Appendix surgery, or appendectomy, usually happens when your appendix becomes inflamed or swollen and is about to burst. That’s when you need surgery to remove the appendix.
After the surgery, eating may be the last thing on your mind. In the same way, you need to care for many things after an appendectomy. From foods to eat and avoid to medicines and incision care, let’s learn about do’s and don’ts after an appendix removal.
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Why Do You Need An Appendix Surgery?
As discussed above, you need appendix surgery when it gets infected. It is crucial because if left untreated, it can also burst and infect nearby organs. Appendicitis is a medical emergency that needs prompt addressing.
Now, why does the appendix become infected?
It can happen due to blockage because of these factors:
- Fecal matter: Sometimes, hardened stool or a foreign body can block the opening of the appendix.
- Enlarged lymphoid follicles: Infections or other inflammatory conditions in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to enlarged lymphoid tissue, which may block the appendix.
- Tumors: Rarely, tumors in the gastrointestinal tract can cause a blockage.
Sometimes, food can cause appendicitis as well.
When the appendix gets blocked, bacteria present in the appendix can multiply and cause inflammation and infection, necessitating appendix removal.
Your doctor removed the appendix by making cuts in your belly or through open surgery by making one large incision. Either way, you need to take care of yourself after the surgery.
We have compiled some crucial care areas after an appendectomy:
Food Tips After Appendix Surgery
The big question: what to eat after appendix surgery? Your diet has a role in helping you heal faster and feel better. Let’s discuss some essential food tips to make your recovery smooth.
Increase Your Fiber and Water Intake
Load up on colorful fruits like apples, berries, and bananas. Veggies like carrots and spinach are great after an appendectomy. These fruits and veggies have fiber that helps keep things moving smoothly in your gastrointestinal tract.
Swap out regular bread for whole-grain versions. Think whole wheat, brown rice, and quinoa. They’re not only tasty but also high in fiber.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Water is your new best friend. It helps with digestion and keeps you hydrated. Sip on water throughout the day, and if you get bored, add a splash of lemon for some taste!
Note: You can avoid water intake if your doctor tells you to.
Avoid Fatty Foods
Fried chicken and fries might be tempting, but hold off for now.
Fatty foods can be heavy on your stomach, and you want things light and easy during recovery. While dairy is generally okay, opt for low-fat versions. If you like yogurt or milk, go for the skimmed or low-fat options.
Eat a Generally Healthy Diet
The chicken, turkey, fish, and tofu are great for healing after surgery. They are light on your stomach and rich in protein, helping your body rebuild itself.
Instead of three big meals, try smaller portions more often. It keeps your energy levels steady and makes digestion a breeze.
Eat Immune-Boosting Foods
Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are vitamin C boosters. They help boost your immune system, which is always a good thing.
Moreover, probiotics are another great option. Studies suggest yogurt with live cultures can aid digestion and keep your stomach healthy.
Foods Not to Eat After Appendectomy
Our food tips include a list of foods not to eat after appendix surgery. You should follow these tips:
Greasy burgers, pizza, and deep-fried snacks are a no-go for now. These foods can be heavy on your healing GI area.
Watch out for spicy treats as well. Hold off on the hot stuff. Spicy foods can irritate your digestive system. Right now, you want things calm and settled.
Skip the fizzy drinks. They can make you feel bloated, and that’s not the vibe we’re going for during recovery.
Remember! These are just guidelines. Everyone’s different, so watch closely to your needs. If something doesn’t feel right, consult your doctor.
Activity Tips After Appendix Surgery!
Appendix surgery recovery time depends on the surgery you had. With an open surgery, you may require 2-4 weeks for recovery. Laparoscopic surgery allows you to return to work in about 1-3 weeks.
Dr. Amjad Saeed Mian is one of the best laparoscopic surgeons in Lahore. He has an experience of 39 years and is fully equipped and trained to perform surgeries.
Remember these facts on activity tips after appendix surgery:
Take Proper Rest
An appendix surgery needs proper healing. You can’t take it lightly. Make sure you get plenty of good-quality rest.
Try to Walk Daily
Gradually introduce short walks within the confines of your living space. It aids in preventing stiffness and promoting blood circulation.
Over time, increase the duration and distance of your walks incrementally. This gradual approach minimizes strain on the body.
Pay close attention to your body’s signals. If fatigue or discomfort arises, adjust your activity level accordingly.
Avoid Heavy Lifting and Activities
You shouldn’t engage in heavy activities. Doing so can strain the healing process. Allow yourself to focus on the recovery.
Steer clear of abdominal exercises until your doctor gives you the go-ahead. Refrain from vigorous activities that target your abdominal region, such as cycling, jogging, weight lifting, etc.
Discuss Your Bath Schedule with the Doctor
You shouldn’t bathe for a couple of weeks after surgery. If you need to, consult your doctor and adhere to the doctor’s guidelines.
Opt for gentle showers as an alternative to long baths. This way, you can minimize risks associated with prolonged exposure to water.
You shouldn’t take a bath for a couple of weeks after surgery.
Incision Care Tips After Appendectomy
The most crucial appendectomy part is the incision care. Here’s how you can do that:
Staple Removal
If you had open surgery, your doctor will remove the staples in the incision in 7-10 days. Keep the tape strips on the incision for a week or until they naturally fall off.
Cleaning After 24-48 Hours
Wash the incision area with warm, soapy water 24 to 48 hours after surgery unless advised otherwise by your doctor.
Gently pat the area dry.
Maintain Cleanliness
Keep the incision area clean and dry. Use a gauze bandage if it weeps or rubs against clothing, changing it daily.
Pain Management
Taking pain medicine about half an hour before changing the dressing can help manage any discomfort during packing changes.
Stuck Dressing
If the dressing sticks to the wound, soak it with warm water for about 10 minutes before removal, either in the shower or using a wet face cloth.
Placing Gauze
The incision size determines the amount of gauze needed. Fold the gauze once, ensuring it doesn’t hurt, and carefully place it in the wound to prevent the wound’s sides from touching.
Use a cotton swab to assist in pushing the gauze as needed.
When to Consult Your Doctor?
It’s normal to observe greenish-grey fluid seeping from the wound during healing. It indicates that your wound is healing.
Consult your doctor if the wound doesn’t heal in the intended period. Consult your doctor asap. You can book an appointment with the best gastroenterologist for appendix or related issues using Healthwire’s platform.