Home Nutrition & Diet Pre Workout Meal: What to Eat Before a Workout?

Pre Workout Meal: What to Eat Before a Workout?

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Exercise, whether you are going to the gym, or doing it in the great outdoors, isn’t the only way to keep your body strong, energized, and operating at its best. 

Rather, when it comes to working out, what you eat before and after your sweat session is just as important as the exercise itself. 

So, why wait? Let’s get deeper into the pre workout meal and its importance for your body. 

Why Eating Before or After Exercise is Important? 

It might be challenging to know how to fuel your workout for the optimum outcomes. Although, it varies from person to person. 

While some individuals enjoy getting up at the crack of dawn to do a fast workout, this isn’t for everyone. 

If you’re going to work out in the middle of the day, you’ll want to eat beforehand and include some pre-workout snacks. You’ll also want to eat properly so that you can get through your workout without feeling sluggish or fatigued from eating too much or too little. 

Knowing What to Eat is Important!!

Carbs contain immense energy, which is why they should be part of a pre-workout snack or meal, along with plenty of fluids (ideally water). 

Carbohydrate consumption before a high-intensity cardio exercise, such as cycling or running, guarantees that your body has enough glucose to fuel the session without breaking down muscle.

However, studies show that all kinds of nutrients are important for workout, the ratio varies from person to person

Continue reading to learn about the greatest foods to eat before working out.

Pre Workout Meal: What Should You Eat Before Workout in the Morning? 

When choosing a pre-workout meal, it is important to aim for a balance of macronutrients. 

Macronutrients are dietary compounds that the body needs in large quantities to function correctly.

The three macronutrients are:

  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats

Macronutrients are all key sources of energy, but each can contribute differently to a pre-workout meal. 

Here’s a list of the important foods you should add to your pre workout meal to have a balance of all the macro and micronutrients:

Eat Bananas: Boost Your Blood Sugars

There’s a reason that runners love their post-race bananas — the fruit is packed with simple carbs, natural sugars and, best of all, potassium. That electrolyte helps prevent muscle cramps and can be lost through sweat. In addition, bananas also have several other health benefits.

Potassium is only stored for a short period of time in the body, so eat a banana 30 minutes to an hour before your workout.

Eating a banana as a pre-workout snack is an excellent strategy to enhance blood sugar levels and boost muscle energy stores.

To make it a wholesome meal, cut bananas into slices, and add some almond butter or peanut butter. 

Eat a Cold Bowl of Yogurt

Yogurt contains calcium and proteins, as well as a little amount of natural sugar. It’s a terrific alternative to drink before a tough workout because it’s easy on the stomach and digestive system. 

Mix yogurt with whole grain cereal, fruits, or honey to have a quick energy before your workout.

Read more amazing yogurt benefits for your health. 

Brown Rice With Vegetables

Most people exercise in the mornings before going to school or work. Due to time constraints, some people exercise in the evenings or at night. Brown rice with chicken is a nice alternative for them. 

Brown rice is a rich source of fiber and carbs, while chicken is a lean meat and protein that is easily digested. 

This combo is perfect for before a workout. You’ll need around 200 to 300 calories, therefore one medium size bowl of brown rice with two pieces of chicken would suffice.

Scrambled Eggs, Veggies and Avocado

Go ahead, use the whole egg. 

They’re packed with high-quality protein and, if you’re including the yolk, you’ll get all eight essential amino acids. Those boost muscle building and recovery. 

Avocado gives you that healthy fat fix, and the veggies are nutrient-rich powerhouses, no matter which you pick.

Have Some Oatmeal with Milk and Blueberries

Do you go to the gym first thing in the morning? 

A bowl of high-fiber, whole-grain oatmeal with blueberries is a great way to start the day. 

Because the carbs in this combination are digested more slowly, your blood sugar remains more stable. You’ll have more energy for a longer period of time. 

Stir in additional low-fat milk for an added boost of protein and bone-building calcium.

Have Fruit Smoothies… Yumm!

Fruit smoothies are delicious and nutritious. 

They are high in micronutrients, which are good for your health and well-being. A fruit smoothie is a terrific option as a pre workout meal that provides an excellent dose of fast-acting glucose. 

To maximize the advantages of your pre-workout smoothie, add some protein powder or peanut butter – try these smoothie ideas.

Apple Wedges and Peanut Butter

Cut apple wedges with a tiny spread of peanut butter. This is one of the tastiest and easiest pre workout meals. 

This is an excellent choice for people on a calorie-restricted diet who must limit their carb intake. 

The extra crunch element will satisfy your hunger while still giving protein from the peanut butter and nutrients from the apple. 

It’s best to consume this pre workout meal about 30 minutes before a workout.

Before, During and After: Get Your Fill of Water

Make sure you have plenty of water. How much? Use the following guidelines:

  • Before exercise: About 2 to 3 cups
  • During exercise: About 1/2 to 1 cup every 15 to 20 minutes
  • After exercise: About 2 to 3 cups for every pound you lose during exercise (you can weigh yourself before and after your workout).

Read why drinking water is beneficial for you

Benefits of Pre Workout Meals

Here are some of the reasons why you should fuel your body with right meals to get your full workout potential:

Gives You More Energy

Carbohydrates are the first source of fuel for our bodies. This is because they can be turned into ATP (body’s natural energy) more quickly than protein and fat. 

As a result, pre-workout glycogen replenishment will provide you with more energy to perform at your best.

Prevents Muscle Breakdown

When we exercise, our glycogen stores are quickly depleted. The body searches for fresh energy sources, which it finds in our muscles. 

It can use protein in the form of amino acids for energy by breaking down hard-earned muscle. 

This causes our bodies to enter a catabolic state, which means that muscle tissue is being torn down, inhibiting muscular growth and repair.

Pre workout meal helps you prevent muscle breakdown. 

Increases Muscle Growth

When you eat healthy meals before a workout, you’ll be able to replenish your glycogen stores. Your body will encourage muscle growth by obtaining a good dosage of protein. 

Your muscles build up healthily. 

Putting it all Together!!

Nourish your body with the essential nutrients before a workout in order to enhance your performance and recovery.

Carbs aid your body’s ability to use glycogen to fuel short- and high-intensity exercises, whereas fat aids in the fueling of prolonged workouts.Protein consumption aids muscular protein synthesis, prevents muscle injury, and aids recovery.

Hydration has also been related to improved performance.

Three hours to 30 minutes before an exercise, eat a pre-workout meal. Choose foods that are easier to digest, especially if you have a one-hour or less workout ahead of you. This will assist you in avoiding stomach pains.
If you want to know more about pre workout meals and which diet regimen will be best for you, consult a well-known nutritionist/dietician to get your queries satisfied. Book an appointment via Healthwire.pk or call at (042) 32500989.

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