Home Heart Care The Best Heartburn Remedies to Soothe Acidity!

The Best Heartburn Remedies to Soothe Acidity!

Heartburn Remedies
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Do you ever experience that uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest after enjoying your favorite spicy foods or eating too much at once? If so, then you know how painful and frustrating it can be.  

From a burning sensation in your chest to a sour taste in your mouth, it’s no wonder that heartburn is one of the most common digestive issues out there. 

Your everyday activities and well-being can have a negative impact,  which can be a genuine inconvenience. But the good news is having heartburn remedies to help soothe your acidity and relieve the discomfort to provide heartburn relief. 

This article contains the best heartburn remedies to help you find relief and get back to your normal routine. 

Whether you prefer natural or over-the-counter solutions, we have got you covered. So, sit back, and read on to learn more about these effective heartburn remedies to feel better fast!

First, Let’s Know What is Heartburn, Exactly?

Heartburn is a common, yet uncomfortable sensation that many people experience after enjoying a hearty meal or indulging in spicy, acidic, or greasy foods. 

It’s the burning feeling in your chest or throat that can make you feel like there’s a fire in your belly. Relatable, isn’t it? 

While heartburn is often confused with acid reflux and GERD, these conditions are not the same.

What is Acid Reflux? 

According to Dr. Bilal Bin Mukhtar, a renowned gastroenterologist with 20 years of experience, acid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, which can cause irritation and inflammation. It can cause burning in the chest, throat, and even the mouth. 

And, How Does Acid Reflux Transform into GERD?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, also known as GERD, is a chronic form of acid reflux that develops when the esophagus is harmed by repeated episodes of acid reflux.

Heartburn – a Feeling of Acid Reflux!

Heartburn - a Feeling of Acid Reflux!

Although heartburn is a sign of both GERD and acid reflux, it is not always present. Some people with acid reflux or GERD may not experience heartburn at all, while others may experience it only occasionally or with certain trigger foods. 

But when it does, heartburn can be a very unpleasant and painful experience.

So, What Does Heartburn Really Feel Like? 

Well, it’s a burning feeling that can start in the chest and move up to the throat. It can feel like a hot, acidic sensation that rises from the stomach to the chest. 

Some people describe it as a sour taste or a feeling of food coming back up in the throat. It may also be accompanied by chest heaviness or tightness that makes breathing challenging for you. 

While heartburn is a common and usually harmless sensation, it can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, such as acid reflux or GERD. If you experience frequent or severe heartburn, speak with a well-known gastroenterologist to determine the cause and explore treatment options. 

In the meantime, let’s discuss heartburn remedies to try at home so that you can get rid of this frustrating sensation. 

Heartburn Remedies – How to Get Rid of Heartburn? 

What gets rid of heartburn fast at home? We are here with the answers – aka, heartburn remedies you can try at home to get heartburn relief and enjoy your favorite foods with ease.

When it comes to heartburn, finding relief can be a top priority. These heartburn remedies can help soothe the burning sensation in your chest and provide relief from discomfort.

A Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar

Heartburn - Apple Cider Vinegar

If you’re looking for a natural acid reflux treatment, apple cider vinegar may be just what you need. While it may seem counterintuitive to use vinegar to treat acid reflux, apple cider vinegar can help provide relief from heartburn in several ways.

When you take apple cider vinegar, it can help increase the pH level in your stomach, making it less acidic and reducing the likelihood of acid reflux

One spoonful of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water should be consumed before meals to relieve heartburn. You can also try sipping on apple cider vinegar throughout the day to help prevent heartburn from occurring.

Sip on Ginger Juice

Ginger’s inherent anti-inflammatory characteristics can aid in reducing digestive system inflammation. The inflammation of your digestive system can cause acid reflux and heartburn. By reducing inflammation, ginger can help prevent these symptoms from occurring.

To use ginger for heartburn relief, you can try sipping on ginger tea or chewing on a piece of fresh ginger. 

You can also incorporate ginger into your meals by adding it to stir-fries, soups, or smoothies.

Use Baking Soda

A natural antacid, baking soda can help neutralize stomach acid and relieve heartburn.

Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water, then sip it gently to relieve heartburn.

Caution: Baking soda is highly alkaline, so you should not take more than the recommended dosage or use it for an extended period, as this can disrupt the natural pH balance of your stomach.

Drink Aloe Vera Juice

heartburn - Drink Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice is a well-liked all-natural treatment for heartburn and other digestive problems. 

Polysaccharides in aloe vera juice can aid in reducing inflammation and fostering tissue healing. This can lessen the discomfort and anguish brought on by heartburn.

To use aloe vera juice for heartburn relief, drink a small amount (around 2 ounces) before meals or as needed when symptoms arise. 

Read more about the health benefits of aloe vera

Slippery Elm

Since ancient times, people have relied on slippery elm as a natural remedy to relieve different digestive problems, including heartburn. Slippery elm contains a substance called mucilage, which can help coat the lining of the esophagus and stomach, providing a protective barrier against stomach acid. 

To use slippery elm for heartburn relief, mix a teaspoon of slippery elm powder with water to form a paste or tea. When symptoms appear, consume this mixture before meals or as needed. 

Try Chewing Gum

Gum chewing is an easy and efficient natural treatment for heartburn. By encouraging saliva production, which can help neutralize stomach acid and wash it away from the esophagus, chewing gum can help alleviate the symptoms of heartburn.

After a meal, or whenever symptoms start, chew a piece of sugar-free gum for 30 minutes. 

Choose sugar-free gum, as sugary gum can exacerbate heartburn symptoms.

A Handful of Almonds

Almonds are a tasty and healthy snack that can also help with heartburn relief. Alkaline qualities in almonds can help neutralize stomach acid and relieve the symptoms of heartburn. 

Snack on a handful of raw almonds after meals or as needed when symptoms arise. Read more about the benefits of almonds as a superfood. 

Chew on Fennel Seeds

Crush a teaspoon of fennel seeds and steep them in hot water for several minutes to make fennel tea. Alternatively, you can chew on a teaspoon of fennel seeds after meals or as needed when symptoms arise. 

By incorporating these remedies into your daily routine, you can find relief from heartburn and keep your gut feeling happy and healthy.

Acid Reflux Treatment – Book the Best Doctor with Healthwire!

With Healthwire, booking an appointment is simple, fast, convenient, and can be done from the comfort of your home. 
So why wait? Book an appointment with a gastroenterologist today for acid reflux treatment and take control of your heartburn symptoms.

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