Home Women's Health Benefits of Water Birth – Learn About this Natural Delivery Option

Benefits of Water Birth – Learn About this Natural Delivery Option

Benefits of Water Birth
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Water birth or water-assisted birth… Have you heard about this?

This is a recent development in birth-giving methods alongside other common birth methods.

The idea is to make the process of childbirth easier for women who are in prolonged pain.

You may think of it as something new but the history of water birth dates back to 1800. This old birth method has recently become more popular than ever.

Water birth is a common water delivery method that is more relaxing than ever. In this method. A woman spends the first labor stage in a hot water bath that helps the mother with the childbirth process.

Let’s dive deeper into the details! 

What is Water Birth?

We all have heard about vaginal birth or C-section previously. Now it’s time to know some facts about water birth.

In this method, a woman who enters into the labor phase spends labor phases in hot water which reduces the pain and makes the process easier and less painful for mothers. This is done in a hot bathtub. Water birth is convenient at home or now this facility is now available at modern hospitals and healthcare centers.

According to the top reviewed gynecologist in Lahore, Dr Maliha AmjadDuring the process of waterbirth, a pool or bathtub is filled with water, and is filled with water whose temperature is at 98-100°C.” The pools also have disposable liners which decrease the risk of infection. You shouldn’t add essential oils to it just like your ordinary hot bath.

Now let us look at some of the potential water birth benefits!

What are Some Benefits of Water Birth?

What made water birth so popular? Well, the reason was the potential benefits of water birth that made it a much more prevalent practice. Let’s know more about these in detail:

1- Water Birth is More Relaxing

A warm bath promotes relaxation, no matter if it’s just fatigue or painful periods.

For this reason, water is also helpful for mothers who are just entering the childbirth phase. 

We know for a fact that the process of childbirth is very bothersome and can be difficult to deal with. All the pain and anxiety a female goes through can be unbearable. During this phase, a hot water bath promotes relaxation. There are even claims that a water birth helps to lower maternal blood pressure as well.

Suggested Read: High blood pressure in pregnancy.

2- Speeds Up Labor

Many women struggle to speed up labor and can use many ways to do so. 

However, if you are looking to do this, then a warm water bath can help you.

Soaking in the water is a relaxing experience for women that keeps labor going. Women who are in their early labor phase should go for warm water baths as the efficacy of waterbirth is proven effective during the early labor phase.

3- Waterbirth is More Comfortable

Childbirth is never an easy process. 

Women have to deal with a lot while they are going through it. They often require specific body positions that make birth easier. During the normal delivery process, a mother’s movement gets restricted due to many reasons. However, the buoyancy of the water helps to make it a comfortable experience. This gives females the freedom to move around and to choose a comfortable position.

Suggested Read: Natural delivery tips for women.

4- Reduces the Requirement for Anesthesia

During the normal delivery process, normally anesthesia is required to relieve the pain. 

But all thanks to the process of waterbirth that helps with pain relief to an extent that a female might not require anesthesia. This helps to reduce discomfort during the birthing process. So, if you want to choose natural ways over medicinal ones, water birth is for you, said renowned gynecologist from KRL Hospital Islamabad.

5- Eliminates the Need for Episiotomy

Episiotomy is the process of making surgical cuts near the vagina that makes the birthing process easier for women. In the case of waterbirth, the dilation of the perineum occurs which prepares your body for the process ahead. This is next in the benefits of water birth as it reduces the severity of vaginal tears and overcomes the requirement of episiotomy and stitches. 

Suggested Read: Vaginal pain in pregnancy

6- Ensures Mother Participation in the Process

Normally during the birthing process, women tend to participate less due to all the physical pain and trauma they are going through. 

However, the process of waterbirth is more comfortable than the other methods. With this, women are able to manage pain in a better way and have regulated blood flow. This makes it a pleasant experience for mothers to ensure their healthy participation in the process.

7- Water Birth Benefits for Baby

Water birth is not only beneficial for the mother but also helps the baby.

Baby resides inside the mother’s body surrounded by amniotic fluid. After birth, the baby’s external environment changes significantly. In the case of vaginal birth, the transition is huge. However, in the case of waterbirth, the shift of environment is not as severe for the baby. The baby moves from amniotic fluid to warm water and this transition is quite gentle accounting for the further benefit of waterbirth. 

So, all of this makes water birth a more convenient option than other methods. With all these benefits of water birth, there are questions about the risks associated with this method. Let’s talk about them!

What are the Risks of Water Birth?

The method of waterbirth is generally safe for everyone but this might not be a preferable choice for all. Here are some of the considerations about water birthing that you may need to keep in your mind.

  • In case of high-risk pregnancies, both mother and children may require proper monitoring which is not possible in water birth
  • Further, waterbirth might not be a suitable option in case of multiple births
  • The contamination of water through vaginal discharge can increase the risk of infection in fetus
  • If not handled carefully, the baby could swallow the water used for the birthing process. 

So, it is always better to consult your doctor while you are looking to make a choice.

A Word from Healthwire!

Waterbirth is a good choice for mothers who want to have a pleasant birth experience. The process eases them throughout different stages of birthing. This method is generally safe for women who have low-risk pregnancies. However, only your doctor can help you decide whether a water birth is suitable for you or not. You can consult your gynecologist to make a wise choice regarding the birthing process and discuss your preferences with them. 

You can consult the best gynecologist in Islamabad via Healthwire to make informed decisions regarding your health.

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