Home General Health How To Cool Down body Temperature- 9 Easy Hacks to Beat The Heat

How To Cool Down body Temperature- 9 Easy Hacks to Beat The Heat

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The summer season puts us on a stake and we feel too hot even inside of the home. When we were kids, we wondered how to cool down body temperature so we used to follow an easy and instant hack. We used to open the fridge and put our head, arms and face inside the fridge. It used to give us a cooling effect but now we are adults and we are looking for more heat-beating options for us and our kids. 

Some people have increased body temperature due to summer or other internal body conditions. Even when we sit with them, we feel the temperature of their body and it makes us uncomfortable around them.

 So why do some of us have higher temperatures?

Why do we feel High Temperatures?

This question rises and brings several concerns regarding our health and environment. So we need to list down all the possibilities that increase the body temperature and we always feel hot. 

Several reasons can cause high body temperature. Some of them are following as 

  • Infection indicates that your body is going through something wrong and it leads to high body temperature. 
  • People who have a thyroid disorder called hyperthyroidism, release too much thyroid hormone and cause an increase in temperature.
  • If you spent your day outside in humid and hot weather it also makes sense to increase your body temperature 
  • Excessive exercise at the gym and outdoor games lead to rising in body temperature. 
  • Wearing tight and fitting clothes blocks the moisturization of your body and you feel a bit warmer than usual. 
  • When you eat spicy food and dry fruits such as nuts, cashews, and others your body temperature increases. 
  • Too much consumption of caffeine and alcohol 
  • Some medical conditions such as arthritis, leukaemia, and neurological disorders. 
  • Dehydration is another of rising body temperature because it stops your body’s ability to cool down through sweating.

These are the common reasons that play a role in increasing temperature now we are going to discuss how to cool down our body temperature. Here are some easy hacks to beat the heat. 

Home Remedies For Body Heat Management

We all know how important it is to stay hydrated when we feel heat stress. There are so many other ways to lower your body temperature and home remedies switch are following as 

Take Cool Foot Bath

When you put your feet into the cold water it helps you to decrease your temperature, let you feel cool, and relieve your stress. 

You only need to put water in a tub. Add some ice cubes and soak your feet in the cold water for 10 to 20 minutes and you will feel instant results. 

Drink Coconut Water

Coconut water is a natural and easy hack to break your heat stress. It contains minerals, vitamins, and electrolytes that help you to feel refreshed and rehydrated. There are some other drinking coconut water benefits. But it has a special cooling effect on the body. 

Peppermint Green Tea

Peppermint is famous for its cool menthol effect. Peppermint green tea is a perfect solution to cool down your body temperature in this hot summer. Its preparation is followed by some easy steps like 

  • Boil 2 cups of water 
  • Add some peppermint leaves 
  • Boil it for 15 to 20 minutes until you get the desired color. 
  • Turn off the stove and strain the leaves 

Your perfect summer green tea is ready so what are you waiting for, go and make one cup for yourself self- no actually 2, one for your friend. 

Take Hydrating Food

In summer try to eat foods that have a high amount of water. Strawberries, watermelons, pineapples, and peaches are good options for fruits. They had a required amount of water that keep you hydrated. For vegetables, maximum green vegetables such as cucumbers, cauliflowers, tomatoes, and green bell peppers can be used to stay hydrated. 

Summer Friendly Dressing

Try to wear light colors and loose fabric in summer. Tight and fitting clothes stop the moisturization of your skin and you feel hot. 

Use sunglasses when you go outside so you can save your eyes from heat and keep an umbrella with yourself. It will help you to maintain your body temperature. 

Scientists are creating wearable clothes that make you look cool in summer such as Thermal Regulation Fabric. This fabric is used to wear in physical and outdoor activities that keep you cool and safe from the heat. 

Use Aloe Vera Gel

The leaves and inner gel of aloe vera have some amazing colling effects. You can apply the aloe vera gel to your body and leave it. Before using it, keep it in the refrigerator so it will give you a more cooling effect. 

You can consume this gel, all you have to do is take out the inner gel of the aloe vera and mix it with one cup of water and make a drink. 

Use Buttermilk

Buttermilk is good to keep your body temperature low and it increases your metabolism. Buttermilk has the power to restore your energy as it contains vitamins, probiotics, and minerals that help you to feel hydrated. 

 You can add yogurt or honey to change the taste but drink at least one glass of milk each day. 

Things You Should Consider

We feel a rise in body temperature in summers and it bound our activities. There are super cool and the best home remedies to keep you cool this summer. This year your summer vacations will be full of fun. Although these remedies manage your high temperature, if you find an unspecified reason for high temperature and,

  •  you are 65+ of age
  •  you are pregnant 
  •  you have an underlying medical condition for your high temperature. 

Try to contact your  Best General Physician in Lahore.

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