Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy that involves inserting thin needles through the first layer of the epidermis. The needles are usually inserted with the aim of balancing the prevailing energy.
This old Chinese remedy is used mainly for preserving the energy throughout the body.
A lot of Chinese folklore is about maintaining human energy which is claimed to release muscle tension, boost overall well-being, and may even cure certain diseases.
There are diverse advantages of acupuncture. Acupuncture therapy’s benefits are that it can help the body with headaches, joint pains, and blood pressure problems.
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How Does Acupuncture Work?
According to the ancient Chinese medicine theory, illnesses are caused due to a disorder in the body.
Their belief regarding health is that it is due to the harmonious balance of two complementary extremes which are ‘yin’ and ‘yang’. The life force in this process is called ‘qi’. ‘Qi’ (pronounced as ‘chi’), has different orders and pathways within the human body.
These different pathways have various pressure points which are called acupuncture points.
The energy flow is accessible through 350 pressure points in the human body.
So, what’s the theory behind it?
The theory has it that inserting the needles in the right proportion and combination can actually help restore the energy flow of the body.
There is no strong science-based evidence to explain how acupuncture works.
However, neuroscience explains why acupuncture might work. Chinese acupuncture benefits the body to the point where nerves, tissue, and muscles are joined and stimulated. The stimulation helps in the healthy regulation of the blood flow which thrusts the body into stimulating the body’s natural painkillers.
Studies shed light on how acupuncture therapy benefits a patient as a placebo way of healing. In order to properly identify the health benefits of acupuncture, it is often hard to investigate based on the inversion nature of the therapy.
According to NCCIH here are a few pains in which acupuncture has brought relief:
- Lower back pain
- Neck pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Knee pain
- Headaches and migraines
- Muscular pain
What are the Health Benefits of Acupuncture?
According to World Health Organization (WHO), there are a number of health benefits of acupuncture for certain pain; which includes:
- Regulates high blood pressure
- Nauseous and vomiting because of chemotherapy
- Morning sickness
- Sprains
- Dental pain
- Joint pain
- Painful menstrual cycle
- Gastric conditions
- Facial pain
- Helps in reducing the risk of stroke
- Spin pain
- Stiff pain
- Stiff muscular pain
- Tourette syndrome
- Neuralgia
- Addiction to alcohol or substance
- Vascular dementia
What Should You Consider Before Going for Acupuncture?
There are numerous things to consider regarding acupuncture such as:
Expert-level Training and Education
Performing acupuncture may require expert-level training and education, as the needles if inserted at the wrong joint may cause more harm than healing. When performed correctly, the method is completely safe without any side effects.
Acupuncture Combined With Other Treatments
You can safely combine inversion of needles with a number of other treatments. There are many complementary treatments that help better with the energy flow throughout the body.
Acupuncture As An Instant Pain Reliever
Simply using the acupuncture method can control a number of pains. It may also happen to be an instant pain reliever for highly stiff or damaged muscles.
Provides Relief from Heavy Medications
Acupuncture therapy may help patients who have trouble relying on heavy medications and treatments.
How does Acupuncture Therapy Work?
As soon as you approach a well-trained acupuncturist, you are taken in for thorough examination. The acupuncturist assesses your condition. After a thorough study, he will insert thin sterile needles within the epidermis one by one.
While this therapy is happening, he may recommend other complementary Chinese herbal therapy or self-care tips for you.
For needle insertion, you may get asked to lay down on your stomach or side. It depends on where the needles will go.
You may feel a tingling sensation all over your body, due to needle insertion. You may even experience a dull ache. However, there is no need to worry as it will subside quickly.
Acupuncture is usually painless.
Needles are heated or stimulated through electricity after the insertion, but it depends on the situation.
The needle can stay in place for anywhere between 5 to 30 minutes. Depending on the nature of the problem, an acute case patient may require 8 to 12 sessions of acupuncture therapy to properly heal and overcome the pain.

Are There Any Risks Involved With Acupuncture?
With each therapy risks are inevitable, acupuncture also comes with certain risks, such as:
- If the patient has a bleeding disorder, it may be dangerous to insert the needle inside the body.
- The area of insertion may feel sore for a little while. In some cases, bleeding may happen as well.
- If the needles are not sterilized enough, it can cause a lot of harm.
- Even though this is very rare, there are chances of needle breaking and damaging the organ inside.
- If the needle is inserted very deeply in the upper back and chest, it may damage the lung and result in a collapsed lung. However, the chances for this are very narrow.
How to Find an Acupuncturist in Pakistan?
The concept of this ancient Chinese therapy is gaining popularity and the benefits of acupuncture are becoming mainstream for all the right reasons.
However, it is not widely acknowledged or practiced as yet in Pakistan. Therefore it is important to consult with a specialist before getting under any kind of acclaimed needles. has an experienced panel of acupuncturists with whom you can book an appointment for free or opt for video consultation. Call at (042) 32500989 to get an appointment from the comfort of your home.