Home Women's Health 9 Amazing Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy

9 Amazing Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy

Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy
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When you’re pregnant after dealing with morning sickness, raging hormones, and ever-increasing waistline, sex may be the last thing on your mind!

But pregnant women and their partners often ask: If having sex while pregennat is safe? Is it likely to result in a miscarriage? Will it cause harm to the unborn child? Are there any benefits of sex during pregnancy? 

Here’s what you need to know.

Is Sex During Pregnancy Healthy and Safe? 

Is sex during pregnancy healthy and safe? This is the most common question that will pop into your mind if you’re pregnant. 

Well, the short answer is: YES.

Some people believe that sexual activity or orgasms can harm the foetus, cause a miscarriage, or cause labour to start too soon. None of these are true. 

Sex can be a safe and joyful experience for any healthy female who is not experiencing complications throughout her pregnancy. It may have both mental and physical benefits. These include: increasing your emotional connection with your spouse, lowering tension, relieving anxiety, and burning calories.

Furthermore, sexual intercourse can’t harm your baby. Because a foetus is protected by your abdomen and muscular walls of the uterus. Also, the amniotic sac’s fluid provides cushion to the baby. So, the answer of “Is having sex good for the baby?” is simply yes. 

However, it’s always a good idea to acquire your doctor’s approval first. Just to make sure there aren’t any complications.

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What are the Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy?

When you’re anxiously waiting for a new addition to your family, sex during pregnancy can have some pretty nice perks. 

Read further to find out benefits of having sex during pregnancy while your baby is developing in your womb. 

Better and Intense Orgasms

Having sex during pregnancy causes an enhanced orgasms in pregnant woman. It is one of the most long-lasting effects of pregnant intercourse.

During pregnancy, the production of oestrogen and progesterone (main hormones in pregnancy) aids women in having stronger orgasms. Increased oestrogen levels cause more blood flow in the pelvic area. As a result, women arouse and feel more sensitivity in the pelvic area leading to better orgasms. 

Also, hormones released after orgasms help to lower blood pressure. 

Enhances Blood Circulation in The Body

One of the many benefits of sex during pregnancy is improved blood circulation. 

During pregnancy, the mother’s blood supply increases to fulfil her and the baby’s needs. But poor circulation might obstruct the process. Here, sex can aid in the additional delivery of oxygen and nutrition to the foetus through the production of hormones, which aids in development and growth. 

Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy in Enhancing Self-Confidence

During pregnancy, many women start to feel they are no longer attractive. Right? 

Changes in your body, as well as changing hormone levels, can cause you to have these feelings about yourself. Here, having sex with your partner can boost your self confidence. Also, you may feel positive about yourself again. 

Keeps You Fit

Staying sexually active is a great workout. Sounds interesting!

When you’re sexually active, you’re always exercising. Sex burns calories and can help both couples stay in shape. A 30-minute sex session can burn up to 50 calories while also lowering blood pressure!

You may also discover that after a bedroom session, you fall asleep faster and enjoy a more restful night’s sleep.

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Helps to Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles

Strengthening of pelvic floor muscles is one of the benefits of sex during pregnancy in 3rd trimester. Regular intercourse during pregnancy keeps the pelvic muscles toned and powerful. In this way, pregnant women may get help to handle the difficult task of delivering a baby vaginally. 

Benefits of Sex During Pregnancy in Boosting Immunity

It is common for a pregnant woman’s immunity to decline. Doctors recommend a balanced diet and lifestyle for pregnant women to avoid contracting illnesses, and sex plays a crucial part in boosting immunity.

Research studies suggest that sexual activity boosts the production of IgA antibodies. These antibodies boost immunity and provide resistance to the common cold and flu during pregnancy.

Improves Connection Between Partners

Pregnancy feels like an emotional roller coaster. So, intimacy between partners is an excellent approach to keep connected during this exciting period.

Sex causes an increase in oxytocin production. Oxytocin is a hormone that plays a role in love and attachment. This promotes more intimacy and bonding between lovers. 

If you have sex with your partner on a regular basis while you’re pregnant, it can help you form a strong relationship. Also, it may ensure a smooth pregnancy and labour.

Reduces Anxiety and Boosts Mood

Pregnancy is an exciting time. Right? Still, fluctuating levels of hormones subject you to anxiety and mood swings. For example, stressing about: How will you manage the finances of your baby? and How will your life change after the baby is born? 

You can fight with this anxiety while having some sexual intimiacy. The oxytocin released after an orgasm not only relieves pain; it can also help you experience more love and joy. Furthermore, it negates your anxiety and boosts your mood, making you happier and relaxed!

Helps With Labour and Postpartum Recovery

Just imagining the labour pains is scary. NO? 

Stronger pelvic muscles can help ease labour pains. When you orgasm after intercouse, your pelvic muscles contract. These contractions help to strengthen pelvic muscles. Stronger pelvic muscles not only makes your delivery journey easy but also speed up the postpartum recovery. Furthermore, stronger pelvic muscles reduce leaks and increase bladder control. 

When to NOT Have Sex During Pregnancy? 

While there are several benefits of having sex during pregnancy, there are some conditions when sex during pregnancy is not safe. 

Want to know about those conditions? Read further!

  • When you have a history of preterm labour and miscarriages. 
  • You are pregnant with twins.
  • You are having vaginal bleeding with an unknown cause. 
  • You are having cervical incompetence. A condition where your cervix opens prematurely.
  • You are having leakage of amniotic fluid.  
  • When your water has broken or you’re having contractions. 

NOTE: If a pregnant woman feels unusual bleeding or pain during sexual intercourse, immediately contact the doctor. 

Wrapping Up!

In the vast majority of circumstances, sex during pregnancy is safe. However, a woman’s desire for sex may vary during pregnancy. Just follow your instincts. Don’t hold yourself back if you want to satisfy your sexual desires. 

Not only you’ll enjoy the process of transitioning your body through for a smooth birth, but also will get wide range of benefits of sex during pregnancy. If you want to know more about ‘Is sex during pregnancy healthy?’, you can consult the best gynaecologists in Lahore. You can book an appointment via Helathwire.pk or make a call at (042) 32500989.

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