Home Nutrition & Diet 7 Benefits of Sattu Making it Perfect Summer Superfood

7 Benefits of Sattu Making it Perfect Summer Superfood

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Savoury Sattu Drink – What makes it the greatest summer pleasure?

Probably it’s due to the cooling effect it has. But do you know that there are many other sattu benefits that make it worth the title summer superfood.

Sattu ka sharbat is a popular comfort food that is commonly available in summers. You can drink it to reap many important sattu benefits.

Sattu – A Popular Summer Superfood

Sattu (ستو), prepared from roasted gram flour, has an exceptional nutritional profile. This is a popular floor that is quite popular among people from the sub-continent. Other than gram flour, other grains are also used to prepare it. You can use it with water or milk. 

Talking about its nutrition, it is made from roasted grain and is a great source of protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, calcium etc. Here are the nutrition facts of sattu.

Nutritional Profile of Roasted Gram Sattu (100 grams)

Calories: 413 kcal

Carbs: 64 grams

Protein: 25 grams

Fiber: 18 grams

Fats: 5 grams

Other than these, sattu also contains other healthy nutrients such as sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium etc.

Sattu Drink Benefits

If you are looking for more reasons to add it to your routine then here is all about the benefits of sattu. 

Regulate Your Blood Sugar Level

Are you looking to make the right food choices while being diabetic?

Well, sattu can be one perfect drink you can have in summer. Sattu is loaded with healthy nutrients that can keep your sugar level healthy. However, while making sattu water, avoid adding sugar to it especially if you are diabetic. 

People who are already following an existing treatment plan for diabetes, should consult the best diabetologist to make informed decisions regarding their health.

Provides Energy

Do you also struggle with poor energy levels in summers?

Well, in my case sattu is my go-to drink to feel super energetic in summers. I prefer it, especially during Ramadan and make sure to have it in iftar. The reason why sattu makes you feel so energetic lies in its nutritional profile. It contains iron, phosphorus and magnesium that can revive your energy levels immediately. Further, adding salt and sugar to your sattu drink is also good for your electrolyte balance. 

Read more about the ways to stay hydrated in Ramadan.

Better Digestion

What if I tell you that regular use of sattu is good for your digestive health. Use of sattu can help you to get rid of problems like constipation. Sattu contains a good amount of fiber that can regulate your bowel movement resolving the troubles like constipation. 

Good for Weight Loss

Shedding weight can be problematic. 

Your slow metabolism, fat stored in the body, unhealthy eating habits, all of these can make it difficult to lose weight. However, sattu can be good for weight loss. 

This is possible because sattu is rich in fiber. Fiber makes you full for a longer time thus reducing your calorie consumption. Further, it also helps to boost your metabolism by regulating bowel movements.

 All of these reasons make sattu a weight loss-friendly ingredient. This is also good for the people who work out on a daily basis. A good amount of vegan proteins in sattu can help you to grow muscles and this makes it better than any protein shake. 

Read more about best weight loss workouts.

Heart Friendly

When it comes to choosing heart healthy foods, you are more likely to find yourself struggling with this. If you are still wondering then SATTU can be the answer, here.

Yes, you heard it right. Alongside all other health benefits of sattu, this is also considered good for your heart health. According to several researches, fiber plays a good role in heart health and that’s it heart friendly.

It not only controls your blood cholesterol levels but also keeps your blood pressure under control. Both of these are the prerequisites for good health and keeping health problems at bay.

Removes Toxins

Next in the list of sattu benefits comes its role in removing toxins from your body. 

Yes, our unhealthy lifestyles are the reason that we end up accumulating these toxic substances in our bodies. These toxins can ultimately compromise our overall health. So, if you want to boost your overall health then sattu can help you. How does sattu work here?

Flushing these toxins from your body supports good health.

Healthier Hair

Hair health problems are many and most of us struggle with these on a daily basis. 

You will be surprised to know that sattu is good for your hair as well. This is because it contains the healthy nutrients that are known to promote hair growth. With proper nutrition provided to your hair, the problem of hair fall and weaker hair can go away. However, regular use of sattu is the condition you need to know.

Read more about how to grow long hair.

Good for Skin

Just like your hair, your skin needs proper nutrition and nourishment. Sattu does the job really well. 

Not only sattu have skin hydrating properties but it also reduces the damage to your skin due to skin cell damage. In all these ways, sattu is considered a skin healthy ingredient. So let’s make your glowing skin dream come true with this simple ingredient. 

Is There Any Side Effect of Sattu?

Benefits of sattu… Yes, there are many. 

But are there any side effects of sattu as well? 

To answer this, sattu is a healthy drink that is generally safe for consumption for both adults and children. However, sometimes the excessive use of sattu can result in certain side effects. These include digestive problems like gas or bloating. Further, people who suffer from health problems like gall and bladder stones should also avoid consuming it in larger quantities. 

Let’s Reap Sattu Benefits This Summer! 

Sattu is a summer superfood, for all the reasons. 

From healthy skin to aiding weight loss, sattu can be a great help. 

However, whenever using it on a routine basis, make sure you use it in moderation to prevent any side effects. You can drink sattu water daily and the good part is it’s the easiest to prepare. 

All you need is to add sattu powder to milk or water and a little bit of shakkar to give it a sweet taste. 

So, let’s make your summer more fun with this savoury drink and sip, sip, hooray!

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