Home General Health Everything You Need to Know About Sports Injury Treatment

Everything You Need to Know About Sports Injury Treatment

Sports Injury Treatment
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Sports injuries can happen when exercising or playing a sport. Although adults can also get these kinds of injuries, children are particularly vulnerable to them.

You are likely to get Sports injuries if you are:

  • Into contact sports
  • not consistently active
  • do not warm up adequately before exercising

Continue reading to find out more about sports injuries, your sports injury treatment choices, and advice on how to avoid getting hurt in the first place.

Types of Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can happen to any region of the body and are frequently caused by engaging in strenuous physical activity or playing sports. The following list of typical sports injuries includes,

Sprains: A sprain is caused by the stretching or tearing of a ligament that holds bones together at a joint. Sprained ankles are particularly frequent in sports.

Strains: Muscle or tendon injuries are described as strains. Tendons are the fibrous structures that attach muscles to bones. Sports involving running or abrupt changes in direction frequently entail groin and hamstring strains.

Dislocations: Before diving into sports injury treatment, know that a dislocation occurs when the bones in a joint are forced out of their normal positions. Common dislocations occur in the shoulder, finger, or kneecap.

Fractures: Broken or cracked bones are referred to as fractures. Depending on the impact of the event, fractures from sports can happen in a variety of places, including the wrists, ankles, or collarbones.

Concussions: Concussions are minor traumatic brain injuries brought on by a blow to the head or a sudden movement. They frequently happen in contact sports and can have detrimental effects.

Tennis and golfer’s elbows: Tennis and golfer’s elbows are overuse injuries that damage the tendons in the forearm. Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) are both common. What is sports injury treatment then? Well, in activities like tennis, golf, or weightlifting, repetitive arm motions can lead to these injuries.

ACL/MCL Tears: Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee are common in sports that involve sudden stops, pivoting, or changes in direction, such as soccer or basketball.

Shin Splints: Overuse or repetitive stress on the muscles and tissues around the bone can result in shin splints, which cause pain and discomfort along the shinbone (tibia). They frequently happen in runners or athletes taking part in activities that require jumping or abrupt stops.

Suggested Read: Stress Fractures from Sports Activities 

Sports Injuries Treatment

Experts at Hameed Latif Hospital say that the manner in which a sports injury is treated varies on the kind, degree, and particulars of the injury. Here are a few typical sports injury treatment methods:

RICE Method

A popular treatment plan for sports injuries is the RICE approach. It represents:

  • rest
  • ice
  • compression
  • elevation

This course of treatment is effective for minor sports injuries. Follow the RICE treatment within the first 24 to 36 hours following the injury for best outcomes.

 In the initial stages following a sports injury, it can aid in reducing swelling and guard against further discomfort and bruising. RICE guidelines and a schedule for recovery are provided here.

Here is how it is done. 


Rest is often the initial step in treating sports injuries. It allows the body time to heal and recover. Depending on the severity of the injury, rest may involve avoiding or modifying activities that put stress on the injured area.


Dr. Afzal Hussain who is one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Pakistan says that the first day or two following an injury is when using ice will be most beneficial. As sports injury treatment. Apply an ice pack, a bag of frozen vegetables, or a bag of crushed ice to your wound. 

By reducing the amount of blood flowing to the area, it will aid in reducing discomfort and avoiding swelling. Never put the ice straight on your bare skin to prevent frostbite. Instead, apply it to the damaged region after wrapping it in a small cloth or towel. 

Apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, letting your skin warm up normally in between applications.


Compression therapy as sports injury treatment reduces edema and offers support for the affected area. Wrap the wounded area gently with compression or elastic bandage. A snug fit is ideal, but not too tight to prevent circulation from being impeded. Wear the compression wrap all day, then take it off at night.


By enabling fluids to flow from the wounded area, elevating the affected area helps minimize swelling. When feasible, elevate the damaged location above the level of your heart. For instance, if your injury is to your leg, raise it up while sitting or lying down on a pillow or cushion.

Try lying down with one or two pillows jammed beneath your buttocks and lower back to lift it if you have a hip or buttocks injury.

It’s important to note that the RICE method is most effective during the initial stages of an injury, particularly within the first 48 to 72 hours.


Sports injury treatment can be done with both over-the-counter and prescription drugs. The majority of them reduce swelling and pain.

Schedule a visit with your doctor if your sports injury appears severe or feels uncomfortable. If the damaged joint exhibits any of the following symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

  • Severe edema and discomfort 
  • Apparent lumps, bumps, or other abnormalities
  • Popping or crunching sounds when using the weak joint
  • Being unable to put weight on the unstable joint

Additionally, if you feel any of the following an injury, seek emergency assistance:

  • Breathing issues 
  • Dizziness 
  • Fever

Surgery and physical treatment may be required for serious sports injuries. 

Make an appointment with your doctor if the wound doesn’t heal after two weeks and if sports injury treatment options don’t work.

Suggested Read: Understanding the Causes of Leg Pain at Night

Prevention For Sports Injuries

The greatest method to avoid a sports injury is to stretch and warm up correctly. Cold muscles are more prone to tearing and overstretching. 

Muscles that are warm are more flexible. Injury is less likely since they can absorb fast motions, bends, and jerks.

With that try and;

  • Use proper technique
  • Do not overdo
  • Use proper equipment
  • Cool Down
  • Resume the activity slowly

When to Visit a Doctor

Consult your doctor if there are signs of swelling or if it hurts to place weight on the affected area. If the problem is in the location of a previous injury, seek medical attention right away. It is best to visit your doctor if all the sports injury treatments do not work.

To book an appointment with the best orthopedic surgeon near you, you can contact Healthwire through the web or by downloading the app. 

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