You know brushing your teeth correctly is essential for keeping your teeth pearly white and healthy. But did you know you could be making brushing mistakes that are causing more harm than good?
Yes! Dental sensitivity, gum recession, reduced tooth enamel can all be caused by brushing errors.
Here I am going to describe the most common blunders people make when brushing their teeth.
Table of Contents
Mistakes we do while Brushing
1- Brushing Too Much Or Not Enough
Overdoing it, believe it or not, can be just as damaging as not brushing enough! So, if you’re a little too enthusiastic about brushing your teeth, take a break!
Brushing your teeth should be limited to two times per day, once in the morning and once before night.
Brushing too seldom, on the other hand, produces a slew of issues. These include:
- The most visible is poor breath, which can make people uncomfortable in your presence!
- Moreover, the acid in your mouth builds up over time and contributes to tooth deterioration.
- Cavities form as a result of not brushing enough, which are uncomfortable and can lead to infection.
- Gum disease, which commonly involves bleeding and infection, can also be caused by inadequate cleaning.
2- Brushing Too Hard
Brushing your teeth incorrectly is the most common brushing mistake people make. It is a common fallacy that the force with which you brush your teeth cleans them. But too forceful brushing can wear down your tooth enamel and gums, causing tooth sensitivity.
3- Forgetting Your Tongue
Many folks overlook this step. It’s just as vital to brush your tongue as it is to brush your teeth.
Because bacteria love to linger on your tongue, it is a breeding place for them. When bacteria sit and breed on your tongue, it leads to bad breath.
Therefore, brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth which is one of the effective home remedies to get rid of bad breath.
4- Using A Brush for Too Long
We don’t always notice how long it has been since we last changed our toothbrush. It’s important to remember that brushes lose their efficiency with time and can harbour hazardous microorganisms.
According to the American Dental Association (ADA), it’s advised that you replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, or as soon as the bristles get frayed.
Also, if you’re sick, make sure you replace your toothbrush.
5- Using Toothbrush That is Too Hard
Choose bristles that are gentle or exceptionally soft!
Medium and firm bristles are not only overly rough and can cause gum recession, but they are also not flexible enough to clean well. As a result, your teeth and gums become sensitive and painful when you drink something cold.
A soft toothbrush makes it easier to clean between your teeth and under your gums.

6- Not Brushing Your Teeth Long Enough
Brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day is the suggested time. However, the average person brushes for only 45 SECONDS!
There’s a reason why 2 minutes is recommended. Brushing for less than 2 minutes does not provide the fluoride in your toothpaste enough time to work and adhere to your teeth’s enamel.
So brush for two minutes, set a timer, and listen to music. Your teeth will thank you for anything that helps you keep to the two-minute rule.
7- Brushing Just After Eating/Drinking
Contrary to popular belief, dental specialists from the best hospitals in Lahore now recommend waiting 30 minutes after eating or drinking before brushing your teeth.
This is because, within the first 5 minutes of eating, your saliva pH drops from a typical neutral level of 7 to an acidic level of 4.5. It takes 30 minutes for your saliva to return to normal after eating.
So, brushing within the first 30 minutes will practically brush acidic saliva all over your teeth, potentially causing enamel loss.
8- Skipping Flossing
Flossing may not be the most glamorous of jobs, but it is an important part of your oral hygiene routine. It aids in the removal of food and debris from between the teeth, which can otherwise cause plaque build-up.
Make it a habit to floss every day. Flossing at least once a day is advised; bedtime is usually the greatest time because it helps you to complete the day with a lovely, clean mouth.
9- Using Wrong Brushing Techniques
Moving next to brushing mistakes is the use of wrong brushing techniques which cause more harm than good.
Some tips to brush methods include:
- Brushing should be done in circles rather than back and forth.
- Brush both the teeth and the gumline.
- Don’t press down too hard; use a softer touch.
- Tilt your brush vertically behind the front and bottom teeth and use only the front half of the brush to make gently rolling strokes.
10- Brushing Teeth at the Wrong Angle
Most people don’t know the correct angle to brush their teeth. And many of them get discolouration as well as cavities and gum disease.
Making short circular strokes while holding your brush at a 45-degree angle. That is the most effective cleaning angle.
Final Words!
Apart from fixing the above mentioned brushing mistakes, it is essential to visit your dentist regularly.
The dentist will be able to detect potential problems during your routine check-up before they become symptomatic. For instance, you might have a minor cavity that can be readily fixed during a routine dental appointment. It can grow into a larger cavity or a more serious condition if ignored.
If you follow this advice, you’ll have pearly whites that are clean, healthy, and strong! To make an appointment with the best dentists near you, you can visit