Home General Health Why Do You Feel Pulse in Stomach? 

Why Do You Feel Pulse in Stomach? 

Pulse in Stomach
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You’re sitting quietly, and suddenly, you become acutely aware of a subtle yet persistent throbbing sensation in your abdomen. Your mind races, and you can’t help but wonder: why do I feel a pulse in stomach? 

It’s a sensation, simultaneously intriguing and perplexing, making you question your own body. Let’s discuss this pulsating phenomenon, explore its causes, whether it’s normal, and the underlying reasons behind it.

What is a Pulse in Stomach?

The pulse in your stomach, or abdominal pulsation, refers to the rhythmic throbbing you feel in the upper or lower abdominal area. 

This sensation often mirrors the heartbeat. You can sense it just by resting your hand lightly on your belly. 

This pulsation is your abdominal aorta at work. The aorta is the largest artery in your body. It originates from the heart and runs through the chest and into the abdomen. It carries oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and into various body parts, including the abdomen and legs.

When you feel a pulse in stomach, you’re feeling the reverberations of each heartbeat as your aorta expands and contracts.

The aorta branches out into smaller arteries and arterioles, and the pulse in your stomach is the blood pumping through these vessels. It causes the abdominal wall to pulsate with each heartbeat.

What are the Causes Behind a Pulse in Stomach?

Here are some of the common reasons you may feel this sensation: 

Normal Blood Flow

The most common cause of a pulse in your stomach is entirely natural. It is the result of your circulatory system functioning as it should. 

Moreover, your heart tirelessly pumps blood throughout the body, and blood flow is palpable in various parts of your body, including your abdomen.

Exercise or Physical Exertion

After a vigorous workout or intense physical activity, heart rate and blood flow increase. 

Moreover, this heightened circulation can make the pulse in your stomach more pronounced, as your heart pumps more blood to meet the demands of your body.


Your digestive system is also heavily involved in the sensation of a pulsating stomach. 

When you consume food, blood redirects to the digestive organs, including the stomach and intestines. It can intensify the pulse in your abdomen as blood flow shifts to support the digestive process.


For expectant mothers, feeling a pulse in the stomach is not uncommon. Moreover, during pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes, including an increased blood volume to nourish both the mother and the developing fetus. 

This increased blood flow can make the abdominal pulsation more noticeable.


A pulsating sensation in the stomach can point toward an abdominal aortic aneurysm. 

An aneurysm is an abnormal bulge or swelling in an artery, which can cause it to pulsate more prominently

Moreover, you should recognize this as a potential sign of a severe medical condition that requires immediate attention.

Doctor Recommendation: Dr. Muhammad Umer Sheikh is one of the best general physicians in Lahore. He has an experience of 11 years in the field and can treat any health condition effectively. 

What are the Symptoms of a Pulse in Stomach?

Here are some symptoms that might indicate a need for medical attention:

  • Pain: If the pulsation is accompanied by pain, discomfort, or a feeling of pressure, it could be a sign of an underlying issue that needs evaluation.
  • Change in Pulsation: A sudden change in the intensity or frequency of the pulse should be taken seriously. However, if it becomes much more pronounced or irregular, consult a healthcare professional.
  • Other Symptoms: Additional symptoms like nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, or a racing heart could indicate a more severe problem, especially if they persist or worsen.

Listen to your body and seek medical advice when something feels out of the ordinary. However, for most people, the sensation of a pulse in the stomach is a normal part of their physiological experience.

Is it Normal to Feel a Pulse in the Stomach?

Feeling a pulse in your stomach is a normal and benign occurrence. 

Moreover, pulsations can be felt in various body parts, not just the stomach, due to the distribution of arteries close to the surface. These are known as pulse points. Pulse points are specific areas where arteries are positioned close to the skin’s surface, making it easier to feel the pulse. 

Some common pulse points include:

  • Radial Artery (Wrist): You’ve probably felt your pulse at your wrist; it’s a standard location for checking your heart rate.
  • Carotid Artery (Neck): Located in the neck, the carotid pulse can be easily detected by gently pressing your fingers against the side of your neck.
  • Brachial Artery (Elbow Crease): If you’ve ever had your blood pressure checked, the healthcare provider likely used the brachial artery in your elbow crease.
  • Femoral Artery (Groin): The femoral pulse is felt in the groin area and is often used in medical assessments.
  • Dorsalis Pedis Artery (Top of the Foot): You can feel your pulse on the top of your foot, just above the arch.
  • Temporal Artery (Temple): The temporal pulse is found on the side of your forehead, near your temple.

Each of these pulse points corresponds to a specific artery’s location, and the sensation of pulsation in these areas is completely normal. 

It’s a tangible reminder of your circulatory system’s working in supplying your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function.

However, if you feel uncomfortable with this sensation and want a professional’s opinion, consult a qualified general physician via Healthwire.

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