Home Skin Care ‘Cold SOS’ – Home Remedies for Chilblains to Try This Winter

‘Cold SOS’ – Home Remedies for Chilblains to Try This Winter

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The winter is here, and once again, the chilly weather will leave your fingers and toes frozen and numb. All you want is warmth with a hot shower, a cozy blanket, a hot water bottle, and an electric heater. You may not know it yet, but exposing your hands and feet to sudden and drastic temperatures can result in chilblains. Don’t worry! We have excellent home remedies for chilblains to keep your toes and fingers chilblain-free this winter. 

Read to find out everything about chilblains treatment at home. 

What is Chilblains? 

Chilblains are painful, itchy skin lesions that develop from repeated exposure to cold, nonfreezing conditions. They are also known as pernio or perniosis. 

Develop on the fingers or toes but can also form on the legs or ears. They are a type of small vessel vasculitis, an inflammation of the blood vessels.

On the hands and feet, the lesions, which are typically red or bluish, cause itching, swelling, and blistering. These usually go away in a few weeks, healing more quickly in warmer weather. 

However, for some people, recurrences may occur seasonally and last for years.

What are the Symptoms of Chilblains? 

Here’s a detailed look at the signs and symptoms of chilblains:

Red or Purple Patches

One of the earliest symptoms of chilblains is the appearance of red or purple patches on the skin. These patches often develop in areas exposed to the cold, such as fingers, toes, ears, nose, and cheeks.


Affected areas may exhibit swelling, causing the skin to appear puffy and, in some cases, tender to the touch. The swelling occurs due to the body’s inflammatory response to cold exposure.

Itching and Burning Sensation

Chilblains exert an intense itching sensation, leading to a strong urge to scratch the affected areas. 

Additionally, you may experience a burning sensation, contributing to the overall discomfort.

Skin Discoloration

Over time, the color of the skin affected by chilblains may change. The initial red or purple patches can evolve into a darker hue, indicating inflammation and damage to blood vessels.


In more severe cases, chilblains can progress to the formation of blisters. These fluid-filled sacs can be painful and may increase the risk of infection if they burst or break open. 

Note: Dr. Ambreen Haider, a lifestyle medicine physician with 20 years of experience, suggests blisters are a sign of more advanced chilblains and require careful attention.


Chilblains can be painful, with individuals experiencing varying degrees of discomfort. The pain may range from mild to severe, depending on the extent of the chilblains and the individual’s sensitivity to cold.

Peeling Skin

As chilblains begin to heal, the affected skin may peel. It is a natural part of the recovery process, and the peeling typically occurs as the damaged outer layers of the skin keep on shedding.

What Causes Chilblains? 

If you are prone to getting chilblains each winter, you must understand the causes as it can help adopt preventive measures. Here are the primary factors contributing to chilblains: 

  • Cold Exposure: Exposure to cold temperatures without adequate protection is the leading cause of chilblains.
  • Humidity: High humidity coupled with cold weather increases the risk of chilblains.
  • Poor Circulation: Individuals with poor circulation are more susceptible to chilblains as their blood vessels struggle to respond to temperature changes.
  • Tight Clothing: Wearing tight shoes or gloves can restrict blood flow, making the extremities more vulnerable to chilblains.
  • Genetics: Some people are genetically predisposed to chilblains, making them more likely to develop these lesions.

Home Remedies for Chilblains in Winter 

You are eagerly waiting for this part: ‘How to get rid of chilblains quickly?’

Here are some trusted home remedies for chilblains on toes and fingers.

Apply Warm Compresses to the Affected Area

One effective way to soothe chilblains is by applying warm compresses to the affected areas. It helps in improving blood circulation and alleviating discomfort. 

You can make a warm compress by soaking a clean cloth in warm water and gently placing it on the chilblains. 

Be cautious not to use hot water, as extreme temperatures can worsen the condition. Repeat this process several times a day for relief.

Avoid Exposure to Cold Temperatures

Prevention is the way when it comes to chilblains, and one of the simplest ways to manage them is by avoiding exposure to cold temperatures. 

When heading outdoors, especially in chilly weather, wear warm clothing. Protect your extremities by wearing gloves, socks, and a hat. 

Limit the time spent in the cold outside, and if possible, stay indoors during extreme cold spells.

Wear Warm and Protective Clothing

Keeping yourself well-insulated is crucial in preventing and managing chilblains. Wear layers of warm clothing, including thermal socks, insulated gloves, and a hat. 

Ensure your clothing is not too tight, as this can restrict blood flow and contribute to the development of chilblains. Invest in quality winter gear to protect against the cold.

Keep Your Feet Dry

Moisture can exacerbate chilblains, so you should keep your feet dry. Choose moisture-wicking socks and change them if they become damp. 

Ensure your shoes are waterproof and well-insulated to prevent your feet from getting wet in cold conditions. Drying your feet thoroughly after exposure to moisture is equally important.

Use Mustard or Lavender Oil for Chilblains

Mustard and lavender oil are known for their warming properties and can be beneficial in treating chilblains. 

Mix a few drops of either oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and gently massage the affected areas. It helps improve blood circulation and relieve you from the discomfort associated with chilblains. 

Do the massage regularly for better results.

Suggested Read: Prioritize Your Health with Amazing Benefits of Mustard Oil

Eat Warm Meals

Maintaining internal warmth is just as crucial as external warmth. 

Eat warm meals and beverages to help regulate your body temperature. Include hot soups, stews, and herbal teas in your diet. 

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially those promoting circulation, can contribute to overall skin health and help prevent chilblains.

Suggested Read: 11 Superfoods Good for Skin 

Improve Blood Circulation

Enhancing blood circulation is a vital aspect of chilblains management. 

Regular exercise, even mild activities like walking or stretching, can promote blood flow to the extremities. 

Avoid sitting or standing in one position for too long. It can hinder blood circulation. Massage the affected areas gently to stimulate blood flow and reduce inflammation.

General Tips for Chilblains Treatment at Home 

Home remedies for chilblains are effective, but you should maintain a routine to prevent the chilblain from occurring in the first place. 

Here are some general tips to follow: 

  • Keep Indoor Temperatures Comfortable: Ensure your indoor environment is well-heated during colder months.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water helps maintain overall skin health. Hydrated skin is less prone to chilblains.
  • Elevate Your Feet: If your feet are affected, consider elevating them when resting. It can help reduce swelling.
  • Over-the-counter Creams: Use over-the-counter creams or ointments containing ingredients like aloe vera or calendula to soothe the skin.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking can constrict blood vessels, making it harder for blood to reach extremities. Quitting smoking can improve overall circulation.

If the symptoms persist or worsen, consult a qualified skin specialist for personalized guidance.

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