedies to alleviate the discomfort and promote healing:

Keep a Humidifier in Your Room 

Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier can help combat the effects of dry air. It will keep your nasal passages hydrated and prevent scabs from forming.

Use Nasal Saline Sprays

Over-the-counter saline sprays can help moisten the nasal lining and alleviate discomfort. Regular use can prevent scabs from recurring.

Try Nasal Ointments

Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment inside your nostrils can keep the area moisturized and protect it from further irritation.

Avoid Nose Picking

It’s crucial to resist the urge to pick your nose, as this habit can worsen the issue. If you must clean your nose, use a tissue or a saline nasal spray.

Manage Your Allergies

If allergies are the root cause of your scabs, consult an allergist for effective management strategies, such as antihistamines or allergen avoidance.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can help maintain overall body hydration, including the moisture levels in your nasal passages.

Try Steam Inhalation

Inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water can help soothe your nasal passages and reduce dryness. Add a few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus for extra relief.

Apply Warm Compress

Applying a warm and damp cloth to your nose can ease discomfort and promote healing.

Take Pain Relievers

Non-prescription pain relievers, like ibuprofen, can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with scabs.

When to See an ENT Specialist for Scabs in Nose? 

Most of the time, you can manage scabs in the nose at home. However, there are situations when you should consult an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist.

Recurring Scabs

If you experience scabs in your nose frequently or they won’t go away, you should seek professional advice. It may indicate an underlying condition that needs further evaluation.

Severe Nosebleeds

If the scabs in your nose lead to severe or frequent nosebleeds, consult an ENT specialist to rule out any serious issues.

Persistent Symptoms

If you have persistent symptoms like severe pain, difficulty breathing, or a persistent foul smell in your nose, it’s crucial to see an ENT specialist.

Suspected Infection

If you suspect an infection is contributing to the scabs, an ENT specialist can diagnose and treat the issue appropriately.

Remember! Patience and consistency are key when it comes to dealing with nasal irritations. Say goodbye to the discomfort and hello to clear breathing!

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