Home Gut Health Appendix: What Food Can Cause Appendicitis?

Appendix: What Food Can Cause Appendicitis?

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I have heard about many people around me who once experienced appendicitis. It freaked me out that everyone can have this type of experience. 

Researchers are still working on the function of the appendix, but yes, your body can function without it.

Let’s get into details about what it is.

What is Appendicitis?

Appendix pain or appendicitis occurs due to an inflamed appendix. It is a chronic condition that needs proper treatment, or it may result in severe pain. It does not give any warning sign, but it occurs when the appendix gets blocked or infected.

A burst of the appendix can be a life-threatening condition.

I was curious about finding out why appendicitis occurs besides bacteria or other infections. After some research, I found out about some foods that can really affect your appendix.

Foods that Cause Appendix

Some cases revealed that seeds of vegetables and fruits can result in appendicitis. The seeds of different foods may cause blockage in the appendix, such as cumin, nut, oat, fig, grape, barley, oranges, cocoa, date, and melon.


Some studies say that seeds have natural toxins. There are many fruits and vegetables that contain seeds. If I talk about my favorite fruit orange, then I just eat 3 to 4 at a time. But if always make sure that I do not consume seeds for any reason.

Researchers say that healthy people can easily digest these seeds. But it is not the same for everyone. Some people with weak immune systems cannot digest these seeds, and it results in blockage of the appendix. 

I was also a fatty food lover but!

Can Fatty Foods Cause Appendicitis?

There are no warning signs that can help you know that you should quit eating fatty foods. Such foods are not easy to digest. But experts suggest avoiding excess intake of fatty foods. It causes various health problems or can result in indigestion. There is no strong evidence that shows fatty foods are a direct cause of this condition.

Research says that everyone needs to avoid fatty foods after having surgery on an appendix.

Well, if you have had appendicitis surgery due to other complications, you need to be very careful to improve the healing process. Fatty foods give a tough time to your stomach. Eating fatty foods may result in indigestion and also bring on other symptoms, like vomiting, nausea, etc.

Here is the misconception that spicy food causes appendicitis. Well, it’s not. When I asked an expert if:

Can Spicy Food Cause Appendicitis?

The answer of my doctor was:

Spicy foods do not directly cause appendicitis, but yes, their piece can block the appendix and may result in severe pain.

My cousin had a severe appendix pain issue, but her doctor shared some best foods to ease the pain.

Ways to Relieve the Appendix Pain Naturally 

Dr. Waqas Shabbir who is one of the top gastroenterologists in Pakistan says that appendix pain can really disturb your quality of life. Well, it is severe, and most probably, it can affect your appetite. It does not let you think about anything to eat due to severe cramps.

Let’s explore some foods that can help to ease the pain at home.


Consuming lemons can help your overall health. You may experience indigestion due to appendicitis, but some home remedies can help to increase your appetite. It is rich in vitamin C and contains soluble fiber. Studies reveal that it prevents cancer, digestive issues, kidney, heart disease, etc.

Mix lemon in a glass of water to relieve the pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help to reduce swelling and inflammation.

You can also add honey to the water along with lemons. It will boost your immune system.

Mung bean 

Haven’t heard about mung beans? Well, it is also known as green grams. Doctors believe that it is one of the best remedies for appendicitis. People with appendix issues can consume one tablespoon of mung bean thrice a day. It helps to ease the symptoms of the appendix, like severe pain.


Researchers say a lot about the benefits of garlic. It contains more antioxidants and anticancer properties. 

Garlic regulates your blood sugar and does a lot for your overall health. 

When it comes to appendix pain, garlic also plays an important role in reducing pain with its anti-inflammatory properties. You can consume it in different ways, like adding it while cooking the food, etc. 

Consuming 2 or 3 cloves of garlic can help to alleviate the pain.


When my mom cooks broth, ginger addition gives it a new taste. It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling and ease pain. People shared about the severity of the appendix pain because it is unbearable. 

Ginger tea gives many health benefits, including easing the pain. You can drink ginger tea thrice or twice a day. Appendix pain also causes indigestion issues and brings on different symptoms, such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, etc. 

A study has shown many effective results to treat nausea and vomiting in several people.

Fenugreek seeds:

There are antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds in the fenugreek seeds. Its use prevents the storing of excess mucus. If you are experiencing indigestion, fenugreek seeds can help to treat your appetite issues and also improve your digestion. You can consume it in many ways.

Top doctors at Doctors Hospital say that, if your appendix bursts and results in emergency surgery, you need to be more careful about your diet plan.

Lifestyle Choices for Appendicitis Recovery 

I must say that it wasn’t a good experience at all if you have had appendix surgery. Well, your body needs to heal but you can also play your role by eating a healthy diet and choosing healthy lifestyle choices.

Get quality sleep: Sleep is crucial for your healing process. Make sure that you get quality sleep for fast appendix recovery.

Eat Healthily: Do not eat any processed or fatty foods after your surgery. It takes months to get completely healed. You can ask your doctor when you can eat processed foods. After the surgery, you only need to sip on the water until the anesthesia effect reduces. Prefer to eat a normal and bland diet to not give your stomach a tough time. You can eat broiled chicken, toast, yogurt, and plain rice.

Drink more Fluids: You can try different juices to boost your healing process.

If you feel severe pain in the lower right side of the abdomen, get help from one of the top gastroenterologists.

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