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 5 Simple Ways on How to Get Rid of Tired Eyes

How to Get Rid of Tired Eyes
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Dark circles, puffy eyelids, under-eye bags, and signs of aging – feeling any of these currently? These may happen due to dehydration, UV damage, and genetic predisposition, leading to tired-looking eyes. So, how to get rid of tired eyes?

That’s our question of the day. Let’s discuss why your eyes feel and appear tired and what you can do about it. After all, eyes are our windows to the soul and must radiate, right? 

Let’s get into it. 

What are the Causes of Tired Eyes?

To get rid of tired eyes, you need to understand why your eyes get strained in the first place. Here are some common reasons: 

Digital Eye Strain

Dr. Muhammad Saad Aziz suggests prolonged exposure to digital screens, such as those on computers, tablets, and smartphones, can cause digital eye strain. The screens emit blue light, leading to eye fatigue, dryness, and difficulty focusing. 

Regular breaks and using blue light filters on devices can help alleviate this strain.

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Insufficient Sleep

Lack of proper sleep not only affects overall well-being but also impacts the eyes. During sleep, the eyes undergo crucial restorative processes. 

Insufficient rest can result in swollen, puffy eyes, dark circles, and general eye fatigue.

Dry Eyes

Insufficient lubrication on the eye’s surface leads to dry eyes

Environmental factors like low humidity, excessive screen time reducing blink rates, certain medications, and age-related changes can contribute to inadequate tear production, causing discomfort and tiredness.

Eye Allergies

Allergic reactions to substances like pollen, dust, or pet dander can manifest in the eyes, leading to itching, redness, and swelling

Persistent exposure to allergens can cause chronic eye fatigue, emphasizing the importance of identifying and managing allergies.

Incorrect Prescription or Vision Problems

Wearing outdated or incorrect prescription glasses can strain the eye muscles as they work harder to focus. 

Undiagnosed vision problems, such as astigmatism or hyperopia, can contribute to eye fatigue. 

What Happens to the Eyes with Untreated Tiredness?

Consistent tiredness of the eyes, if left unaddressed, can lead to various eye-related issues. Here’s a detailed explanation of what happens:

Eye Strain

Prolonged use of digital devices or focusing on tasks for extended periods without breaks can cause eye strain. This strain results in discomfort, headaches, and blurred vision. 

The eye muscles become fatigued, making it challenging to maintain focus.

Dry Eyes

Continuous screen time or environmental factors can contribute to insufficient tear production, leading to dry eyes. The eyes lack proper lubrication without an adequate tear film, causing irritation, redness, and a gritty sensation. 

Dry eyes can worsen if not addressed, affecting overall eye health.

Dark Circles and Puffiness

Lack of sleep and fatigue contribute to dark circles and eye puffiness. 

The skin around the eyes is delicate and prone to fluid retention, leading to a tired and worn-out appearance.

Decreased Productivity

Consistent eye tiredness can impact daily activities, reducing productivity and efficiency. 

Tasks that require sustained focus become more challenging, affecting work or academic performance. You may need help to concentrate and complete tasks effectively.

Increased Sensitivity to Light

Tired eyes often become more light-sensitive, causing discomfort in well-lit environments. Bright lights, including those emitted by screens, may exacerbate eye fatigue. 

This increased sensitivity can make it challenging to engage in activities that involve prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Headaches and Migraines

Eye strain and tiredness can trigger headaches and migraines. The eye muscles, when overworked, can lead to tension headaches. 

Moreover, the connection between the eyes and the brain means that eye fatigue can contribute to migraine episodes in vulnerable people.

Impaired Vision

Prolonged eye fatigue may result in temporarily blurred or distorted vision. It can affect the ability to see clearly, especially when focusing on objects up close. 

You may experience difficulties in reading or performing tasks that require visual acuity.

Increased Risk of Eye Infections

Tired eyes may be prone to infections due to reduced tear production and compromised eye hygiene. 

Rubbing tired eyes with hands that carry bacteria or dust can introduce pathogens, increasing the risk of eye infections such as conjunctivitis.

How to Get Rid of Tired Eyes?

If you want healthy eyes, you must pay attention to tired eyes. We have compiled some tips on how to get rid of tired eyes in an easy way.

Follow the 20-20-20 Rule

Take a break every 20 minutes by looking at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This simple rule helps relax your eye muscles and prevents continuous strain from staring at screens. 

It’s like giving your eyes a mini-free time during work or study sessions.

Blink Regularly

Blinking is like a natural refresh button for your eyes. When you’re focused on a screen, you tend to blink less, leading to dry and tired eyes. 

Make a conscious effort to blink frequently; it helps spread moisture over your eyes, reducing dryness and fatigue.

Adjust Screen Settings

Tweak the brightness, contrast, and font size on your devices. Bright screens can strain your eyes, especially in low-light environments. 

A well-adjusted screen can make a significant difference, reducing eye strain and fatigue. Consider using blue light filters to minimize the impact of digital screens.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Proper hydration ensures your eyes stay moist and comfortable. 

Dehydration can lead to dry eyes, causing irritation and fatigue. Think of it as giving your eyes a sip of water to keep them happy and refreshed.

Apply Warm Compress

A warm compress is like a spa treatment for your eyes. It improves blood circulation and relaxes eye muscles. 

Place a warm, damp cloth over closed eyelids for a few minutes. It’s a soothing ritual that helps reduce eye strain, leaving your eyes feeling rejuvenated and less tired.

When Should You See an Ophthalmologist? 

You should consult an ophthalmologist if you experience persistent eye fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest. Seeking professional eye care is crucial if your tired eyes have other symptoms, such as blurry vision, headaches, or eye discomfort. 

We recommend regular eye check-ups if you work extensively on digital screens or have health conditions that may affect your eyes. 

Consult the best eye doctor in Lahore by booking an appointment via Healthwire.

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