Home Nutrition & Diet Anti-Parasite Food- How They Help You To Maintain Your Health

Anti-Parasite Food- How They Help You To Maintain Your Health

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We can understand, as a mother, that it is so upsetting for you when your child’s health starts decreasing day by day. You become so tense when you realize that your baby is losing weight and becoming lazy. Things become much worse when you find worms or insects in your kid’s poop.

These parasites enter your child’s body and use the intestine as a shelter. They live, eat and grow there. Some parasites live in other parts of the body such as lice, they live and grow in your head.  They cannot live on their own. These parasites live in your children’s intestine or another part of the body and often reproduce. Parasites may or may not cause symptoms. 

But their presence itself is stressful for you. There is natural food available that helps you to kill those parasites. These foods are enriched in probiotics that kill bacteria and protect your immune system.  Before moving to probiotic-enriched food and remedies let’s discuss what causes these parasites and what symptoms they cause. 

What Are The Causes Of Parasites Presence In Your Child’s Body?

There are multiple causes that help these parasites to get into your body such as giardiasis, a disease that is caused by drinking contaminated water. When your kid drinks water from an unreliable source it includes parasites and other bacteria. These parasites enter your kid’s bodies and go to the intestine. 

Another reason is that the food your kid eats is a major source of parasites.  Parasites enter your body when they eat unwashed fruits, vegetables, and partially cooked meat. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Parasite Presence?

There are several symptoms that your child complains to you while holding his belly and they are like:

  • Stomach pain 
  • Nausea 
  • Dehydration 
  • Weight loss 
  • Swollen lymph nodes 
  • Constipation 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Skin itching, rashes, and eczema 
  • Muscle and joint pain 
  • Grinding teeth 
  • Itching of the anus 

These symptoms look similar to other digestive issues but you can visit a pediatrician to confirm your diagnosis. 

How To Treat Worms Naturally With Food

We can beat anything with nature and here it comes true. Enriched probiotic foods have the properties to kill bacteria and parasites, improve digestive health and protect our immune system. You can give these foods and natural herbs to your kids without worrying about side effects because they have no side effects. Enriched probiotic foods are like 


Papaya is the best option for your gut health because it has a high amount of digestive enzymes that improve your digestion. Take one glass of warm milk to add one tablespoon of raw papaya. You can add honey as well to improve taste and mix them well.  If your children will drink this solution on an empty stomach for a week and you will find a difference. 

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric has anti-inflammation and anti-microbial properties that reduce inflammation caused by the parasites. Turmeric is a magical natural ingredient that helps to remove all intestinal parasites from your body. 

All you have to do is take a glass of warm milk and mix one tablespoon of turmeric in it. Give your child this drink for a week and it will kill all the parasites. 

Seeds Of Pumpkin

Pumpkin seeds consist of a compound that is known as cucurbitacin. Cucurbitacin has special anti-parasites properties that paralyze the parasites and flush them out of the body. Take roasted seeds of pumpkin and grind them well. Add one tablespoon of pumpkin seeds powder in milk and drink this mixture each morning on an empty stomach for a week. 

Neem Leaves

Neem leaves are good to heal stomach and digestive issues. Grind the leaves of neem and make a fine paste of it. Take a glass of water and consume a half tablespoon of this paste every morning on an empty stomach. Help your kid to consume this paste for a week and this will help you to reduce parasites in your intestine. 


Garlic has countless benefits and you can use it for many beneficial reasons. Garlic contains anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that help you to get rid of parasites. Chew one clove of garlic or you can make a garlic tea. It’s up to you how you would like to give it to your child. But it will definitely work to kill parasites. 


If you are looking for the most effective remedy then you should use coconut. Children like to eat coconut so give them 2 pieces of coconut in the morning. After one hour of breakfast, give them warm milk to drink. This will increase their immunity and help them to fight all parasites. 


Carrots contain beta carotene that helps to kill the eggshells of intestinal parasites and stop the growth of the parasites. 


We have seen that when your kid has parasites in his stomach, people ask you to give your child a banana. Here the question arises, 

Do Bananas Kill Parasites?

A study reveals that a  banana has specific plant toxins that kill parasites. When your child eats a lot of bananas, these toxins get stored in the lipids of the human body and help to kill the parasites. 

Things You Should Consider

Parasites are living organisms that can’t live on their own. They live, eat and grow on other organisms like fruits, animals, poultry animals, and contaminated water. When you eat or drink any of them they enter your body and cause infections like stomach pain, constipation, diarrhoea, fever, and many other symptoms. We need an instant solution to kill these parasites and then flush them out of your body. 

There are enriched probiotic foods available that work as anti-parasites and kill all parasites in your body. This way they increase your immunity. But if your child is losing weight day by day and becoming inactive then you should ask your specialist for recommendations. 

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