Feeling sexually insatiable or having wild sexual fantasies?
These can be some of the many signs of your libido fluctuating. According to certain key researches on human behavior, there are always days, weeks, and months when one suffers from a relatively high sex drive.
Although sexual urges or high libido is not a medical complication, still it is better to learn how to control sexual desire just so you don’t turn into a weirdo. Rather than engaging in unethical or morally corrupt practices, it is better to tame sexual desires in a healthy way possible.
Table of Contents
Understanding Sexual Desires
Sexual desires are a natural process of living organisms to get involved in sexual acts for pleasure and reproductive purposes. Libido is a scientific term for sexual drive. It is a concept and an urge that is embedded deep in our psychology and biology to continue our lineage.
There does not exist a definite scale for sexual urges. Therefore it is not possible to declare what are the normal ranges of sexual drive.
High libido or sexual desires can become a problem when they urge you to engage in questionable practices such as masturbation and can also lead to nocturnal emissions. There are several social, psychological, and biological ways that can serve as an answer to your query about how to control sexual desires.
Given below are some factors which can have an effect on sexual urges:
- Depression, anxiety, and other mental struggles
- Substance abuse
- Religious norms
- Strained relationships
- Hormonal imbalances such as estrogen, and testosterone
- A history of sexual abuse
How to Control Sexual Desires – Effective Ways to Tame Libido
According to the top reviewed urologist in Lahore, Dr. Muhammad Raheem Sajjad, “It is important to establish the fact that having sexual thoughts at a certain time in your life is normal. It does not make you untouchable or prone to serious health complications. But too many of such thoughts can be distracting and frustrating.”
Here are some ways with which you can control your sexual desires so that they might not tamper with your everyday life.

Know Your Sexual Triggers
One of the best ways to keep a check on your sexual desires before marriage is to have a keen understanding of your triggers. The triggers can range from your sexual fantasies to your limited knowledge of the subject matter that might lead to your body reacting.
Make sure to take your time and do a self-assessment. Track your daily activities and understand factors such as loneliness, environment, or media influence that might activate your hormones. Assess if there is a pattern that urges you to have such thoughts. You can try a different hobby to engage your mind’s productivity and break this thought train.
Analyze Your First Line of Defense
It is easy to give in to your sexual urges if you are battling them for a longer time. But there are certain side effects of masturbation that one needs to understand before finding solace in this sexual act. It is a forbidden act especially when it is just the start of the day.
Do your research about what you should do to avoid such types of thoughts. It’s pretty much like nipping them right in the bud before they blossom into something else. The moment your start having sexual urges in the middle of the day, distract yourself.
Make a list of activities such as physical exercise or a sport that can keep your mind distracted for a while. One of the best ways to answer the query of how to avoid sexual thoughts is to channel your inner energy to do something creative and productive.

Get Rid of Porn Addiction
Addiction to a person or to a particular object never yields good results. A heightened interest in something is always a flop deal as it takes a toll on your mental and emotional health. Porn addiction is a condition in which a person suffers from an unhealthy reliance on porn.
Porn addiction is often referred to as a hypersexual disorder that wreaks havoc on your mental capacity and emotional health. It also has a depleting effect on your sexual capacity and desires.
Make sure to stay away from such activities because they urge you to masturbate which is not a healthy activity. You can filter those sites from your laptops and mobiles. Practice self-control as it promotes healthy thinking and good health.
Note: Pakistan is one of the top countries with the highest porn searches!

Get Professional Help
Another way to avoid sexual thoughts before marriage is to get professional help. Accepting that you have a problem and then finding the most suitable solution for it is actually a praiseworthy gesture.
It is nothing to be ashamed of if you are willing to sort this matter out. You can always reach out to relationship therapists to figure out ways to control high libido.
A Note From Healthwire
Sexuality, intimacy, and sex time are some of the taboo topics that we humans still find difficult to comprehend. Take your time to learn about these matters from profound and reliable sources.
All such things are able to boost the feeling of belongingness and connection. But if anything goes south it can have a negative impact on your relationships, thus choking them.
You can always reach out to the best sexologists via healthwire. They will surely help you to figure out ways to tame these sexual drives thus helping you to control sexual desires.
How to Avoid Sexual Thoughts?
Try to avoid tempting situations as much as you can. Also, try to use social media with great caution. Invest your time and energy in doing something else that is productive for your health.
How to Control Sexual Urges when Single?
You can actually get help from professionals to decrease libido so that you might not engage in other sorts of pleasure activities.
How Much Sexual Desire is Normal?
Sexual desires tend to vary from person to person. But high libido which leads to sinful acts is prohibited both from an ethical and religious point of view.