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What Is CPR- Get To Know About Saving  Many lives

What Is CPR
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You must be aware of what does CPR stands for. Using the steps of CPR on someone who isn’t breathing can keep them alive until help arrives.

CPR works because it keeps a person’s blood moving until medical help arrives. Even if someone hasn’t been trained in first aid, they can still save a life by following the CPR steps.

If CPR is started right away after a person’s heart stops beating, it can double or even triple their chance of survival. 

This article shows you how to do CPR step-by-step.

Learn CPR Step By Step

There are two main parts to CPR: getting ready and doing CPR.

Preparation steps

Before giving CPR to an adult, you should take the following steps:

First Call 1122

First, look around to see if any things could hurt you, like traffic, fire, or falling rocks. Check out the person next. Do they need assistance? Tap them on the shoulder and yell, “Are you all right?”

Call 1122 or ask another person to call 1122 before doing CPR if the person is not responding. If you can, ask someone nearby to go look for an AED machine. These can be found in offices and many other public places.

Put The Person On Their Back And Make Sure Their Airway Is Open

Carefully put the person on their back and kneel next to their chest. Lift their chin and tilt their head back a little.

Open their mouth and look for anything that might be stuck in there, like food or vomit. Get rid of any loose things that are in the way. If it isn’t loose, trying to grab it could push it further into the airway.

Make Sure Person Is Still Alive

Listen for no more than 10 seconds with your ear next to the person’s mouth. If you don’t hear anyone breathing or only hear short gasps, you should start CPR.

Don’t do CPR on someone who isn’t conscious but is still breathing. Instead, put them in the recovery position if they don’t seem to have a spinal injury. Keep an eye on their breathing, and if they stop, give them CPR. Now move to the second part of CPR.

CPR Steps

Sometimes people have a sudden heart attack and they just fall and went into an unconscious state. You can follow the steps below to give CPR:

Do 30 Compressions On The Chest

Put one hand on top of the other and squeeze your hands together. With the heels of your hands and your elbows straight, push quickly and hard in the middle of your chest, just below your nipples.

at least 2 inches into the ground and 100 times per minute, press down on their chest. Let the chest go up between each squeeze.

Take-Two emergency Breaths

Make sure their mouth is clean by slightly adjusting their head back and lifting their chin. Put your mouth over theirs, pinch their nose shut, and blow to make their chest rise.

If their chest doesn’t go up when they take their first breath, turn their head back. If the person takes a second breath and their chest still doesn’t rise, they may be choking.

Repeat The CPR Steps

Repeat the cycle of 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths until the person starts breathing again or help arrives. If an AED arrives, keep doing CPR steps until the machine is set up and ready to use.

There is two types of CPR that we can use to save lives, let’s move on to them. 

Types Of CPR 

There are two types of CPR, and both could save a person’s life. One study reveals that after 6 and 12 months of training, both groups had the same amount of CPR knowledge and skills. The traditional CPR training program was equally better than the hand-only CPR training program. But there is still room for improvement in both the initial performance of skills and their long-term retention. Let’s discuss these types in detail.

Hand-only CPR

 This is done by calling for help and then quickly pushing on the chest. We call these movements “chest compressions.” Hands-only CPR can get the blood flowing through the body faster.

Traditional CPR

Breathing is a part of traditional CPR. This is also known as “CPR with breaths” because it combines chest compressions with mouth-to-mouth breathing. Before help arrives, this kind of CPR can help the body get more oxygen in those crucial moments.

People who have never learned CPR or learned it a long time ago should only use their hands. It’s also best for people who know CPR but aren’t sure if they’re good enough at it to help someone in cardiac arrest.

This method can be used by people who have been trained in traditional CPR and are comfortable with that method.

Adults and teens in trouble can use CPR with only their hands. Traditional CPR can be done on adults, teens, children, and babies who are having a cardiac arrest. After a complete checkup people should follow lifestyle changes to make after a heart attack 

After knowing all facts, you must be wondered, does it is important to perform and why you should learn. 

Does CPR is important To Perform?

If CPR is done quickly after the heart stops, it can keep a person alive until medical help arrives.

As early as the 18th century, rescue breathing techniques were used to save people who had drowned. But it wasn’t until 1960 that it was proven that external cardiac massage was a good way to bring someone back to life. 

People who haven’t been trained in CPR should start doing “hands-only” CPR. This method gets rid of the need for rescue breathing. It’s easy to use and has been shown to save lives. After that, you can take a person to perform an ECG Test to monitor conditions that affect the heart. 

 Learn Basic Aid Skills 

Think about taking a first aid class to learn CPR and other basic skills.

Simple first aid skills can make the difference between life and death in an emergency. One study reveals that a person’s chance of survival is two to three times higher when people start CPR outside of the hospital than when no one does it. Think about taking a course in first aid. CPR is a form of first aid that can save a person’s life until an ambulance arrives.

There are first aid training classes all over Australia. A course usually lasts two hours and can be taken in person or online. The times can also be changed.

People usually get a certificate after learning basic first aid skills, such as CPR. Every 3 years, you should take a refresher course.

Ask your doctor or a nurse who works in maternal and child health for more information about these courses.

Things You Should Consider 

CPR is a first aid method that can save someone’s life. It can make a person much more likely to live if they have a heart attack or stop breathing after an accident or other trauma.

The steps change depending on whether the person is a baby, child, or adult. However, the basic cycle of compressions and rescue breaths will stay the same.
CPR should only be done on an adult who has stopped breathing. Before starting CPR, you should see if the person responds to words or touch. If a person doesn’t give you a repone, take him to your nearest doctor. He will use other machines to make patients stable.

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