Home General Health Rainwater Benefits: And Should You Use Rainwater? Find Out Answers Yourself !

Rainwater Benefits: And Should You Use Rainwater? Find Out Answers Yourself !

Rainwater Benefits
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Water is no doubt the best natural tonic for our bodies. Water is essential for many different reasons. 

It is used for keeping the blood pressure in a required range. It is crucial for maintaining good skin. 

There are many other benefits of drinking water in normal amounts. With that being said, there are different ways by which we get water. One of those sources is the rainwater. 

So coming up with the questions is quite a natural process. One may question that : what are the benefits of rainwater? Is it safe to consume rainwater? 

Are there any disastrous effects of rainwater on health? 

Well we are here with the possible answers to all of the above mentioned questions. 

Also the blog reviews the importance of rainwater and the ways to improve the quality of rainwater.So without wasting any further time, let us delve into the discussion of our topic of concern.


Rainwater is used by many people around the world as the only safe source of drinking water. 

With water scarcity and environmental changes, it is getting difficult and strenuous to ensure equal distribution of water. In view of this, some countries of the world are left with no other option but to make their living on this rainwater. 

The data collected so far through different researches hints at the proposed effectiveness of rainwater harvesting in many areas. 

But is it safe to drink rainwater?

Well we can’t suggest one answer to the question as there are many things to consider in this regard.

Rainwater is fit for consumption as it contains all necessary minerals in it. But certain environmental factors affect the purity of rainwater. 

The harmful gases in the atmosphere will contaminate the rainwater on its way down the earth.

Also it depends on the area. If you are collecting rainwater over a contaminated area then there are chances that you might contract harmful and fatal diseases. This thing is evident as this contaminated rainwater is found to be linked with the major outbreaks of the past

So with all being said, it is an accepted fact that one should not consume rainwater directly if one is not sure of the environmental conditions.

But let us just assume that if the environment is not polluted and the rainwater is collected from a very neat and clean place.

Are there any health benefits of rainwater? Can it be used for drinking? What are the consequences of using rainwater for skin and hair health?

Rainwater Benefits

So without any further ado, let us discover the benefits of clean rainwater:

1-Rainwater Benefits for Skin

Rainwater is beneficial for skin in many ways but there are certain things that should be considered in this regard. 

Rainwater is good for skin as it forms lather with a small amount of soap. Less soap means less chemicals on the skin. 

Also the rainwater is alkaline in pH which makes it the best fit for your skin. 

This alkaline pH of rainwater is beneficial in maintaining the elasticity of your skin thus helps to keep the skin fresh and healthy. 

There is another main point through which the efficacy of rainwater can be understood. 

The role of rainwater in locking the moisture in your skin is also evident. So clean rainwater is essential for skin in this way.

But as far as the downsides of rainwater on skin are concerned, these detrimental effects can’t be ignored. 

As we know that our environment is polluted to an extreme level. So there are chances of rainwater being contaminated with all these harmful substances.

Using this contaminated rainwater on skin will bring more harm than doing any good to skin. It is now considered that the first pour is just a little water with lots of dust and pollutants. 

In short, clean rainwater can be used on skin whereas contaminated rainwater should be abandoned at every cost. 

Side Read: Find out more about natural ingredients which you should not use on skin.

2-Rainwater Benefits for Hair

The same goes here as well. Clean rainwater is beneficial for hair growth and hair strength. 

Due to its alkaline nature it can form better lather with cleansing products be it some shampoo or conditioner. 

Rainwater is also enriched with many nutrients and minerals that are conducive for hair growth. So rainwater can be used for hair growth and giving strength to hair.

But more research is needed in this regard. As it varies from person to person. 

Most of the people even found their hair all frizzy and dull after using rainwater. There are cases when split ends in hair are also rapidly increased after using rainwater. 

Find out tips to prevent split ends and to get long and healthy hair.

If the rainwater is loaded with pollutants and dust particles then it may cause itching on the scalp.

3-Rainwater Benefits on General Health

The question which one may ask is what are the health benefits of rainwater?

Well rainwater which is clean and is collected from a safe place has many health benefits. Rainwater is alkaline in pH which is conducive in maintaining gut health. 

Due to its alkaline nature rainwater is also important in flushing out toxins from the body. This will thus help in preventing early onset of ageing phenomenon. 

But above all, the thing which should be given due importance is the purity and sterility of rainwater.

Now coming towards the question that how can you clean the rainwater? Well there are plenty of options that can be used to clean the rainwater. 

We are presenting you with some easy methods through which you can clean rainwater and can make the best use of it.

Boil Rainwater

Try to boil the rainwater. It will remove any unwanted and toxic bacterias and microorganisms from the water and it will be safe to use. 

Filtration Plants

In some cases, when rainwater is collected from a very polluted environment then boiling alone will not do much. In that case, refer to water filtration plants. 

According to the CDC, water treatment options must be considered for rainwater which is used for drinking purposes. These water filtration plants will remove all the unnecessary components from the rainwater. This filtration can be done to remove heavy metal traces and suspended dust particles.

Final Outlook

Rainwater is no doubt the best source of getting water. Even in many areas it is the only source of water. But the changing climatic conditions have reduced the health benefits of rainwater. As our environment is now badly contaminated one should try not to use rainwater directly. If you want to use it then either boil it or pass it through the filtration process. Drinking or using clean tap water will have almost the same health benefits as that of rainwater. If you want to get the best advice on your health related queries, make an appointment today with the best general physician. To read more on healthcare issues, visit our website healthwire.pk.

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