Home Eye Care Watery Eyes – How to Get Clear Vision?

Watery Eyes – How to Get Clear Vision?

Watery Eyes
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Getting watery eyes these days? It can be frustrating and disrupt your daily life because your vision gets blurry and uncomfortable. 

Luckily, you don’t need to feel too overwhelmed because you can easily manage these symptoms. Having teary eyes is a disturbing issue that affects your vision and leads to discomfort. 

Let’s understand the causes and symptoms behind this vision problem. Moreover, let’s discuss the home remedies and tips to manage it. 

Why Do You Get Watery Eyes?

Watering eyes occurs when there is excessive tear production or the drainage from the eyes doesn’t happen. In medical terms, it is known as epiphora and can affect one or both eyes. 

Epiphora can occur at any age, but it is more common in populations under 12 months or older than 60 years

Getting water in your eyes can be due to multiple reasons. Let’s look at a few of them and see if you can relate to any: 


Watery eyes often get triggered due to allergies, where your eyes react to pollen, dust, pet dander, or other irritants. In response, your immune system releases histamine, which leads to excessive tear production. 

Dry Eyes

If you have dry eyes, you can often get teary eyes, paradoxically. It’s a paradox, but well, it happens. 

When your eyes are dry, they send signals to the brain, prompting more tears. It occurs to compensate for the dryness you face. 

Blocked Tear Ducts 

Your tear ducts can get clogged due to various reasons. These include infections, inflammation, or age-related changes. This blockage prevents tears from draining properly, which results in watering eyes. 


Also known as pink eye, conjunctivitis can cause inflammation of the conjunctive – the thin membrane covering the white part of your eyes. This inflammation can lead to excessive tearing. 

Suggested Read: What is Pink Eye and How to Manage it at Home

What are the Symptoms of the Watery Eyes? 

Let’s see if you can relate to these symptoms of watering eyes: 

Excessive Tearing 

The primary symptom of watery eyes is the continuous production of tears, which can blur vision and create a constant need to wipe the eyes.

Redness and Irritation

Watery eyes are often accompanied by redness and irritation, making the eyes appear bloodshot and causing discomfort.

Sensitivity to Light

Individuals with teary eyes may experience increased sensitivity to light, a condition known as photophobia.

Mucus Discharge

Sometimes, watering eyes can be associated with mucus discharge, indicating an underlying infection.

Home Remedies to Stop Watery Eyes

Let’s not overthink too much. Just follow these home remedies to get a clear vision: 

Warm Compress

Applying a warm compress is an effective home remedy for watery eyes. The warmth helps to soothe irritation, unclog blocked tear ducts, and promote better tear drainage. 

Use a clean cloth soaked in warm water, place it gently over closed eyes, and hold for 5-10 minutes. 

You can do it multiple times daily to relieve discomfort and enhance tear flow.

Maintain Eye Hygiene

Dr. Muhammad Saad Aziz emphasizes proper eye hygiene as it is crucial for preventing and alleviating watery eyes. 

Use a mild, preservative-free eye wash solution to rinse your eyes and remove irritants. 

Ensure your hands are clean before touching your face, and avoid rubbing your eyes, as this can exacerbate irritation. 

Consistent eye hygiene helps reduce the risk of infections and supports overall eye health.

Artificial Tears

Over-the-counter artificial tear drops can quickly relieve watery eyes caused by dryness. These lubricating eye drops supplement the natural tear film, moisturizing the eyes and alleviating dryness. 

Choose preservative-free options and follow the recommended dosage. 

Regular use, especially in dry or windy conditions, can help maintain optimal eye moisture levels.

Avoid Allergens

Stay informed about seasonal changes and pollen levels, and take steps to minimize exposure. 

Use air purifiers indoors, keep windows closed during high pollen seasons, and consider wearing sunglasses to shield your eyes from airborne allergens. It provides a significant reduction in watery eyes.

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration plays a crucial role in preventing and mitigating watery eyes. Drinking water ensures that your body stays hydrated, including your eyes. 

Dehydration can contribute to dry eyes, prompting an overproduction of tears as a compensatory mechanism. 

Aim for at least eight glasses of water daily to maintain overall health and support tear production.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet is a natural and holistic approach to alleviate symptoms of watery eyes. 

Foods rich in omega-3s, such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts, boost the eyes’ health. 

These essential fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce eye dryness and irritation. 

Omega-3s in your regular diet promote the production of quality tears and support a healthy tear film, ultimately reducing the likelihood of experiencing watery eyes.

Regular Blinking

In the digital age, where prolonged screen time has become a habit, regular blinking is often overlooked but plays a crucial role in preventing watery eyes. 

Staring at screens for extended periods can lead to infrequent blinking, causing the eyes to dry out and trigger excessive tearing as a compensatory mechanism. 

Make a conscious effort to blink regularly, especially when working on computers or using electronic devices. 

Frequent blinking helps distribute tears evenly across the eyes, maintaining moisture and reducing the risk of dry and watery eyes. 

Consider the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to reduce eye strain and encourage blinking.

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When to Consult an Ophthalmologist? 

If you are experiencing persistent or severe watery eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist for a thorough evaluation. 

Here are some situations in which you should consider seeking the advice of an eye specialist:

  • Persistent Symptoms: If your watery eyes persist despite trying home remedies or over-the-counter solutions.
  • Severe Discomfort: If you are experiencing significant discomfort, pain, or irritation along with watery eyes. 
  • Changes in Vision: Any changes in your vision, such as blurriness, sensitivity to light, or other visual disturbances accompanying watery eyes. 
  • Eye Infections: If you suspect an eye infection (conjunctivitis, for example) characterized by redness, discharge, and watery eyes. 
  • Eye Injury: If you have sustained an eye injury or trauma, even if it seems minor. 
  • Foreign Objects: If you feel like there is something in your eye that you cannot remove.

If you are unsure about the cause or severity of watering eyes, consult the best ophthalmologists for a proper evaluation. You can book an appointment via Healthwire’s platform – the best in Pakistan to connect you with doctors. 

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