Zatofen (1mg) 30 Tablets

Zatofen (1mg) 30 Tablets

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  • Manufacturer Novartis Pharma Limited
  • Generic Name Ketotifen
Rs. 325.05 Rs. 335.1

Product Information

  • Description

    It is a non-competitive histamine antagonist and mast cell stabilizer

  • Ingredients

  • Drug Class


  • Dosage Form

  • Uses

    This medication is used for treating and preventing and reducing the frequency of asthma attacks

  • Dosage

    To be taken as per doctor's prescription

  • In case of Overdose

    Seek immediate help in case of symptoms such as blurred vision, confusion, convulsions, disorientation, irregular pulse or heart beat or sweating

  • Missed Dose

    If you miss a dose, make sure to take it as soon as possible the same day. If you don't remember missing the dose, don't double it. Consult your doctor on how to adjust the missing doses.

  • How To Use

    Swallow these pills with a glass of water. Take these as per your health care provider's instructions.

  • When Not to Use

    Do not use in case you are allergic to any constituent

  • Side Effects

    Side effects include:

    • weight gain
    • drowsiness
    • dryness
    • chills and fever
  • Precautions & Warnings

    Practice caution in case of:

    • You have diabetes
    • You have epilepsy
    • pregnant or lactating
    • driving after usage as it can make you drowsy
  • Drug Interactions

    Do not use in case you are already using:

    • amifampridine
    • bupropion
    • donepezil
    • pitolisant
  • Storage/Disposal

    Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Keep away from children

  • Control Drug


  • Quick Tips, if any

    Do not crush, chew, or split the tablet.

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