Home Heart Care How to Stop a Heart Attack? 

How to Stop a Heart Attack? 

How to Stop a Heart Attack
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Imagine this: You’re enjoying a delicious lunch and a wonderful day with your loved ones when all of a sudden, you experience an unsettling heaviness in your chest. Is this just indigestion, or is it something more serious? you worry as your heart begins to beat like a drum at a rock concert. 

It’s important to pay attention to these symptoms because you could be having a heart attack, which is a serious emergency that calls for quick intervention. 

Take a deep breath and let’s get looking for ways on how to stop a heart attack in its tracks before you start to panic like a squirrel. Just keep in mind that even though a heart attack may appear like a really frightening sequence from a Hollywood film, you can come out victorious by understanding what to do.

How to Know if You are Having a Heart Attack? 

Heart attacks typically begin gradually with just minor discomfort and agony, presenting warning indications before they really happen. contact emergency helplines right away, or have someone else contact them if you suffer any of the symptoms listed below.

These are some of the common signs of a heart attack and might indicate one before you get the answer to how to stop a heart attack:

  • Chest discomfort that lasts for a long time or comes and goes, especially in the middle. The sensation could be described as being heavy, full, squeezing, or painful.
  • Discomfort in the shoulders, back, neck, jaw, or upper abdomen. This could be uncomfortable or painful.
  • Chest discomfort may accompany this or not
  • Unusual feelings include a cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or lightheadedness. When it comes to these symptoms, women are more likely than males to be affected.

How to Stop a Heart Attack at Home?

Here are some of the best life-saving steps to thwart a heart attack and save the day!

Recognize the Symptoms – Don’t Panic!

During a heart attack, your body will send out distress signals similar to a superhero’s Spidey sense. One of these warning symptoms could be a tightness or squeezing in your chest as if a tiny elephant has settled down on your ribs. 

A strange combination of sadness and bellyache, certainly, if you feel pain or discomfort radiating to your arms, back, neck, jaw, or even stomach.

How to stop a heart attack then? 

Even when you’re not competing in a marathon, you can find yourself gasping for air desperately. And to add to it, might feel cold sweat, giving you the impression that you have just overcome a sweat-drenched dance-off. You can be in danger of having a heart attack if all of these symptoms appear at once

Suggested Read: Difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest.

Call an Ambulance – ASAP!!!

If anyone else is nearby, request that they stay with you until emergency personnel arrive. The shortest approach to receiving emergency care is typically to dial 1122 rather than to request a ride in someone else’s automobile to the hospital. 

Dr. Asim Maqsood Sheikh who is one of the top cardiologists in Pakistan says that EMS personnel can transfer you to the hospital for prompt treatment in order to get the answer to how to stop a heart attack. They are trained to revive persons having heart attacks. The sooner you summon help, the quicker the cavalry will arrive at your rescue.

There is a good probability that there will be a defibrillator available if you are in a public place like a store, school, library, or place of business. Emergency professionals utilize defibrillators to revive patients who are having heart attacks. 

Pop an Aspirin – Shield Against those Invaders

If you have aspirin on hand, take a standard dose (325 milligrams) while you’re still conscious. This can be your secret weapon during a heart attack.

The superpower of aspirin is its ability to thin the blood and stop those bothersome blood clots from disrupting the function of your heart.

If you are awake and not allergic to aspirin, chew on one tablet (325 mg) as though it were a piece of life-saving gum.

What is the Fast Way to Stop a Heart Attack?

The best way and the answer to how to stop a heart attack fast is only the emergency service arriving on time. The internet can claim to give you fast treatments for heart attacks however, These “fast” options are ineffective and could even be harmful because they postpone receiving emergency medical care.

Cough CPR

A procedure known as “cough CPR” can be used during a heart attack to briefly sustain blood flow to the brain. 

The concept of “cough CPR” suggests that if someone experiences a sudden heart attack or cardiac arrest while alone and their heart rhythm becomes irregular, they can cough forcefully and continuously to maintain blood flow to the brain until medical help arrives. 

The idea is that coughing increases intrathoracic pressure, which may create a temporary increase in blood flow to the brain. So, can this be a  great answer to how to stop a heart attack.

This approach is not suggested much by the experts at the Punjab Institute of Cardiology as this cannot work on a person that is unconscious. 

Read more on CPR and how it can save lives.

Cayenne Pepper and Water

The suggestion to add a tablespoon of cayenne pepper to a glass of water and drink it is another popular one online. This can be found online but is totally ineffective. Some claim that cayenne pepper is a stimulant that can speed up heartbeat and circulate blood evenly throughout the body. Some people assert that cayenne pepper can instantly stop bleeding.

A lot of research has been done on it as there is no way it can make sense without solid backing. 

How to Decrease the Risk of Heart Attack?

Now that you know how to stop a heart attack know that adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle and altering your everyday routine will reduce your risk of having a heart attack.

Here is what you can do.

Maintain a Healthy Diet: Follow a balanced and nutritious diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit the intake of saturated and trans fats, added sugars, and sodium. A heart-healthy diet can help control cholesterol levels and blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Stop Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of heart disease. One of the most important things you can take to improve heart health is to stop smoking. If necessary, get assistance from medical experts or support organizations As it si one of the simplest answers to how to stop a heart attack.

Manage Stress:  Long-term stress can harm your heart’s health. Practice stress-reduction methods like yoga, deep breathing exercises, meditation, or indulging in enjoyable, relaxing hobbies.

Exercise Regularly: Engage in regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling. 

Control Blood Pressure: Regularly monitor your blood pressure and follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for managing it.

Suggested Read: 5 Best Heart Hospitals in Karachi

When to Visit a Cardiologist

Knowing how to react in the face of a heart attack can mean the difference between life and death. When it comes to the question of how to stop a heart attack, every second counts. When you know what to do right away to stop it, you transform into a real-life superhero who can save lives and have long-lasting effects. You have the power to save lives and help loved ones during this life-altering tragedy by being proactive and alert. In case of any early symptoms, it is best to visit the best cardiologist near you by contacting Healthwire. 

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