Home Nutrition & Diet Top Jamun (جامن) Benefits to Make You Nosh on This Blue Fruit This Summer

Top Jamun (جامن) Benefits to Make You Nosh on This Blue Fruit This Summer

Jamun Benefits
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Are you aware of the high nutritional value of the tropical fruit, Jamun?

Jamun is a fruit with a beautiful hue and sweet flavor that is indigenous to India. 

The fruit is well-known for its intense blue or purple hue. 

Jamun, sometimes referred to as the black plum or Java plum, has now spread to other tropical areas of the world. 

It is a fruit that ripens in May and June on the Syzygium cumini blooming tree. Jamun offers a number of therapeutic and physiological advantages.

I am sure you have munched on this fruit every summer. It’s delicious, it’s sour-sweet, and it’s pulpy when mixed with salt. But do you know how jamun benefits your health?

Let me tell you. Keep on reading this article to find out all about jamun fruit benefits for your health, and skin. .

Jamun Benefits for Your Health

Before getting into jamun benefits for your health, have a look at jamun fruit’s nutrition content:

140g Jamun contains:

  • Carbs 14 g
  • Dietary Fiber 1 g
  • Sugar 5 g
  • Protein 1 g
  • Sodium 40 mg
  • Potassium 79 mg
  • Cholesterol– mg
  • Vitamin A– %
  • Vitamin C45 %
  • Calcium 2 %
  • Iron 4 %

It’s great to know that this delicious fruit contains so many nutrients that benefits your health immensely, right? Here’s a list of how jamun fruit benefits your health:

Improves Hemoglobin Counts

Iron and vitamin C are both abundant in jamun, both of which help raise hemoglobin levels. 

Blood is purified by the iron in jamun. 

Your blood’s ability to carry more oxygen to your organs and keep you healthy is encouraged by the rise in hemoglobin levels.

Strengthens Your Gums

Jamun is good for your teeth and gums. 

The black plum’s leaves have antibacterial qualities that can be used to stop gum bleeding. 

The leaf can be powdered after being dried and used as tooth powder. This will aid in avoiding gum infection and bleeding. 

The tree’s bark contains astringent qualities, thus you can rinse your mouth with a decoction made from the bark to heal mouth ulcers.

Acts as an Excellent Immunity Booster

If a person believes that his immunity is eroding day by day, jamun is highly advised due to its remarkable medical characteristics. 

Do you frequently get a cold or cough? Do you frequently experience a low or high fever? Do you frequently require medical attention for tonsillitis? 

Simply combine some jamun pulp with honey and amla, then either eat the mixture or dunk it in water.

Read more on making some immunity-boosting drinks for you at home. 

Gives You a Healthy Heart


If you want a healthy heart for yourself, jamun is the healthiest fruit to eat. 

You must consume Jamun every day as part of your diet due to the widespread increase in pollution. 

Jamun is extremely helpful in treating cardiac illnesses like high blood pressure, strokes, and excessive cholesterol because of its potassium content.

Treats Diabetes

Jamun is unquestionably one of the healthiest fruits for people with diabetes

Jamboline, a kind of glucose found in jamun seeds (both dried and powdered), has the power to regulate how quickly starch turns into sugar. 

Studies show that it aids in lowering the level of sugar in urine

You should consume one teaspoon of jamun powder, twice daily, to treat diabetes. 

Aids in Weight Loss

For weight loss, a lot of people choose to eat jamun. 

Only 75 calories are in one cup of jamun. As a result, it is ideal for losing weight. 

Additionally, it is fat-free. Due to its high fiber content, it also improves digestion. The high fiber content keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

The best thing is, it won’t result in a surge in your blood sugar levels. 

Jamun is a fruit that is easily regarded as a superfruit. Therefore, Jamun is highly recommended by dietitians/nutritionists for weight loss

Fiber-rich foods are great to include in your diet while you try to lose weight. Jamuns will help you manage your weight reduction journey better because they improve digestion.

Benefits of Jamun in Pregnancy

Prenatal care is crucial when you’re pregnant. This includes consuming particular meals that will benefit both you and your unborn child. 

The benefits of jamun in pregnancy are as follows:

Nutrient Profile

Jamun has a high nutritional profile that includes antioxidants, vitamin C, iron, calcium, and potassium. Your bones and immunity will be strengthened by these vitamins and minerals.

Enhances Digestion

Diarrhea or ulcers are possible during pregnancy. Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder that Jamun can help cure. All of these symptoms can be naturally treated by jamun, and you’ll soon have a healthy gut.

Read more on how to manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in pregnancy

Reduces the Risk of High Blood Pressure

Jamun, which is high in potassium and antioxidants, helps you feel more energized. Pregnancy frequently results in high blood pressure. Jamun’s potassium level, however, can help you lower your chance of developing high blood pressure.

