Home Women's Health How to Increase Breast Milk Naturally at Home? 10 Best Solutions to Try!

How to Increase Breast Milk Naturally at Home? 10 Best Solutions to Try!

How to Increase Breast milk naturally
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How to increase breast milk naturally at home? This is probably one of the most common questions that cross your mind when you are nursing your child. Mommies who are breastfeeding for the first time are more likely to be concerned about milk production. 

Not forgetting that breastmilk is the sole source of nutrition your little one depends upon. There are signs that can tell you that your breast milk production is not enough. 

If your baby is not gaining the birth weight back, producing enough poop or showing signs of dehydration then this means there is not enough breastmilk production. 

Once you know that you are not producing enough breast milk, there could be a lot of reasons behind it. From your hormones to your feeding strategy, can impact your natural milk production.

PROLACTIN is the hormone that is mainly responsible for the production of breast milk.

Home Remedies to Increase Breast Milk

No worries, Mommies! I am going to tell you some of the easiest ways that can be your perfect answer on how to increase your breast milk production naturally. Here are these:

1- Change the Frequency of Breastfeeding

How much milk will your body produce something your baby influences? 

Yes, you heard me right. Experts at Ittefaq Hospital say that the relationship between the supply and demand of breast milk production is quite clear. When your baby frequently feeds, the sucking action results in the stimulation of breast cells that are responsible for milk production. So, trying to feed your baby several times a day can be an answer to how to increase mother feed. 

Ideally, a mother should feed the baby almost 8-12 times a day!

2- Switch from One Side to Another

One-sided breastfeeding or two is solely a matter of personal choice. 

Wait, what if I tell you that this can also impact breast milk production, and we have got scientific evidence to provide this? According to research, simultaneous feeding can result in increased breast milk production. So, during one feeding session try to feed the baby from both breasts to increase mother feed. 

3- Empty your Breast by Hand Pumping

Other than sucking action, hand pumping your breast can be next on the list of tips to increase your breast milk production. 

After you are done nursing your child, use your hands to pour out the remaining milk stored in your breasts. This helps you to drain your breasts completely and can send a message to your body to produce more milk. A breast pump also serves the purpose. 

4- Massage your Breasts

How to increase breast milk naturally at home?

Well, a gentle breast massage can be your answer. Dr. Rabbia Ashraf who is one of the top gynecologists in Pakistan says that this is because of the fact that sometimes blocked milk ducts can be the reason why you are experiencing poor breast milk supply. So, a gentle breast massage, however, doesn’t make your breasts produce more milk but can still regulate the milk flow. 

5- Eat Well

Food choices and breast milk production – the association is undying.

We often hear people asking about mother milk increasing foods. While there are many potential health benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and children, adding certain foods to your diet can increase the breast milk supply. The use of these foods is probably one of the easiest home remedies to increase breast milk. Here are the foods that you can add to your diet:

  • Fenugreek seeds or methi dana
  • Fennel seeds
  • Cinnamon 
  • Cumin Seeds
  • Carrots
  • Almonds
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Oatmeal
  • Salmon

6- Drink Lots of Water

What to drink to increase breast milk? The answer is water! 

Because breast milk is almost 80% water! 

If you are looking for some of the easiest home remedies that can help you to produce enough milk, then water can be the answer. 

Not drinking enough water can surely be an answer to how to increase your milk production naturally at home. When there is not enough water in your body then your body can find it really difficult to produce more breast milk. 

When it comes to drinking enough water to stimulate your breast milk production, there is no such thing as too much water. Try to drink a minimum of 3 litre of water every day to see an increase in your breast milk production effortlessly.

7- Rest Well

Early motherhood is often accompanied by sleepless nights!

Your little one might not let you rest well, however, your body needs rest to function properly. Try to manage time in between and take a nap whenever possible. Not taking enough rest can be the reason behind poor milk production.

8- Manage your Stress

Stress is bad for the baby and your baby’s body! 

The reason is your HORMONES. Cortisol aka your stress hormone can be the reason that your body is not producing enough milk to nourish your baby. So, if you are looking for an answer to how to increase breast milk naturally at home one of the earliest things you can do is to destress yourself. 

9- Stick to Breastfeeding

Just as already discussed, breastfeeding production works on a supply and demand mechanism, right?

So putting your baby’s dependency on formula milk can also compromise your breast milk supply. When you are breastfeeding your baby try to stick to breastfeeding only especially during the first 6 months to avoid problems related to breastfeeding. 

10- How to Increase Breast Milk Naturally at Home? – All Other Answers

Here are some of the other recommended tips to increase breast milk, including:

  • Avoid lying on your stomach as this exerts pressure on your breasts
  • Making nighttime feeding a habit
  • Stop doubting yourself and your nursing
  • Work on your immunity as well
  • Try a lactation supplement

Wrapping It Up! 

Breast milk production varies from time to time and there is no reason to feel anxious about breast milk production. 

Now you have got every possible answer on how to increase breast milk naturally at home. From home remedies to increase breast milk to food choices, you know what works. Most of these tips can work pretty well all you need to find what works best for you and stimulate the production of breast milk. However, if none of these remedies works for you, then it is important to talk to your doctor to pinpoint the cause and get it treated. You can book an appointment with top certified gynecologists via Healthwire.pk and make informed decisions regarding your own health.

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