Epizolam (7.5mg) 10 Tablets

Epizolam (7.5mg) 10 Tablets

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  • Manufacturer Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
  • Generic Name Midazolam
Rs. 97.75 Rs. 115.0

Product Information

  • Description

    Midazolam is a hypnotic drug mostly used to treat insomnia. It is rapidly absorbed when taken orally, with peak concentrations reached within an hour, due to its potent agonist action on the benzodiazepine receptor. This suppresses neuron excitation, increasing the action of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, creating a calming effect. It is sometimes used in surgical procedures, combined with local or general anesthesia. Midazolam is a controlled substance due to its potential for abuse and addiction, so careful medical instruction should be followed when using this medication.

  • Ingredients

  • Drug Class


  • Dosage Form

  • Uses

    Unveiling its multifaceted uses and transformative applications as follows:

  • Dosage

    Tailoring Treatment for Optimal Health, Prescribed Medication Dosage is:

    • Midazolam 7.5mg is typically taken in doses of 2-3mg for anxiety.
    • Midazolam 7.5mg dose for seizures depends on severity and is usually administered every 1-2 hours, not to exceed the total dose of 35mg per day.
    • For procedural sedation, doses ranging from 0.05-0.1mg/kg intravenously, not to exceed 7mg in adults.
  • In case of Overdose

    Midazolam is a medication used to treat anxiety and insomnia, specifically categorized as a benzodiazepine. It functions by amplifying the effects of a neurotransmitter called GABA, which in turn decreases the activity of other nerves, resulting in a calm effect on both the body and mind. While it is effective for many who use it as prescribed, immediate medical attention is required if an overdose is suspected. Emergency medical treatment is crucial if an overdose of midazolam is experienced. The manifestation of symptoms may include severe dizziness, confusion, lack of coordination, lightheadedness, and fainting. Within medical care, the treatment tends to focus on supportive care, involving vigilance of the heart and breathing rates, as well as other crucial signs, until the effects of the medication wear off. Consequently, more intense medical procedures may be required if the drug must be removed from the body, such as dialysis. For at-home treatment, it is vital to contact emergency medical services immediately for professional supervision. The individual should not be left unattended due to the potentially severe symptoms that could lead to further medical emergencies.

  • Missed Dose

    If you miss a dose of midazolam, it is important to follow the instructions from your healthcare provider. The timeframe of when you can take it depends on when you remember the missed dose. If it has been less than 15 minutes, you can take the missed dose right away. However, if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose, then it is recommended to skip the missed dose and just take the next one as scheduled. You should not take double midazolam doses unless your doctor advises you to do so. If you miss several doses in a row, it is important to inform your doctor or pharmacist because they may need to adjust your dosage or schedule to ensure your treatment remains effective and safe.

  • How To Use

    Midazolam is a medication available by prescription only, used to treat anxiety and seizures. It is a type of benzodiazepine, which helps calm anxiety and relax muscles. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist for taking midazolam. It is also essential to understand the potential side effects of the medication, such as addiction or withdrawal syndrome, to prevent addiction. It is advised to avoid eating or drinking grapefruit while on this medication unless you have consulted your doctor otherwise. To take midazolam, you must read the medication guide provided by your pharmacist before using it and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, you should ask your doctor or pharmacist. You can take midazolam with or without food, but it is recommended to take it with food if you have nausea. If you are using the liquid form of this medication, it is important to use a special measuring device or spoon to ensure you take the correct dose. The dosage depends on your medical condition, age, and response to the treatment. One of the precautions to taking midazolam is that it may cause addiction or withdrawal syndrome if used regularly in high doses. Withdrawal symptoms may occur if you suddenly stop taking this medication, so it is important to reduce your dose gradually under your doctor's guidance. It is also essential to be aware of the potential risk of addiction if you have a substance use disorder. Another side effect of this medication is dizziness, so it is advised to be cautious when driving or operating heavy machinery. Overall, it is important to take midazolam as prescribed and to follow the instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist to ensure the best possible results.

  • When Not to Use

    Discerning instances where this medication may not be appropriate:

    • You have a personal or family history of severe or violent reactions to drugs or alcohol.
    • You have severe breathing problems, such as acute lung injury, severe asthma, or sleep apnea.
    • You are allergic to midazolam or other similar drugs.
    • You have severe liver disease or are taking medications that are metabolized or excreted by the liver.
    • You have a condition called myasthenia gravis, where your muscles become weak.
  • Side Effects

    Unraveling the side effects lurking behind this medications are as follows:

    • Dizziness
    • Drowsiness
    • Confusion
    • Memory loss
    • Agitation
    • Irritability
    • Loss of balance
    • Blurred vision
  • Storage/Disposal

    Midazolam is a medication used to treat anxiety and seizures and it should be stored in a safe and secure location. The medication should be stored at room temperature in a dry place and kept away from any heat, light, or moisture. The storage area should be out of the reach of children, pets, and any individual whom the medication is not prescribed to. To prevent contamination or degradation, ensure that the medication is always sealed tightly in its original container after each use. It is recommended to follow the storage instructions provided by the manufacturer, pharmacy, or healthcare provider. Keep track of the expiration date on the label and consult your doctor, pharmacist, or medical provider if you have any questions or concerns about storing Midazolam.

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