Home Nutrition & Diet Cerelac Benefits for Babies – Learn About this Appetizing Baby Food

Cerelac Benefits for Babies – Learn About this Appetizing Baby Food

Cerelac Benefits for Babies
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Cerelac – Its More than Just a Meal

If you have babies at home, there is a high chance you are familiar with this phrase. 

Cerelac is one of the widely advertised and recommended baby foods. This is probably due to many cerelac benefits for babies. 

One of the common cerelac benefits for babies is that it develops the baby’s chewing abilities and makes them slowly adaptable to eating solids. 

Let us explore in detail all that you need to know about cerelac benefits for babies. 

What is Cerelac?

Cerelac is a popular baby food that is available in instant form by Nestle. It is important to note that cerelac is a meal for infants but not a substitute for breast milk. You need to continue with breastfeeding as well as infant formula to feed your baby properly

Cerelac is a great way to make your baby familiarized with the taste of other food. It actually aids in developing their taste buds. 

Nutritional Profile of Cerelac

Given below are some of the nutrients that are commonly present in cerelac:

  • Zinc
  • Protein
  • Vitamin D
  • Omega 3 
  • Omega 6
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C

Types of Cerelac (May Vary from Age to Age)

Cerelac is basically formulated keeping in mind the nutritional needs and age of the baby:

Stage 1 Cerelac (6 months and onwards)

Stage 1 cerelac is for infants who are 6 months old. This type of cerelac is available in three variants such as:

  • Cerelac wheat
  • Cereals rice
  • Cerelac maize

Stage 1 cerelac is easy for your baby to digest and is gelatin-free.

Stage 2 Cerelac (eight months and onwards)

Stage 2 cerelac is for infants who are 8 months old or onwards. It is available in banana and honey. 

Stage 3 Cerelac (ten months and onwards)

As your baby is getting big in the coming months, stage 3 cerelac contains chunks of fruit pieces. This is to help the baby to develop the ability to chew. 

Stage 4 Cerelac (one year to 18 months)

Your baby is now ready to eat solids therefore you can be creative with this one. Try to add pulse, multigrain and vegetables in their cerelac at this stage. 

Important Note: All of the above types of cerelac types contain skimmed milk. Consult with the pediatricians regarding lactose-intolerance issues

When to Start Cerelac for Baby?

World Health Organization has recommended exclusive breastfeeding guidelines for the first six months of your child. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics or AAP, you should introduce your baby to the world of solid foods when he or she is 4 to 6 months old. 

If your baby is younger than 6 months old you should only feed them breast milk. After they are 6 months old their gag reflex began to relax and now you can introduce them to chewable foods. 

Cerelac Benefits for Babies

Cerelac is a nutrition-centric instant food that is designed to develop the baby’s palate for solids as he or she grows up. Cerelac is often a mom’s best choice because of the following:

  • Easy to prepare
  • Availability
  • Safe for travel
  • Baby-friendly 

Easy to Swallow

Cerelac is like porridge. Its semi-solid structure is what makes it an attractive and easy food for babies to swallow. Furthermore, its basic ingredient is rice. Rice is an easy thing for the infant’s stomach that is still immature. 

A Wholesome Meal

Cerelac has been designed by catering to all the nutritional requirements of babies under check. 

Cerelac benefits for babies are that it contains 18 essential nutrients and also the probiotic Bifidus BL. Bifidus BL is known to support the white blood cells of infants. This provides a needed push or boost to the immunity of the infant. From proteins to folic acids and vitamin B&C, cerelac is packed with various nutrients. 

Cerelac Disadvantages

Although it is a nutrition-rich food, there are some cons of cerelac consumption that you need to know about. 

High in Sugars

Cerelac is loaded with sugars. The continuous and over-dependence on cerelac can actually result in severe health impacts on your children. A high level of sugar consumption is linked with the following complications in the later stages of life:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Diabetes
  • Tooth decay
  • Obesity
  • Poor immunity 

Processed Food

Regardless of its ability to make your child adaptable to eating solids, cerelac is still processed food. It is made of chemicals and artificial products. You should not make your child too much dependent on such foods. Try to pique their interest with fruits and mashed vegetables that are easy to swallow. 

Allergic Reactions

It is possible for new moms to not know their child’s allergies. Cerelac is known to contain gluten and lactose. This ignorance can lead to severe allergic reactions in some children. 

Fruit Juice Concentrate

Cerelac is a processed food that has a high ratio of fruit juice concentrate. According to the pediatricians of Reliance Hospital, fruit juice concentrates are made by reducing the water content or quantity in the fruits. It can lead to a severe loss of water-soluble minerals and vitamins. 

How to Feed Cerelac to Your Baby for the First Time?

Feeding your baby can be an overwhelming task. Given below are some tricks that might be helpful:

  • Do not feed your baby cerelac when he or she is irritated or cranky
  • Try to relax. Your baby should be comfortable when you feed them
  • Ensure that your baby is in a comfortable sitting position
  • While feeding your baby you have to be patient
  • Prepare yourself for the mess that your baby might create while eating 
  • Feed your baby with small spoons and in small amounts

Wrapping It Up!

Cerelac is good baby food. Cerelac benefits for babies are that it is rich in nutrients and is easy for your baby’s stomach. This comes especially handy when you are dealing with a picky eater at home. Occasional cerelac meals will not pose any harm to the baby’s body. But too much dependence can lead to them not eating homemade foods later.

In case you have further queries, remember to consult the best pediatricians via healthwire. 


Is cerelac right for a 4-month baby?

Cerelac is not right for a 4-month-old baby. This is because there is a significant risk of choking at this stage. You should only feed your baby breast milk at this stage. 

Can I give my baby cerelac at night?

Yes, it is safe to give your child cerelac at night. But do not overfeed them at nighttime so that they are able to sleep peacefully. 

How many times to feed cerelac in a day?

You should feed your baby cerelac two or three times a day. But you can also consult with your doctor about such matters. 

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