Home Dental Health 10 Dental Treatments and Home Remedies to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth

10 Dental Treatments and Home Remedies to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth

White Spots on Teeth
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Who wouldn’t want a stunning smile and a set of white, stainless teeth? However, if you have white spots on your teeth, your smile may suffer. 

Numerous factors might cause white spots to form on the teeth. But you should not panic because there are several methods that can assist in getting rid of white spots. 

You can go for dental treatments but they can be very expensive. Fortunately, there are also some home remedies to get rid of white spots on teeth. 

Let’s learn in detail how you can get rid of white spots on teeth. 

Causes of White Spots on Teeth

The appearance of a chalky white spot on a tooth is the earliest indication of a carious lesion, which denotes enamel decalcification (a result of disrupted tooth’s remineralization). 

Some of the common causes of white spots on teeth include: 

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Dental fluorosis possibly due to enamel exposure with too much fluoride
  • Enamel hypoplasia 
  • Dry mouth 
  • Diseases affecting gums and bones 
  • Eating too many acidic or sugary foods 

Are white spots on teeth anything to worry about?

Dr. Zarham Ayub who is one of the best dentists in Pakistan says that, despite the fact that white spots may not give aesthetic pleasure, they are typically not a cause for concern. However, tooth disease and decay may be more likely to affect those who have enamel hypoplasia.

People should visit their dentist if they start to experience tooth pain or observe that the size or number of the white spots on their teeth are changing.

A dentist can assess the signs and the state of the teeth and, if necessary, propose a course of action. You can consult with the best dentists near you by making an appointment via Healthwire.

How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth?

It’s not definitely not a pleasant sight to look in the mirror and find you have white spots on the teeth. Now, when we know what causes these spots to form, the question is how to get rid of white spots on teeth? 

Well, here I am going to explain some home remedies and medical treatments for white spots. 

Dental Treatments for White Spots

There are several methods that can help remove white spots, but the most effective one will depend on how bad your condition is and how much it will cost to treat it.

You may have the following choices while discussing with your dentist. 

1- Microabrasion 

In order to make your teeth look better, this process delicately removes a little layer of surface enamel. Dentists claim that for a genuinely premium look, microabrasion is frequently paired with tooth-whitening procedures.

2- Teeth Bleaching 

A common technique for significantly reducing (or removing) the appearance of stains or white spots on the teeth is teeth bleaching, often known as teeth whitening.

Either an in-office whitening technique or a take-home kit that is monitored by a dentist are advised for the safest outcomes. Also, there are other over-the-counter (OTC) bleaching treatments and whitening toothpastes available, although the results might not be as immediate or strong. 

3- Dental Veneers 

Dental veneers are tiny protective covers that can protect the front of a person’s teeth. They are quite good at hiding white spots and other flaws. Only a dentist can provide dental veneers, and they need to be fitted by an expert. 

4- Topical Fluoride Therapy 

People with enamel hypoplasia may have topical fluoride applied to their teeth by a dentist. This could promote the growth of enamel on the teeth and guard against tooth decay

5- Composite Resin

A dentist may also use composite resin to repair cavities and bond the outer enamel of the teeth for persons with enamel hypoplasia. If a person has numerous white spots on their teeth, this might not be the best option. 

Home Remedies to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth 

As above mentioned medical treatment can be quite expensive and need regular visits to dentists, you may also look for the following home remedies to get rid of white spots on teeth. 

6- Oil Pulling 

It is best to use coconut oil for this home remedy. Lauric acid, which is present in coconut oil, aids in the removal of plaque and the elimination of white spots on your teeth. Furthermore, antibacterial and antifungal properties are present in coconut oil.

How to get rid of white spots on teeth with oil pulling? Gargle your mouth with two tablespoons of coconut oil for ten minutes. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with warm water. 

7- Use Hydrogen Peroxide 

Since hydrogen peroxide contains bleaching qualities, it works well to whiten teeth naturally and helps you get of white spots. 

To use it: 

  • Take some hydrogen peroxide and combine it with some baking powder.
  • Take your wet toothbrush and after dipping it into this mixture, clean your teeth for two minutes.
  • Use clean water to rinse your mouth and repeat the procedure as needed.  

8- Use Lemon Juice and Salt 

Citric acid, which is present in lemons, is a fantastic technique to remove white spots from teeth.

You can simply: 

  • Add a pinch of salt to some lemon juice.
  • After two or three minutes of rubbing this mixture into your teeth, rinse with water. 

This concoction aids in removing the white spots, nourishing your gums, and getting rid of bad breath

9- Use Vinegar and Baking Soda Paste 

Vinegar’s acidic qualities can also help in removing white spots from teeth. 

How to get rid of white spots on teeth with vinegar?

  • Simply combine some vinegar and baking soda to create a paste.
  • Brush your teeth for two minutes with this paste before rinsing them.
  • Repeat this procedure every week. 

10- Turmeric

Turmeric works well to remove stains from teeth, thus it will also erase the white spots.

To make a paste: 

  • Combine some turmeric powder with salt and lemon juice. 
  • For around two minutes, carefully rub this paste onto your teeth with clean hands. 
  • Finally, swish some water around in your mouth. 

How to Prevent White Spots on Teeth?

The following are the best methods to stop white spots on your teeth:

Wrapping Up! 

While white spots on teeth are rarely cause for worry, they can be treated for aesthetic reasons if the person so chooses. 

To make the teeth appear more consistent in colour, a dentist may advise procedures like in-office whitening or the use of veneers. However, one person can also go for home remedies to get rid of them.

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