Home Women's Health 10 Myth-Busting Facts About Breast Cancer You Should Know

10 Myth-Busting Facts About Breast Cancer You Should Know

Breast Cancer
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Cancer, no matter what organ it affects in our body, tends to be our greatest fear.

Breast cancer is not an exception to this.

Well, the disease is no less than a nightmare and can take a toll on a person’s quality of life.

Just like all other types of cancer, it is an uncontrolled division of cells in the breast tissues. This growth can occur in the breast tissues or even in axillary lymph nodes (in your armpits). This cancerous growth can stay localized in your breast or can even spread. The size of the tumor and the extent of its spread determines the severity of cancer. 

Breast cancer is a common issue and affects a larger chunk of the human population. As per statistics, there were almost 7.8 million reported cases of breast cancer globally. Most breast cancer cases are originating from low or middle-income countries. Despite being this common and prevalent, unfortunately, the condition remains misunderstood. All this misinformation contributes to the further spread of breast cancer cases.

As we are walking through the month of breast cancer awareness, let’s unveil some breast cancer myths and learn the facts!

Some Common Myths About Breast Cancer

Here are some of the widespread breast cancer myths we should stop believing about:

1- Breast Injury Results in Breast Cancer

Well, there is no truth in this because breast injury can never result in breast cancer.

The sole reason behind breast cancer is the rapid and uncontrolled division of cells. Normally, this cell division is well regulated using certain checkpoints in cell division. But sometimes due to some error or mutation, those checkpoints fail and cells keep on dividing which later appears as tumors. 

2- I Won’t Get Breast Cancer Because It’s Not in My Genes

Let’s agree on the fact that breast cancer can run in families through your genes.

However, having no prior case of breast cancer in your family doesn’t set you free of the risk. Yes, you heard me right. There are many other factors that can contribute to your increased risk of breast cancer.

In fact, as per statistics, only 5-10% of cases of breast cancer are hereditary in nature


Rest 90-95% of the cases come from different other causes. So, don’t fool yourself by believing that good genes can prevent you from getting breast cancer. 

3- Every Lump in Your Breast is Cancer

This is not true. Not all the lumps in your breast can be cancerous.

Yes, you can witness these breast lumps due to many other reasons such as cyst formation. So, not every time you see a lump in your breast you should be worrying about cancer. However, a better approach is to visit a healthcare professional for a proper checkup. Further, breast cancer doesn’t always come up with a lump. So, there might be other signs you should look for.

4- Breast Cancer Will Always Result in Lump Formation

This myth is linked to the previous one. Many people believe that they will always find a lump in their breast in case of breast cancer. But this is not just true.

Yes, because breast cancer can come with or without a lump. There are other types of breast cancer as well such as inflammatory breast cancer which never appears as a lump. However, this doesn’t mean that you should skip your self-examination for breast cancer. 

Suggested Reading: Breast Cancer Lumps

5- Breast Cancer Only Occurs in Females


Just like women, men also possess breasts so how can they be an exception to breast cancer? Though the chances of breast cancer are quite low in men, there is still a possibility. Breast cancer in men is rare but it is still important for men to be aware of any changes in their breasts.


6- Young Women Don’t Get Breast Cancer

According to the top reviewed gynecologist in Lahore, Assist. Prof. Dr. Maria ImranJust because we observe most breast cancer in older women, you might be under the impression that young ladies are free from getting it.” 

But this is not true. Despite that most breast cancer cases are reported in 40+ and 50+ women, younger females can also develop it. Though the chance is quite low, they need to be careful. For this very reason, proper self-examination and a mammogram are required after some time.

7- Using Antiperspirants Cause Breast Cancer

Well, there is no truth in this.

There are no reported studies that established the link between antiperspirants and breast cancer. So, avoiding one will only make you stink without cutting your breast cancer risk.


8- Wired Bras Can Increase Breast Cancer Risk

Just like anti-precipitants, there is no truth in this claim saying that wearing wired bras can increase your chances of getting breast cancer. 

So, wearing it or not can be your own choice without breast cancer playing any role in it. 

9- Getting a Mammogram Will Spread Breast Cancer

How will you respond if someone tells you that checking your sugar level will give you diabetes?

Well, I feel the same while hearing this. A mammogram test just like a blood sugar test will not give the disease.

In fact, all these diagnostic tools were designed to make the process of early detection convenient thus minimizing your risk of developing the condition. Further, a mammogram is just like a chest x-ray so there is nothing to worry about.


10- Eating Sugar Will Give you Breast Cancer

Well, sugar is bad for your health for all the reasons. 

But sugar consumption is not linked to the causation of breast cancer. This popular myth probably came from the observation that sugar makes your cancer spread vigorously. But we are still short of evidence to support this statement. 

However, sugar consumption can be linked to cancer in general in another way as revealed by a renowned oncologist from Kutiyana Memon Hospital Karachi. According to him, too much sugar can result in cravings and consumption of excessive calories resulting in obesity. As obesity serves as a potential risk factor for many diseases including cancer, one should refrain from eating it. 

A Word from Healthwire!

The story about breast cancer myths doesn’t end here. There are many others that were never brought to light. However, knowing the truth about some of these can help us to save ourselves and others around us. 

Not only this, but it is equally important to keep an eye on the warning signs and keep on monitoring yourself. In case you find something concerning, make sure to immediately talk to your doctor and get yourself checked, especially if it runs in your family.

You can consult the best medical specialist in Lahore via Healthwire to get yourself checked in the first place and make a wise decision regarding your health.

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