Home Pain Managment 5 Amazing Ways To Manage Stitches Pain after C Section

5 Amazing Ways To Manage Stitches Pain after C Section

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You’re happy that your baby is finally here, but you’re also tired, uncomfortable, going through an emotional roller coaster, and you’re not sure if you’ll ever be able to fit into your jeans again. You went to childbirth classes to get ready for the birth, but you weren’t ready for all of this!

Usually, the doctor or nurse stitches up the perineal wound after the baby is born. In 1 to 2 weeks, the stitches will dissolve, so they won’t need to be taken out. When you go to the bathroom, you might find stitches on your pad or on the toilet paper. This is common practice.

Sometimes, a small wound won’t be stitched back together. Instead, it will be left to heal on its own.

We can understand stitches pain after C-section can be distressing and you can reduce pain and swelling by putting an ice pack on your lower abdomen.

Depending on how deep and long the tear is, recovery can be uncomfortable or painful. It hurts the most at first, but each day should make you feel better. The pain usually makes it hard to sit, walk, urinate, or go to the bathroom for at least a week. The first time you go to the bathroom may hurt. Most tears get better in 4 to 6 weeks.

This article gives you a general idea of how long it will take for you to get better. But every woman heals at her own pace.  Getting better after a c-section usually takes about 6 weeks, but this will depend on your own situation. If you had any skin fungal infection during or after your c-section, or if you have other children at home, you may feel like you need more time to recover.

Talk to your nearest doctor if you’re still hurting or don’t feel better after 6 weeks. Follow the steps below to get better as quickly as possible.

 5 Easy Home Remedies For C Section Recovery 

We are here with you to help with your C section recovery, You are not alone.Here are a few home remedies for C section recovery that will help you to  heal wounds faster such as

Eat A Lot Of Fiber

After the first 24 hours, when your hospital will probably only let you eat soft foods, don’t be afraid to eat a lot of fiber. Fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes can help a lot with constipation and gas pains after surgery.

Choose foods like okra, oats, flax seeds, and chia seeds. Their slippery composition will help soften your poop, making it easier to pass. Raw vegetables that have probiotics that will get your microflora back in order after antibiotics mess it up.

One study found that taking probiotics before and after giving birth helps to prevent depression and anxiety that can happen after giving birth.

Have Some Rest

It’s easier to say than to do, but you need to rest. Stitches pain after C-section can be managed by rest. Rest helps your body heal and keeps your immune system strong after surgery or anything else that is hard on you physically and emotionally. By asking for help from your support group, you’ll have more time to spend on your baby and on getting better. Ask people in your community to help you run and do things around the house.

Also, try to give yourself time and space to think about what you just went through. Cesarean birth may have been planned or it may not have been, and it can be very helpful to think about the surprises that come with birth. “Maybe not now, but you might want to think about all of your feelings about the birth at some point.

And remember that resting doesn’t always mean sleeping or taking a nap. What calms and soothes you? Try it.

Drink A Lot Of Water 

If you lost fluids while giving birth, drinking water can help you get them back. But it can also help relieve constipation, which is good news since it is a common problem and can cause pain by putting pressure on the stitches.

At least 8 cups of water should be drunk every day. As a reminder to drink water, you can leave bottles and jars of water around the house. You can also drink homemade smoothies made with water and fruit or vegetables. They have a lot of water and fiber. Who doesn’t like a double deal? 

Have A Nice Massage 

Massages have been used for a long time to prevent and minimize the look of C-section scars. They improve blood flow, which brings fresh blood and nutrients to the area where the stitches are. “Massaging yourself can help the area around your wound and where you had surgery heal.  It can help your scar lay flatter, be less sensitive, and become less painful over time.

Before massaging the stitches site, you should wait at least two to four weeks, or sooner if your provider says it’s okay.

There are some general goals for scar massage that you should discuss with your doctor first:

  • Weeks 2–4: Touch your scar.
  • Weeks 4-8: Give your scar a massage.
  • Weeks 8–12: Massage your scar in the middle.
  • After 12 weeks, massage the whole scar, even the ends.

As you get better, massage can get deeper and more moving.  Get help from a physical therapist who is certified as a pelvic medical professional or women’s health specialist for more specific instructions.

Get Some Heat

Pain is something that happens after a C-section. There’s just no way around it. “You may put ice on your wound for the first couple of days in the hospital. Most of the time, warmth will make you feel better when you get home. We would suggest that you use heat for short periods of time because it can help relieve pain.

One study reveals that heat therapy enhances tissue flexibility and will relax your muscles, bring more blood to the area, and dull the pain signal because your nerves will send a sense of relief to your brain. A hot water bottle or heating pad can be used to apply heat.

A warm and cozy bath sounds like it would be nice, but getting in and out of the tub can be hard on your muscles.

Bottom Line 

After a C-section, you may feel some pain in the stitches, and you may bleed or have a discharge for up to 6 weeks.

But if you have a wound that is red, swollen, and you are feeling pain around the wound or a  fever of more than 100.4°F (38°C) and heavy vaginal bleeding, trouble breathing, or chest pain  we would like to suggest that you should call your doctor if you have any of the following signs of an infection

Right now, you should just focus on getting better and giving your body the time it needs to get back to normal.

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