Home General Health Why My Feet Burns – A Complete Guidance One Click Ahead

Why My Feet Burns – A Complete Guidance One Click Ahead

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We usually experience burning feet at night and it is a common complaint among all ages. Even children report to you that they are feeling burning feet. To cool their feet, children went to the washroom again and again and tried to pour some water on their feet. Adults have different styles to manage their burning feet like they dip their feet into cold water, wear wet socks,  or drink a lot of water. 

However, they all feel burning feet and try to manage it. But most of them don’t have an answer to this question, why do my feet burn. Sometimes high uric acid causes feet to burn and a uric acid test can help you identify it. Here are some other causes that can help you to understand your situation.

 What Are The Causes Of Burning Feet?

Most of the time, neuropathy plays a major role in burning feet. The ongoing neurological condition damages the nerve fibers so they become overactive and go wrong. Pain signals travel to the brain through these damaged nerve fibers even if you have no wound.

Legs nerves become damaged first among people with neurological conditions. People start feeling sensation and numbness in their feet. Some people explain that their feet become very sensitive to touch (hyperesthesia) and they feel burning feet. It can range from mild to severe levels. 

Diabetic patients and people who drink excessive alcohol feel more often burning feet. You can find here many other reasons that lead to burning feet like 

  • When your kidney fails to remove the toxins in your blood it causes a burning sensation in your feet 
  • A type of peripheral neuropathy (small fiber neuropathy) that affects the small nerve fibers in the skin. This effect causes unpleasant tingling or burning pain in the feet.
  • Individuals who developed poor eating habits may experience burning feet. Vitamin deficiency and spicy foods increase the burning sensation. 
  • Alcoholics lose their mineral deficiency and alcohol itself causes damage to their stomach. Alcohol is responsible for burning feet. 
  • A low level of thyroid hormone affects sensations that let you experience the feeling of burning in your feet. 
  • Hard-bodied ticks spread bacteria in the body that causes red rashes and a sensation of burning in the feet. 
  • Burning feet is a symptom of HIV and aids. 
  • Amyloid poly-neuropathy is a condition in which amyloid affects your bowling moment and causes diarrhea, constipation, and a burning sensation in the feet. 
  • The use of chemotherapy drugs and medication affects the stomach and causes burning feet. 
  • Pregnancy changes blood volume and hormones together, increasing weight on the feet and causing swelling and sensation of burning in the feet. 
  • Summer increases the body temperature and it also causes burning feet. 

These are the possible causes that increase the sensation of burning in the feet and it can be managed at home with amazing remedies. 

Home Remedies For Burning Feet

1-Soak Your Feet

Soaking your feet in cold water is relaxing and helps you to feel cool. If you are feeling burning feet try to soak your feet in cold water for 15 minutes. 

2-Avoid Exposure To Heat 

One study reveals the influence of humidity on body temperature. When you start to experience an increase in your feet’ temperature try to avoid heat and stay in a cool place. 

3-Counter Pain Medicines

Pain disturbs the nerve signals that travel from body to brain and your feet burn. When you feel pain along with burning feet, use some counter pain medicines that will help you to get relief from pain, and eventually, your feet’ burning sensation will decrease.

4-Apply Menthol Ointments And Creams

One study reveals that a moderate concentration of methanol in gel causes a skin-cooling effect as compared to light and high concentrations. Try to use ointments and creams that contain menthol. Apply this cream onto your feet at night and you will feel a cooling effect throughout the night. 

5-Epsom Salt Solution 

Epsom salt solution is the best remedy to deal with bruises, pain, rashes, and burning sensation on the feet. Add Epsom salt to the water and soak your feet for 15 minutes in it. It will help you to relieve pain, swelling, and burning sensations in your feet. 

6-Apple Cider Vinegar Solution

Apple cider vinegar has special properties to deal with inflammation and pain. You can add one part of apple cider vinegar and two parts of water to make a diluted form. If you are a diabetic patient add more water to dilute it more. Put your feet into the water and relax for the next few minutes. 

7-Exercise Regularly

Dedicate your early morning routine with exercises like walking, jogging and running. Regular exercises increase and regulate the blood flow in your body and it eases the pain and burning sensation in your feet. 

8-Massage Your Feet

Use any menthol oil and massage your feet for a few minutes. Massaging increases the blood circulation in your feet and your blood starts to regulate in your body.  This circulating blood helps you to prevent burning sensations in your feet. 

9-Avoid Tight Shoes

Tight-fitting shoes reduce the blood flow to the feet and cause a burning sensation in your feet. Try to wear comfortable and open shoes to improve blood flow in your feet. 

10-Turmeric Milk

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial effects. Turmeric is effective in many infections as well as for many skin conditions. Add 1 spoon of turmeric powder to hot milk and drink it. Turmeric helps you to lower the foot burning by managing the damage to nerves

11-Drink a Lot of water

Avoid spicy food and drink a lot of water. Sometimes burning in your stomach causes a burning sensation in your feet, try to drink 8 glasses of water in a day. You can also add lemon to water and it will improve your stomach and kidney functions and it also will relieve the burning feet. 

Things You Should Consider

Burning feet is a condition in which you feel the heat in your feet and it usually occurs during the night. You find it painful and feel unable to sleep all night. Burning feet may be caused by neural damage in your legs or some other reason such as stomach acidity, pregnancy, vitamin deficiency, excessive use of alcohol, low level of thyroid hormone, and some medical conditions. You can try amazing home remedies to get rid of burning feet but it is important to understand the root cause of this problem. It is better to find a competent doctor and have some consultation with him.

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