Blue waffle disease is absolutely not an existing disease. Basically, it started in 2010 with the claimed images of a blue-tinted vagina with pus. Many online users said it is a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
So, it does not exist.
You read anything related to blue waffle skin disease is all made up, including those fake images.
Waffle is a slang term that refers to the vagina, and blue represents the fake symptom of this infection. It isn’t real but has spread all over the internet.
According to online users, what is blue waffle disease?
Well, it is a condition that disfigures the vulva of a person and the vagina area. Additionally, it is considered that this disease turns your vagina blue.
But if we talk about sexually transmitted infections, there is not yet any disease that can turn your vagina blue.
Many people fall into this fake disease which can be dangerous. The age group 15 to 25 is more prone to sexually transmitted infections than older adults.
The spread of these fake STDs shows how much important it is to stay up to date with sexual education.
Let’s explore more about this rumor.
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What is the Blue Waffle Skin Disease Truth?
Readers got shocked when they saw the pictures of the blue vagina because it disturbed them all. There were more rumors that were associated with this fake disease. For example, another claim was that this disease only affects females with many sex partners.
But the truth is that the medical world does not know about this disease and any such STIs that can turn the vagina blue. It also involved the symptoms like lesions and smelly discharge from the vagina.
But many sexually transmitted infections can also cause discharge and lesions, for which you need to consult with the best sexologist.
Let’s have a look at some real sexually transmitted infections to not rely on rumors.
Potential Sexually Transmitted Infections STIs or STDs
Now, you know that there is no blue waffle disease, but yes, many other potential infections can be transmitted through intercourse. People who are sexually active should learn about the potential STIs and what are the symptoms.
Some of the common STDs include gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. If you have been experiencing the symptoms same as the blue waffle, they may be the signs of other diseases.
Many people also experience burning while urinating. These symptoms include:
- Unusual discharge from the vagina
- A red or swollen vulva
- Itching or irritation around the vagina
Vaginitis is the common STI that can cause these symptoms. Some are caused by allergic reactions or changes in bacterial balance in the vagina.
How to Prevent STDs
Sex education is crucial for every age group for safe sex. There are some STDs that bring on symptoms. But early treatment can protect you against serious complications. You can discuss with a doctor how you should use protection and pills to have safe sex.
Dr. Zubair Ahmad Cheema is one of the leading andrologists in Lahore. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Zubair is well-equipped to deal with all men’s health problems.
Blue Waffle rumor was good teaching for all of the use, and it shows how much important is to learn about sex education. It’s an urban myth and that’s all!
The high frequency of STDs among youth is due to the lack of sex education. It happens because they are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior and can easily believe what they read online.
Do Not Believe What You Read!
Blue waffle is a fake sexually transmitted infection that is associated with the symptoms of other real vaginal infections. This rumour spreads like a fire all over the internet world. The rumor about the fictitious disease shows that not many people are taking sex education which is crucial to prevent any potential STDs.