Home Child Care & Health 7 Pregnancy Care Tips to Make a Smart Baby!

7 Pregnancy Care Tips to Make a Smart Baby!

Pregnancy Care Tips
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Do you know during pregnancy, your diet, emotions, and how you interact with your baby bump have a role in your baby’s development? How can you make sure that your baby comes out intelligent and smart? Well, you need some pregnancy care tips for that to happen. 

Keep on reading this blog till the end to find out how you can make your baby intelligent.  

How to Make a Smart Baby with Pregnancy Care Tips?

Genes play a significant role in defining intelligence and personality. However, the right lifestyle choice during pregnancy can help guarantee those genes get imprinted in the womb.

Researchers estimate that only 50% of IQ is determined by genes, with the balance impacted by a baby’s surroundings.’

So, what are you holding out for? Make sure that your child inherits your intelligence right away. We have some pregnancy care tips up our sleeves for you to take notes and be vigilant. 

Tip # 1: Start a Storytime Habit

Reading or telling stories to your baby while they’re still in the womb can have a positive impact on their developing brain. It exposes them to language and helps them become familiar with the sound of your voice.

You can read books, magazines, or even your favorite novels out loud to your baby. This habit can create a strong early bond and may encourage a love for reading later in life.

Tip # 2: Stay Active: Your Baby Loves the Endorphin Boost

Do you enjoy the endorphin boost that comes with exercise? So does your baby. 

Exercise hormones reach the placenta, showering your baby with “feel-good” hormones for up to eight hours. Moreover, exercise stimulates the blood flow throughout your body including the womb, and aids in your baby’s development. 

According to new research, exercise during pregnancy can boost neurons in your baby’s hippocampus – the learning and memory area of the brain – by 40%.

Regular, moderate exercise during pregnancy can provide various benefits. It helps boost your mood by releasing endorphins, which can reduce stress and promote a positive environment for your baby.

Activities like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga can help you stay fit and maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy.

Tip # 3: Get a Little Sunshine Every Day 

Dr. Zobia Jawad, an experienced gynecologist based in Lahore, emphasizes the importance of taking vitamin D during pregnancy. 

And all you have to do is soak it up for 20 minutes daily. Up to 70% of pregnant women are deficient in vitamin D. It is due to insufficient vitamin D in their diet and a lack of sunlight.

This nutrient is critical for your baby’s bone and heart development, and experts have begun to look into a link between a lack of vitamin D in pregnant women and autism.

Spend a few minutes outdoors daily, but be mindful of protecting your skin from excessive sun exposure.

Tip # 4: Massage Your Bump with Almond Oil

Your baby can feel you touching your bump at 20 weeks. Stroking your bump can convey calming impulses to your baby’s nervous system. 

Research suggests an unborn baby can tell the difference between a mother’s and a father’s touch. 

So what are you waiting for? Get the almond oil and start massaging your bump. 

A gentle belly massage with almond oil can be relaxing and help reduce the likelihood of stretch marks. It may also promote bonding between you and your baby.

Use a mild, hypoallergenic oil and ask your doctor before starting any new skincare routine during pregnancy.

Suggested Read: Benefits of Almonds: Superfood or Superhype

Tip # 5: Talk and Read to Your Baby 

Babies can hear from 16 weeks, and by 27 weeks, all the connections from the ear to the brain get in place.

Studies reveal newborns respond to accents or languages they hear in the womb. Babies born to multilingual parents respond to both languages from birth. So, start talking!

Regularly talking and reading to your baby in the womb can help them become familiar with your voice and language patterns.

This early exposure to language is crucial for their cognitive and language development, setting a foundation for communication skills.

Tip # 6: Choose a Diverse Diet

If you want your baby to have an exquisite palette like an intellectual, try something new at dinnertime. Your baby’s taste buds begin to mature around 12 weeks.

By the 25th week, the baby absorbs about two liters of amniotic fluid daily. The food you eat can spike the flavor. 

A diverse diet is one of the most crucial pregnancy care tips. It ensures that you and your baby receive a wide range of essential nutrients. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products.

Different foods provide different nutrients, so a diverse diet helps cover all your nutritional needs for a healthy pregnancy.

Tip # 7: Start Singing Nursery Rhymes for Your Baby

Yes, you can get into this habit now. Unborn babies can pick up on the rise and fall of the speech. You can assist in developing your baby’s ability by singing rhythmic music, such as nursery rhymes. 

Singing nursery rhymes or lullabies to your baby in the womb can be soothing and comforting for them. The rhythmic patterns and melodies can have a calming effect.

It’s a beautiful way to create a connection with your baby and provide them with a sense of security even before birth.

Consult the Best Gynecologists Near You Via Healthwire! 

Don’t forget the regular checkups with a gynecologist throughout the nine months. 

It is super important for your baby’s health because the doctor can keep an eye on how your baby is growing and make sure everything is going well. They can spot any problems early and help you stay healthy during pregnancy, which is good for your baby. 

Plus, they can advise you on what to eat, how to take care of yourself and answer all your questions. So you can have a happy and healthy pregnancy, and that’s the best start for your baby’s life.

Reach out to the best gynecologists in Lahore today via Healthwire.

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