Enhances Immunity

This fruit ensures that you have improved immunity because its antioxidants assist you fend off illnesses and infections. This is due to the fact that it contributes to an increase in RBCs. Thus, conditions like anemia and iron shortage are avoided.

Develops Baby’s Vision 

Jamun is abundant in vitamin A, a substance necessary for a baby’s vision to develop.

Maintains Oral Health

Jamun’s antimicrobial characteristics help it maintain oral health by preventing dental issues. Maintaining your oral health during pregnancy is advantageous, especially if you experience morning sickness.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Jamun helps to control your blood pressure. Additionally, doing so will lessen your chance of having a heart attack. Additionally, it has excellent anti-inflammatory and heart-vessel-protective effects.

Prevents Premature Delivery

A large part of preventing premature deliveries is due to jamun’s high magnesium level. Its nutritional composition aids in ensuring full fetal development.

Jamun Benefits: Tips to Benefit Your Skin & Hair With Jamun

Seasonal changes affect our skin’s faces. Summers typically have a big impact on our skin. On various types of skin, it gets fairly harsh. 

We experiment with several skincare products to maintain our skin bright and healthy. But have you ever tried any natural remedies that are calming to the face and can aid you with skin problems? 

Jamun offers great advantages for the skin, e.g:

  1. Treats Acne

The greatest treatment for acne is jamun seeds. 

Grind some dry jamun seeds and include some cow milk into this. Make sure to mix it well. 

Before going to bed, apply this paste to your zits. The following morning, wash it off. 

Keep in mind that affects won’t appear right away for your pimples; they’ll take time. For maximum effects, be sure to apply it frequently. 

Another mixture made from jamun seed powder, orange powder, a few drops of almond oil, red lentil powder (masoor dal), and rose water is also an option. 

Put this paste all over your face. After 15 minutes, rinse with cold water.

  1. Takes Care of Oily Skin

Jamun’s exfoliating properties can also do wonders for those with oily skin. 

Use jamun pulp, barley flour, amla juice, and rose water to make a face mask. 

When it has dried, apply this pack evenly to your face and rinse it off. It will regulate the amount of oil your skin secretes when used frequently.

  1. Lightens Dark Spots

Have you stopped leaving your house because of your skin’s pigmentation and black spots? 

Well, no more.

Combine gram flour, jamun seed powder, and lemon powder for this (besan). To this dry mixture, mix a few drops of rose water and almond oil. 

Create a paste with it. Apply it to your face and let it on until it totally dries. Use cold water to rinse it off. 

You will undoubtedly see promising effects if you stick to this routine for at least a month.

  1. Prevents Aging

Jamuns work wonders to keep your skin looking young. 

The antioxidants in jamuns aid in removing the free radicals that are responsible for the skin’s wrinkles and fine lines. 

Collagen, a protein that aids in giving the skin structure and strength, is produced more readily when black plums are consumed. 

It aids in tightening and firming the skin. This provides highly good wrinkle treatment.

  1. Reduces Skin Dullness

Jamun benefits you in cooling down your skin. 

Your skin becomes radiant and lovely thanks to the jamun seed powder. 

It contains vitamin C, which gives your skin a radiant appearance. 

Your skin will glow and be free of any dead skin cells thanks to the vitamins and antioxidants. Jamun seed powder can rapidly revitalize and make your skin look very healthy if it is dull and has lost its luster.

  1. Hydrates the Skin

Keeping the skin hydrated throughout this season is crucial. 

Because they contain vitamins A and C, which are both good for your skin, black plums are the finest choice. 

Consuming jamun and applying a face pack composed of it maintains the health and attractiveness of your skin.

  1. Improves Skin Elasticity

Jamun is a wonderful fruit that aids in enhancing skin suppleness. It aids in the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles. 

The astringent in jamun seed powder aids in clearing the skin by removing dead skin cells. The powder made from jamun seeds promotes healthy skin regeneration. 

It also has therapeutic qualities that aid in helping you get rid of any unpleasant skin conditions that have been bothering you for a while.

  1. Improves Your Hair Health

Jamun’s antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics aid in the treatment of bacterial scalp diseases and aid in the removal of toxins from the scalp. 

This promotes the growth of healthy hair. 

Jamun’s acidic qualities also aid in regulating the body’s natural oils and reducing cases of greasy scalp.

Putting it all Together!

Every food should be eaten in moderation. So, how many jamun to eat in a day? You can eat one portion-size or a small bowl full of Jamun a day. Or you can have one glass of Jamun juice.

Jamun truly deserves the phrase “Fruit of the Gods.” It is abundant in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that support the body’s general health. 

Your body will benefit greatly from including a serving of jamun in your daily diet. It is definitely among the best summertime fruits.

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