Home Nutrition & Diet 9 Surprising Lemongrass Benefits and How to Use it Right

9 Surprising Lemongrass Benefits and How to Use it Right

Lemongrass Benefits
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Have you heard about lemongrass’s benefits for weight loss, healthy digestion, and blood pressure?

Well, you might have heard about this popular herb. From your kitchen plant to adding a vibrant flavor to your favorite cuisines, lemongrass has recently become the talk of the town. 

Lemon Grass – A Miracle Herb

Lemon grass is a popular aromatic plant native to Sri Lanka and South-East Asia. This tall grass plant is widely cultivated and there are used in both raw and dried form. It has a lemon flavor with a hint of ginger in its raw form.

Lemongrass Nutrition

Lemongrass or citronella is grass and contains negligible amounts of calories or nutrients. Typically one tablespoon of raw lemongrass has the following nutrients:

Carbs: 1.21g

Protein: 0.9g

Total Fat: 0.02g

Fiber: 0g

Other than this, lemongrass contains iron, vitamin C, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. 

Let us know about what it is and what are the potential health benefits of this miracle herb!  

Benefits of Lemon Grass for Weight Loss and Much More

Lemongrass tea, lemongrass oil, or raw lemongrass… It is good for our overall health for all the good reasons. Here is how using lemongrass daily can give a boost to your overall health:

Improved Digestion

A healthy gut is healthy for you!

An efficient digestive system is something you need to keep yourself going. However, every time we suffer from a digestive health problem, these home remedies, particularly herbal teas, come as the easiest solution. From an upset stomach to gastric ulcers, lemongrass is good for your overall health. 

The secret lies in its antibacterial properties due to which it keeps harmful bacteria away. Further, the anti-inflammatory properties of lemongrass soothe your digestive tract. 

Home Remedy Alert: If you are feeling bloated, a cup of lemongrass tea might help you.

Lemon Grass for Weight Loss

Losing weight sometimes can be more than sticking to a healthy diet and hitting the gym!

What if I tell you that using herbal teas such as lemongrass tea can be beneficial and help you lose weight?

This is possible because lemongrass contains the ingredients that can boost your overall metabolism. Further, the use of lemongrass also helps to detoxify your body making your body function well. So, using it daily can help you get rid of excessive body weight if followed with the right diet and workout plan.

How to Use Lemon Grass for Weight Loss?

Start consuming lemongrass tea after every meal. For lemongrass tea, you can use both raw and powdered lemongrass. Here is how you can prepare it:

  • Wash raw lemongrass stalks and cut them into smaller pieces
  • Add it to boiling water and let it sit for 5 minutes
  • Strain the liquid and drink it.

You can also use powdered tea. The only difference is that you don’t boil the powder. Just leave the powder in a hot boiling cup of water and drink it after a few minutes.

Brings your Cholesterol Level Down

Cholesterol and heart health – the association is undying!

Having low levels of cholesterol in your blood can be your sure shot to prevent many cardiac health problems. Before you have to start with cholesterol medications, many natural remedies such as the use of lemongrass can help you to keep your cholesterol in check. According to scientific evidence, the use of lemongrass lowers the level of serum cholesterol advocating its role as a heart-healthy component.

Fights Anemia

Low hemoglobin in blood… sometimes it’s more than having a constant feeling of tiredness, a rushing heart, and pale skin color!

If you are suffering from anemia aka blood deficiency, then you might have heard about the use of iron-rich foods to cure it. Well, natural foods are better than supplements. LEMONGRASS is one such food.

One of the lemongrass benefits is its use in increasing HB levels in the blood. Lemongrass due to being loaded with iron and other healthy nutrients can increase your blood count naturally. 

Detox Your Body

Have you ever tried cucumber and mint detox? If yes, then you already know why detoxifying your body is important! 

The reason is pretty clear; just like anything, your body needs cleaning and purification. Lemongrass can also help to detox your body. Due to its diuretic property, lemongrass is advantageous for us as it flushes out harmful toxins from our bodies.

Read more about other cucumber benefits.

Health Tip: If you want to detox your body naturally, regular use of lemongrass tea can help you.

No More Stress and Anxiety

Essential oil benefits – there are many! 

From stress relief to acne relief, essential oils are beneficial and can do wonders. Lemongrass oil is not an exception to this.

This is one of the potential benefits of lemongrass. Just a few drops of it in a diffuser and see your anxiety vanishes. It stimulates your olfactory receptors and brings relief by acting upon your nervous system thus promoting your mental health. Alongside aromatherapy, massages can even enhance the efficacy of lemongrass. 

Be careful while using essential oils and use them as directed. For topical use, make sure to dilute it first using some carrier oil.

Lemongrass Benefits for Skin Health

Are there any lemongrass benefits for skin health? 

Yes, definitely. Being packed with several skin-healthy vitamins, lemongrass is good for your skin. Further, it also has antioxidant properties which means you can have younger skin with its regular use. Further, it helps to minimize the pore on your skin as well as balance the natural oils in your skin.

How to Use it for Skin?

Here is how you can reap lemongrass benefits to achieve better skin health.

  • Add a few stalks to your cleansing facial
  • Use lemongrass essential oil on your skin
  • A miracle citrulline toner can brighten your skin
  • Use its powdered form to make a DIY face mask.

Healthy Hair with Herb

Natural cures – these aren’t new!

We already know about the benefits of methi dana towards better health. Similar is the case with this miracle herb. 

You can use lemongrass to fight the problem of hair loss. Further, it increases hair growth by promoting scalp health, keeping the pores closed, and strengthening your hair follicles. In this way, lemongrass is good for your hair. 

You can easily find lemongrass shampoos and conditioners in the market!

Blood Pressure Management

Next in the list of lemongrass benefits comes its role in blood pressure regulation. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, then you should start using it now!

Lemongrass, being rich in potassium, is a heart-healthy ingredient. It helps to remove the toxins from your blood by increasing your urine production. Thus, by improving your blood flow, regular use of lemongrass can keep your blood pressure in check.

Read more about high blood pressure.

Side Effects of Lemon Grass – Are There Any?

Using lemongrass in moderation is generally considered safe. However, here is all you need to know about the potential side effects it can bring:

  • Digestive health problems
  • Allergic reactions
  • Toxicity through inhalation
  • Fetal positioning

You can get more information about lemongrass benefits by consulting Dr. Aeman Zahid, a qualified nutritionist based in Faisalabad.

Are you Ready to Reap Lemongrass Benefits?

All these benefits of lemongrass can make you realize how underutilized this potential herb is. From lemongrass for weight loss to preventing cancers, it’s a win-win situation.

Be it herbal tea, essential oil, or any other form, it is completely safe to use lemongrass in moderation. However, you may need to consult your physician regarding dosage recommendations and side effects prevention. You can book an appointment with the best general physician in Karachi via Healthwire.pk if you are planning to use it with an existing medical condition or complication.

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