Home Dental Health Teeth Overlapping: Causes and Treatment Options to Deal With it!

Teeth Overlapping: Causes and Treatment Options to Deal With it!

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Teeth overlapping or misalignment in teeth is a common issue affecting many people around the world. The term malocclusion is used by dentists to best describe this condition. There are many reasons as to why this thing happens, but we will not limit our topic of discussion to this. Instead we will be discussing the possible treatment plans that can help you with the teeth overlapping issue.

So let’s jump straight into the main topic of teeth overlapping.

Reasons for teeth overlapping

Out of many reasons that are  linked with the teeth overlapping, the main reasons can be grouped into 2 broad categories:

  1. Primary reasons
  2. Secondary reasons

Primary Reasons


As far as primary reasons are concerned there are studies that show that genetics have a huge role to play in teeth overlapping. Most of the time there are dental issues in previous generations that express themselves in successive generations in the form of crooked or overlapped teeth. 

There are other things by which genetics can influence the teeth shape and alignment. For instance the reduced jaw size which is due to genetics will not give enough space to teeth to adjust. As a result of which the teeth may overlap and they can hinder the normal process of eating and swallowing. 

Side note: Find out these 11 best foods for strong and healthy teeth.

In some cases, teeth grow at an exponential rate. The new growing teeth will then interfere with the teeth already available there. This can also lead to teeth overlapping.

The other case in which genetics is to be blamed, is the large size of teeth. A normal size of teeth can be adjusted in the jaw. Whereas a large tooth will require large space to accommodate itself. Thus it can also contribute to teeth overlapping. 

Secondary Reasons

There are a whole bunch of secondary reasons for teeth overlapping and misalignment. A few substantial reasons  are discussed here:

Early Years Habits

When we are blaming genetics for teeth overlapping, there are many other reasons that can cause it. One of the early years’ habits is thumb sucking. This thumb sucking is a normal part of childhood. But if this habit continues even after 3 years of age then it can lead to many dental issues. Teeth overlapping, in particular overlapping front teeth, is just one of the many dental issues. 

According to the American Dental Association, if this thumb sucking habit continues after the child’s permanent teeth have set in then it can lead to issues like teeth overlapping, improper growth of jaw where the upper and lower jaws are considerably different in size.

Similar to this thumb sucking activity, if pacifiers are used beyond the age of 3 years then it can also lead to teeth overlapping issues. The pacifiers mostly affect the front teeth leading to overlapping front teeth.

Related: similar to teeth overlapping, your child might be going through brittle teeth. Find out 7 simple tips that can help in this regard.

There are many other reasons that can also lead to teeth overlapping and that may include the following:

  • Childhood injury affecting the gums and jaws.
  • Bacterial infections that may possibly block the opening of teeth.
  • Molars and premolars requiring more space can also lead to overlapping front teeth.

Health Complications 

There are several health complications that can develop due to teeth overlapping. While not in simple teeth overlapping cases, these health complications can occur if there is moderate or severe teeth overlapping case. The major health related issues that can be linked with teeth overlapping are as follows:

  • Misaligned teeth can impede the normal process of eating and swallowing.
  • Overlapping front teeth are more often subjected to depreciation with the passage of time.
  • Teeth overlapping also interferes with the brushing and flossing. This means that there are more chances of getting plaques built up in teeth. These plaques can also provide harbour to bacterias and food particles. Thus leading to tooth cavity issues. Read out more about brushing mistakes you are making.
  • The improper brushing can lead to gum disorders like receding gums that can also lead to many other complications affecting the health of the oral cavity.
  • The issues like overbite and open bite can also develop if teeth overlapping is severe. This may require medical intervention.

The other complications that can arise by teeth overlapping may include the following:

  • Low self esteem and confidence due to change in teeth shapes and alignment
  • Changes in shape of face
  • Speech difficulty 

What are the Treatment Options Available?

There are many treatment plans and options available that can rectify this tooth’s overlapping issue. But your dentist after carefully observing the condition will suggest the treatment options. The widely administered treatment options are as follows;

  1. Braces

The first method which is suggested by many dentists around the world to treat overlapping issues is braces. 

Braces can be traditional ones that use the metal wire and brackets to hold the teeth in correct positions. This method is however a lengthy and time taking procedure.

The braces will apply pressure to teeth in order to make them aligned.

According to the University of Illinois, Braces can also help with the problem like why there are abnormal spaces between teeth.

Another type of aligners that have gained popularity in recent times are invisalign or clear braces.

They are comfortable to use and they can be removed while brushing or eating, which will again improve the oral health.

  1. Veneers 

Veneers or artificial teeth covering are used to improve the appearance of teeth. They cannot help in correct alignment of teeth, however they can make your teeth appear good.

Veneers are not suitable for severe cases of teeth overlapping.

  1. Tooth Extraction or Surgery

The final method to deal with tooth overlapping issues is tooth extraction. The tooth that is causing the deformities are then removed surgically and then the shape of remaining teeth is adjusted by using braces after the surgery for some time.

Tooth extraction is opted for in conditions when braces and aligners cannot do much.

RELATED: Find out the dietary modifications you should do after oral surgery.

What’s The Takeaway?

Overlapping  teeth are bothersome and they can take a toll on your mental and physical health. But if the tooth’s overlapping issue is not severe then your dentist may not suggest you go for any extensive procedure. It is nonetheless a fact that Cosmetic dentistry is expensive. 
If you want to get the best possible advice then make an appointment today with the best dentists in the area. To know more about dental health and general health related issues, visit our website healthwire.pk.

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