Neodipar (850mg) 30 Tablets

Neodipar (850mg) 30 Tablets

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  • Manufacturer Sanofi-aventis
  • Generic Name Metformin
Rs. 31.26 Rs. 32.9
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Product Information

  • Description

    This medicine is used to treat diabetes mellitus type 2. It contains Metformin, an anti-diabetic ingredient, that works by the alteration of the energy metabolism of the cell. Metformin exerts its prevailing, glucose-lowering effect by inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis and opposing the action of glucagon.

  • Ingredients

  • Drug Class

    Anti-diabetic Drug

  • Dosage Form

  • Uses

    This medicine is anti-diabetic and is used for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.

  • Dosage

    Follow these dosage instructions:

    • Take as per doctor's Prescription.
    • Take one tablet per day as your doctor suggests.
    • Your doctor will determine the treatment length based on your symptom severity.
  • In case of Overdose

    If you think you have used too much of this medicine, talk to your doctor. Seek medical emergency help immediately. An overdose can cause low blood sugar levels. Watch out for symptoms like sweating, shakiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating.

  • Missed Dose

    If you miss a dose, make sure to take it as soon as possible the same day. If you don't remember missing the dose, don't double it. Consult your doctor on how to adjust the missing doses.

  • How To Use

    Take one tablet per day, with or without food as your doctor has recommended. Swallow the tablet with water and don't chew it. Take the medication regularly and at the same time each day to get the most benefit from it.

  • When Not to Use

    You should not use this medication if:

    • You have renal impairment, end-stage kidney disease, or on dialysis.
    • You have metabolic acidosis, including diabetic ketoacidosis.
    • You have a history of serious hypersensitivity reactions to metformin.
  • Side Effects

    Some common side effects include:

    • Urinary tract infection and female genital mycotic infections.
    • Diarrhea
    • Nausea/vomiting
    • Flatulence
    • Abdominal discomfort
    • Indigestion
    • Asthenia (Abnormal physical weakness or lack of energy)
    • Headache
  • Precautions & Warnings

    You should practice these cautions before taking the medicine:

    • Talk to your doctor if you are pregnant or lactating, and there’s no safer alternative available.
    • Talk to your doctor if you have hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any of the components in the medicine.
    • Talk to your doctor if you have liver or kidney disease.
    • Do not drive after using this medication as it can lower your blood sugar.
    • Don't use alcohol while using this medication as it can increase the risk of hypoglycemia.
  • Drug Interactions

    This medication may interact with these drugs and indicate:

    • Diuretics
    • Positive Urine Glucose Test
    • Interference with 1,5-anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG)
    • Corticosteroids
    • Phenothiazines
    • Thyroid products
    • Estrogens
    • Oral contraceptives
    • Phenytoin
    • Nicotinic acid
    • Calcium channel-blocking drugs
  • Storage/Disposal

    Store the medicine at room temperature and keep out of direct sunlight, excessive heat, and moisture. Keep the medicine out of the reach of children and animals. Do not use the medication past its expiration date.

  • Control Drug


  • Quick Tips, if any

    Always follow your doctor's advice, and never self-medicate.

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