Home General Health How to Stop Sweaty Hands in Summer? 5 Useful Remedies to Try at Home!

How to Stop Sweaty Hands in Summer? 5 Useful Remedies to Try at Home!

Sweaty Hands
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Imagine: Your hands are sweating as you are about to sign a business agreement, meet your celebrity crush, or participate in a video game tournament. It seems as though your hands have transformed into little, individual rain clouds! But do not worry, my buddy, for we are about to find out why this happens and how this can be stopped. 

After leaving your fingerprints on a number of gadgets, experiencing the awkwardness of shaking people’s hands, and feeling like your hands have been at a crime scene, sweaty hands have become a cause of worry for so many people this summer. 

So, hold your grip tight, and get ready to high-five with confidence. 

What Causes Sweaty Hands?

When things heat up, our body’s sweat glands function as a natural thermostat to keep us cool. Therefore, your sweat glands start working overtime when your body temperature rapidly rises, whether it’s as a result of hot weather, a hard workout, or even an emotional rollercoaster. It sounds like they’re giving us a sign to calm down.

Dr. Syed Jaffar Imam says that it’s not just external factors that can turn your hands into a slip ‘n slide. Spicy food, stress, anxiety, genes, menopause, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, antidepressants, painkillers, and other medicines can also be blamed for sweaty hands. 

You will be surprised to know that a lot of times the excessive intake of caffeine and drinking can cause sweaty hands which is also known as hyperhidrosis

How to Treat Sweaty Hands?

There are many easily accessible scented antiperspirants that can cover up the unpleasant smell of sweat and temporarily minimize excessive perspiration. However, utilizing more potent antiperspirants with aluminum chloride is better for long-term relief from sweaty hands.

But, a lot of us, really do not like depending on antiperspirants when it comes to treating excessively sweaty hands. So, it is best to go for natural home remedies that can help you with excessive sweating. 

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Home Remedies for Sweaty Hands

Here are some of the home remedies that can help you with excessive sweating while keeping the pH of the skin balanced. Here are some for you to try.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can be a handy home remedy to tackle sweaty hands by helping maintain the body’s pH levels. Here are a few methods you can try to combat excessive sweating using ACV

  • Before you go to sleep, apply ACV to the troubled regions.
  • If your feet are perspiring, soak them in a mixture of a cup of apple cider vinegar and one liter of cool water. Sweating can be decreased by soaking your feet in this solution for about 15 minutes each day.
  • You can apply ACV to your hands and feet and let them dry if you don’t want to soak them. You can then remove it with some water.
  • ACV is best consumed first thing in the morning by mixing 1 to 2 tablespoons of it with a glass of water.


Naturally acidic in nature, lemon is used as one of the best home remedies for sweaty hands. The versatility of lemon makes it to be used in more than one way. Here are some of the effective ways that can be used:

Lemon and Salt Scrub: Mix lemon juice with salt to create a scrub. Gently rub this mixture on your hands, allowing it to dry. Once dry, rinse it off. The combination of lemon’s astringent properties and salt can help reduce sweating.

Citrus Peel: Dry lemon and orange peels and grind them into a powder. Dust this powder on your hands and feet to help prevent excessive sweating. The natural compounds in citrus peels may have a drying effect.

Experts at Ashfaq Memorial Hospital say that it is best to perform a patch test before using any of these methods to ensure you don’t have any adverse reactions. While lemon-based remedies can provide temporary relief, it’s important to address the underlying causes of excessive sweating for long-term management. 

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You can use moist black tea bags to treat sweaty palms and feet since they have antiperspirant characteristics. Every day, keep them in your sweaty hands for a few minutes and see the results yourself. 

  • You can also use black tea bags to wipe your hands and feet if you’d like.
  • As an alternative, you can immerse your hands and feet in hot water with 3–4 tea bags dissolved in it for 30 minutes.
  • You may carry out this every day.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antifungal qualities that can help you in stopping excessive sweating.

  • Apply a tiny amount of tea tree oil on a regular basis to sweaty regions
  • Tea tree oil should only be applied sparingly because using too much will dry out the skin.


Everyone enjoys the simple potato in a variety of ways! But what if we told you that utilizing potatoes is also an excellent cure for sweaty hands, would you believe us? It is real! As a low-acid diet, they can aid in reducing excessive perspiration.

Using a cotton ball and potato juice, apply to the affected regions.

Slices of potato can also be used to massage your hands and feet. After letting the juice sit for a while, wash it off.

Consult a Dermatologist if it Doesn’t Get Better!

After having a look at all the possible home remedies that can be used to cure sweaty hands, if you still think that your sweaty hands are getting out of control, then it is best to book an appointment with the best dermatologist near you by contacting Healthwire. 

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