Home Women's Health Uterus Removal Side Effects You Need to Know!

Uterus Removal Side Effects You Need to Know!

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Last month my dearest aunt went through an excruciating pain that started in her lower belly and resulted in extreme discomfort in her back. Her menstrual cycle got disturbed pretty badly, some days she would experience heavy bleeding, and other days she would just feel spotting instead of bleeding. 

The first thought that came into my mind was to take her to a doctor and ask about uterus removal. But it is very well known that there are several uterus removal side effects that come with the idea of its removal. Well, after a number of visits to her gynecologists it was suggested that my aunt must get a hysterectomy. Now, what does this hysterectomy actually is, you may ask? Okay, let’s dig in. 

What is Hysterectomy?

For all the newbies here, a hysterectomy is a procedure that is done surgically to remove the uterus from the body. Well, further there are a few types of uterus removal that I’ll be explaining depending on what is being removed. Now let me educate you about the different types of hysterectomy by keeping aside the uterus removal side effects. 

  • A partial hysterectomy – the one where the cervix is left intact but the uterus is removed
  • A standard hysterectomy – the one where the uterus and cervix are both removed
  • A complete/full hysterectomy – where the cervix, uterus, and even the ovaries along with fallopian tubes are removed.

In modern times, uterus removal can be performed through not only surgery but also by using laparoscopy and other methods assisted by robotic technology. 

Major Hysterectomy Side Effects

Hysterectomy is not all fun and games. Getting rid of the most annoying organ of the body can be fun but yeah, brace yourself for all the uterus removal side effects that come along with it. Some of them can be short-term, some can be physical, and emotional and there also can be some long-term side effects. 

Physical Side Effects of Removing Uterus

After the hysterectomy, a lady is guided by the doctors to stay in the hospital for a few days to look for any side effects of uterus removal. If the uterus removal is done through other procedures like laparoscopy then there might not be a need to stay at the hospital. 

During the stay, several medicines are given that manage the pain of a hysterectomy. But with the recovery come the physical side uterus removal side effects. There are high chances that you will be experiencing bloody vaginal discharge after the procedure.

The physical side effects differ for different people and it all depends on the type of surgery that you are getting. 

Some people suffer from excruciating pain as one of the major side effects of a hysterectomy in the incision spot, others experience redness, swelling, and inflammation in the vagina, numbing of feet and legs, and also burning.   

Some women have prescribed antibiotics like the Velosef tablet and Azomax tablet if any kind of bacterial or viral infection catches them as uterus removal side effects.

If you have gone through a complete hysterectomy then there are chances that your hysterectomy side effects can be worse and can cause extreme vaginal dryness, insomnia, hot flashes, and night sweats. 

Women can proceed with daily activities after 6 weeks of the procedure.

Emotional Uterus Removal Side Effects

All of us ladies know that without a uterus we cannot become mothers. The removal means that you will not be able to give birth or experience menstruation ever again.

Even though there is a relief that comes with it but at the same time, there is a sense of loss that can disturb your mental health severely. 

Femininity is greatly interlinked with pregnancy and menstruation and losing this capacity as a result of this procedure can be a lot to process for women. There can be conflicting feelings coming up beside all the excitement you might feel after the uterus removal. 

Keeping aside the physical uterus removal side effects this alone emotional side effect can take a toll on your health. 

Long-term Side Effects

The worst hysterectomy side effect that can occur is the inability to give birth and have your period. In some of the cases, it has been observed that the vagina starts bulging out after some time. This can occur as the bladder can move down and take the place of the uterus pushing the vagina downward. 

Some of the long-term side effects can impact the sexual life badly which can cause a decrease in sex drive, pain during sex, and dryness in the vagina. This all occurs due to a decrease in estrogen levels in the body. However, not every woman goes through these long-term side effects. In some cases the removal causes ease during sex, reducing bleeding and increasing sex drive. 

Other Health Risks

Hysterectomy can is not an easy procedure and it comes with a number of health risks. The major risks like other surgeries include, 

  • Blood clotting
  • Infection
  • Anesthesia side effects
  • Surrounding tissues damage
  • Blood loss 
  • Blockage of bowel
  • Damage to the blood vessels

All of these risks come up with all kinds of surgeries, and that means you need to be prepared for all these side effects when it comes to uterus removal. 

Wrapping it Up!

If you are someone who is planning on getting their uterus removed, make sure to know all the uterus removal side effects beforehand. It is extremely important to know all the pros and cons of the procedure before diving in there. It surely has some benefits, but one shouldn’t forget the bad side of it. Make sure to consult with a specialist before making the decision as it is life-changing surgery. 

For a better treatment plan and to get answers to all your queries make sure to consult with the best gynecologist by visiting Social Security Hospital Lahore through Healthwire.pk. 

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