Home Nutrition & Diet Mishri Benefits: Rock Sugar for Your Health, Skin, and Much More

Mishri Benefits: Rock Sugar for Your Health, Skin, and Much More

Mishri Benefits
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You may remember eating mishri with ‘saunf’ or fennel seeds in your childhood. I can surely recall eating this favorite kind of candy. Whenever there comes a nip in the air, mishri benefits you with its healing treatments. Not only it is used to treat your sugar cravings, as well as for many medicinal purposes. 

In this article, I will tell you all about mishri and the health benefits you can get from this tiny sweet. 

What is Mishri? 

Known as ‘rock sugar’ in English, mishri is an unrefined form of sugar. It is extracted from sugarcane or date palm sap. It is made into a hard confection by cooling sugar syrup into large crystals. Studies show that mishri is nutritionally superior to ordinary sugar and tastes better.

Mishri is especially common in Asian cuisines and is used to sweeten teas, desserts, and even savory dishes.

Nutritional Content of Mishri

1 teaspoon (4 grams) of mishri contains:

  • Calories 25 
  • Carbohydrates 6.5 grams
  • Sugar: 6.5 grams

Mishri provides a significant amount of energy for the body, but it doesn’t provide any protein, fats, vital minerals, or vitamins. 

Can Mishri’s Sweet Be Too Much? 

You may think if mishri is made of sugars, can its sweet be unhealthy? 

Well, the sugar you use at home is unhealthy due to its processing. It is also bleached with sulphuric acid to get perfect white crystals, which look great to the eyes, but are almost poisonous. 

Pure mishri is not chemically processed. It has a light yellow or gray color and almost a neutral pH value. So, it is safe for you to consume. 

Mishri Benefits for Health

Mishri is medicinal and as a part of a healthy, wholesome diet works wonders. Here are some of the mishri benefits for health that you should know about. 

Cures Cough and Cold

Are you suffering from a sore throat and blocked nose? Eat rock sugar ‘mishri’ for instant relief. 

Mishri has been used since ancient times to ease the cough, prevent the cold, and strengthen the immune system. 

Stops Nosebleeds

Believe it or not, mishri helps in stopping a nosebleed instantly. 

All you have to do is put some pieces of mishri in water and wait for it to dissolve partially. Put some drops of this water in your nose. It will stop the nosebleed for you. Such a simple hack. Isn’t that amazing? 

Serves as Mouth Freshener

Mishri is used in many households to relieve bad mouth odor. Mishir is mixed with fennel seeds and consumed after meals. It serves as a mouth freshener and works to maintain the freshness of your mouth and breath. 

Boosts Hemoglobin

Do you have low levels of hemoglobin? Eat some mishri. 

Mishri helps to regenerate blood circulation in your body and ensure smooth pathways. It is also useful when you have anemia, pale skin, dizziness, fatigue, and weakness. Mishri is a must-have for people with low hemoglobin. 

Read more about iron-rich foods to treat anemia

Drink hot milk with saffron and mishri every night to boost your immune system. 

Refreshing Drink during Summers

It’s summertime, and the sun is blazing hot outside. To get rid of the heat, you can use mishri as a refreshing drink during this hot weather. 

It has a calming effect on the mind and body and alleviates stress. It is a source of instant energy. Mishri has the ability to balance the electrolytes in your body and relaxes the senses. 

Add a spoonful of misri powder in a glass of water with some ice cubes to make this refreshing drink for yourself. 

Good For Sore Throat 

During cold weather, you can have some health problems. One of the nasty ones is sore throat. Mishri is a quick-fix for curing sore throat. 

Just mix mishri with black pepper powder and ghee and consume it at night.

Helps In Digestion 

Mishri not only refreshes your mouth but aids your stomach to have a healthy smooth digestion as well. If you add it with suanf/fennel seeds, it will work wonders for your digestive health. It starts the process of digestion immediately in your stomach. 

Read more about fennel seeds benefits!

It’s better that you consume mishri with fennel seeds after every meal. 

Good For The Brain 

You can use mishri as a natural medicine for your brain health. It helps to improve your memory functioning as well as release mental fatigue. 

Mix some mishri with warm milk and consume it at night. 

Mishri Benefits for Skin

Mishri improves the complexion of your skin, because it has a natural and safe amount of sugars. It is better to put mishri in your tea rather than table sugar to get maximum mishri benefits.

Acts as an Energy Booster

You may feel sluggish after a heavy meal. It’s very interesting that mishri provides you with a boost of energy if you consume it after meals. It helps you with the post-meal slump.

Improves Eye Health

Mishri benefits for the eyes are amazing. It helps you in improving your vision. That is one reason why you should add it in your diet regularly. It prevents your eyes from cataract. 

Drink ‘mishri’ water to maintain a healthy vision. 

Best during Lactation

If you are breastfeeding your child, mishri benefits you for a smooth lactation. It does so by increasing the production of milk and stimulating the breast tissues. New mothers often experience symptoms of postpartum depression. Mishri works as an antidepressant and treats mood swings. 

The best thing is mishri has fewer sweets and it will not harm you or your baby’s health in any way. 

Relieves Hands and Feet Burning

If you experience burning of the hands and feet during summers which doesn’t go away no matter how many showers you take, mishri is here to help you. It has cooling properties which helps you get rid of excessive heat in your body. 

Mix butter and powdered mishri on your hands and feet when you feel the burning. 

Mishri Benefits in Pregnancy

Mishri benefits in pregnancy are amazing. If you are pregnant, you should add mishri to your everyday diet. During pregnancy, there is a major hormonal surge, which makes you feel mental stress. It will provide you with more energy and also help you to relieve stress.

Consume mishri with hot milk at night. 

How Can You Use Rock Sugar Benefits for Your Health?

As rock sugar benefits are many, you can safely add it to your diet. You can use it in following ways:

  • As a mouth freshener with fennel seeds
  • With hot milk at night
  • As a sweetener in foods
  • Swallow with bitter medicines

When to Eat Mishri?

Eating mishri after every meal is a great way to get mishri benefits to its fullest.

How Much Mishri Per Day?

It’s best that you consume 5 to 10 grams of mishri per day. 

Are there Any Side Effects of Mishri?

Excess intake of anything can prove harmful. Something similar is also with mishri. Although it is considered beneficial for the digestive process, consuming it in excess can cause gastrointestinal problems. It has a cooling effect so don’t take it in excessive amounts during winters. 


Rock sugar is a delicious, simple substance from your kitchen. Mishri benefits are difficult to ignore. You must add this tiny sweet in your life. If you are skeptical about its sweetness, you can consult a well-known nutritionist to satisfy your queries. Book an appointment via Healthwire.pk, or call at (042) 32500989. 

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