Home Skin Care 10 Much-Needed Smooth Skin Remedies for Your Face!

10 Much-Needed Smooth Skin Remedies for Your Face!

Smooth Skin Remedies
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Do you have a habit of neglecting your daily skincare routine? STOP DOING THAT TODAY! Your skin is the largest organ of your body and requires smooth skin remedies to stay young, healthy, and fresh. 

If you keep on neglecting your skin, it will lead to a host of problems in the long run – from dryness and breakouts to premature aging.

In this article, we will discuss the impact of neglecting your skin and delving into the bad habits that can contribute to skin issues. 

But no worries! We won’t leave you hanging with the problems alone. We will also explore effective remedies to add to your skincare routine, helping you achieve the smooth and glowing skin you’ve always wanted.

What is the Impact of Neglecting Your Skin?

We get that you are so busy with your thesis project or office work that you skip your skincare routine almost daily. 

But what happens when you keep on doing that for a long time? Let’s have a look: 

Dry and Flaky Skin

Neglecting your skin can result in dryness and flakiness, making it uncomfortable and prone to irritation. Studies suggest that when your skin lacks moisture, it becomes more susceptible to environmental damage.

Acne and Breakouts

Poor skincare habits can lead to clogged pores, which, in turn, cause acne and breakouts. It can be particularly frustrating and damaging to your self-esteem.

Premature Aging

Neglecting your skin can accelerate the aging process. Wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots are more likely to appear when you don’t care for your skin.

Uneven Skin Tone

Neglected skin often develops an uneven tone, with patches of discoloration and redness. It can make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable in your skin.

Suggested Read: Home Remedies to Get Rid of Uneven Skin Tone 

Skin Sensitivity

A lack of proper care can increase skin sensitivity, making it more prone to redness, irritation, and allergic reactions. Sensitive skin requires extra attention to maintain its health.

What Are the Bad Skin Habits?

Let’s get to know some of the skin habits that can lead to your skin looking like paper: 

Neglecting Sunscreen

Failing to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays is a major skin sin. 

Sun damage can lead to premature aging, sunburn, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Make sunscreen a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. 

Sleeping with Makeup 

Going to bed with makeup on can clog your pores, leading to breakouts and dull, tired-looking skin. 

Always cleanse your face before hitting the hay.

Suggested Read: The Dangers of Sleeping with the Makeup on!


Exfoliation is essential for removing dead skin cells and revealing fresh, healthy skin. However, over-exfoliating can strip your skin of natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. 

Stick to a gentle exfoliation routine, usually 1-2 times weekly.

Skipping Moisturizer

A good moisturizer is your skin’s best friend. Skipping this step can result in dry, flaky skin, making it more susceptible to damage.

Picking at Pimples

It’s tempting to pop that pimple, but this can cause infection, scarring, and more breakouts. Instead, use targeted treatments and allow the pimples to heal naturally.

Using Harsh Cleansers

Aggressive cleansers can strip your skin of natural oils, leaving it dry and sensitive. Opt for a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser to keep your skin healthy.

Neglecting Your Neck and Chest

The skin on your neck and chest is delicate and often overlooked. Neglecting these areas can result in premature aging, so extend your skincare routine to include them.

Not Hydrating Properly

Proper hydration is crucial for smooth, supple skin. Drinking enough water and using hydrating skincare products are essential.

Ignoring Your Diet

A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and essential nutrients can impact your skin’s health. Greasy, processed foods can lead to breakouts and skin problems.

Using Dirty Makeup Brushes

Dirty makeup brushes can harbor bacteria that can lead to breakouts and skin infections. Regularly clean your brushes to maintain clear, healthy skin.

Smooth Skin Remedies to Add to Your Skincare Routine

Dr. Shumaila Khan, one of the best aesthetic physicians in Islamabad with over 15 years of experience, recommends some crucial smooth skin remedies that you should never skip: 

1- Start With Cleansing Your Face 

Cleansing is the foundation of any skincare routine. It removes dirt, makeup, and impurities from your skin, preventing clogged pores and breakouts. 

Use a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser that suits your skin type. Cleanse your face twice daily, in the morning and evening, to maintain a clean canvas for other skincare products.

2- Exfoliate to Remove Dead Skin Cells

Exfoliation is crucial for removing dead skin cells that make your skin appear dull and rough. 

There are two main types of exfoliation: physical and chemical. Physical exfoliants contain tiny abrasive particles, while chemical exfoliants use acids like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) to dissolve dead skin cells. 

Choose the right type for your skin and use it 1-2 times weekly to prevent over-exfoliation, which can lead to irritation and sensitivity.

3- Moisturize to Prevent Dryness

Moisturizing is crucial for maintaining skin hydration and preventing dryness. 

Even if you have oily skin, it’s essential to use a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep your skin’s moisture balance. Apply it after cleansing to seal in hydration.

4- Apply Sunscreen to Avoid Sunburn

Sunscreen is your best defense against the harmful effects of UV radiation. UV exposure can lead to premature aging, sunburn, and an increased risk of skin cancer. 

Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it every morning, even on cloudy days.

5- Drink Water to Hydrate Your Skin Inside-Out 

Hydration goes beyond external products. Drinking enough water is essential for maintaining skin moisture from the inside out. 

Aim for at least eight glasses of water daily to keep your skin well-hydrated and looking its best.

6- Use Serums for Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Aging, etc

Serums are concentrated products that target specific skincare concerns. 

Depending on your needs, you can choose serums with active ingredients like hyaluronic acid for hydration, vitamin C for brightening, or retinol for anti-aging. 

Apply serums after cleansing and before moisturizing.

7- Apply Face Masks for Extra Pampering 

Face masks provide an extra boost of nutrients to your skin. 

Clay masks are excellent for deep cleaning and controlling excess oil, while sheet masks are hydrating and soothing. 

Use masks 1-2 times weekly to address specific concerns or simply for a pampering session.

8- Don’t Forget Neck and Chest Care

Extend your skincare routine to your neck and chest. These areas often show signs of aging and require the same care as your face. 

Apply cleanser, exfoliate, moisturize, and sunscreen on your neck and chest.

9- Diet Matters A LOT!

A healthy diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can significantly impact your skin’s health. 

Foods like fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish provide essential nutrients that promote skin radiance. Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods, leading to breakouts and skin issues.

10- Stick to a Routine 

Consistency is the most critical aspect of maintaining smooth and healthy skin. 

Stick to your skincare routine and be patient with the process, as it can take time to see significant results. Avoid constantly changing products. It can disrupt your skin’s natural balance.

Consult the Best Dermatologists in Lahore!

Adding these remedies to your skincare routine can lead to significant improvements in the texture, tone, and overall health of your skin. 

Remember that skincare is a long-term commitment, and the results will be worth the effort.

If you want a professional opinion, consult the best aesthetic physicians in Lahore via Healthwire

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