Home Health Alerts Everything You Need to Know About Birth Control Pills in Pakistan

Everything You Need to Know About Birth Control Pills in Pakistan

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Nobody talks openly about contraception around you, so it’s no surprise if you don’t know much about it. 

No worries! 

This article will help you in learning different kinds of contraception methods, and a list of easily available birth control pills in Pakistan. 

Keep on reading. 

What is Birth Control or Contraception?

Birth control, also known as contraception, is a method of preventing pregnancy

When it comes to birth control, there are a variety of options available. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

What are Different Types of Contraception?


Condoms are the most readily available and easiest-to-use contraception. 

They are also used in conjunction with other forms of birth control because they are efficient in avoiding STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).


There are also injections available that you can use to ensure protection and birth control, for a temporary time.

Intrauterine Contraception

This is the most effective contraception method with the fewest adverse effects. 

An IUD is only effective for 5 years and can be readily reversed if you change your mind before that time.

Plan B/Morning After Pill

The emergency contraception pill is both inexpensive and widely available. If your other methods of contraception fail, the ECP “may” help you avoid unwanted pregnancies if you take it within 72 hours following unprotected sex.

It is, however, an extremely strong hormone dose that cannot be used as a regular form of contraception! 

That’s why it’s called Plan B; you’ll need a Plan A as well.

Birth Control Pills

Oral contraceptives used to prevent pregnancy are known as birth control pills, hormonal contraceptives, combination pills, or simply ‘the pill’.

They are one of the most extensively used birth control methods, with an estimated 100 million women using them worldwide.

Birth control pills are accessible in pharmacies throughout Pakistan and can be acquired with a prescription from your local drug store.

In this article, we will talk specifically about birth control pills.

What are Different Types of Birth Control Pills?

There are two main types of oral birth control pills:

Combination Pills

The combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP), popularly known as “the pill,” is a birth control pill that prevents conception by combining two synthetic hormones, estrogen and progestin.

How to Take Combination Pills?

They are normally taken at the same time each day for a total of 28 days. 

With ideal use, it’s more than 99 percent effective, and with ordinary use, it’s 91 percent effective, even when problems like timing issues or missing doses are factored in. 

Caution: They don’t protect you from sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs).

Progestin-only Pills

The progestin-only pill (POP), sometimes known as ‘the little pill’ is another type of birth control pill. 

This birth control tablet contains only progestin and no estrogen.

Who Can Use Progestin-only Pills?

According to the top reviewed gynecologist in Lahore, Dr. Zobia JawadSome women who are unable to utilize estrogen owing to health problems can use the tiny pill as their chosen form of birth control.”

Breastfeeding mothers should prefer the mini pill because estrogen alters the breast milk supply.

How Effective is the Mini Pill?

The POP is 99 percent effective in preventing conception when taken correctly. Accounting for mistakes the efficacy drops a bit lower to around 93%. 

Caution: Similar to the COCP, it does not protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

How Do Birth Control Pills Actually Work?

The birth control pills work by thickening the cervical mucus, preventing sperm from reaching the uterus and fertilizing an egg

They can also stop women from ovulating, preventing your ovaries from releasing an egg every month.

The mini pill thins your endometrium, which is a membrane that lines your uterus and is where an egg attaches itself after fertilization. A thinner endometrium makes it more difficult for an egg to implant, lowering the chances of conception.

Additionally, progestin-only pills thicken the mucus around your cervix, preventing sperm from entering the womb. They might also stop you from ovulating.

Read more about how to prevent pregnancy in natural ways

Birth Control Pills in Pakistan: A List

Here is a list of all the easily available birth control pills in Pakistan, which you can buy from any drugstore or local pharmacy. 

Famila 28

Famila 28

ZAFA Pharmaceutical Laboratories manufactures Famila 28F. It is a brand of birth control tablets in Pakistan. 

It comes in a pack of three strips, each with 28 tablets, for a total of 84 tablets. 

Caution: It is not advised for women who are pregnant.

Price of Famila 28 Pack

You can buy a pack of Famila 28 for Rs. 90 in Pakistan. 

Possible Side Effects of Famila 28

It can cause headache, ovarian cyst, enlarged follicles, amenorrhea , abdominal pain, uterine/vaginal bleeding alterations, intermenstrual bleeding/spotting, vulvovaginitis, ectopic pregnancy etc. 

Diane 35

Diane 35

Bayer manufactures Diane 35, which is a combination oral contraceptive pill. 

It prevents pregnancy, as well as acts as an anti-androgen in women with acne and excessive facial hair development.

Caution: Diane should not be used by pregnant women. Furthermore, long-term use can result in infertility in certain females.

Possible Side Effects of Diane 35

It may cause nausea, stomach pain, changes in weight, breast tenderness and mood changes.

Price of Diane 35 in Pakistan

A pack of Diane 35 comes in Rs. 450. You can buy it from any drugstore with a doctor’s prescription.



ZAFA Pharmaceutical Laboratories prepares Emkit, which is another brand of emergency contraceptive pills by this company.

It contains 2 tablets per pack.

Price of Emkit in Pakistan

The price of an Emkit pack containing 2 tablets is 19 rupees in Pakistan. 



Novodol is a birth control pill in Pakistan that is manufactured by SabzSitara.

It is available in a pack of 3 strips of 28 tablets each.

Possible Side Effects of Novodol

Continual usage of this medicine may cause infertility in some patients, as well as irregular, prolonged, or excessive vaginal bleeding during the first two or three cycles. 

Price of Novodol in Pakistan

One pack of Novodol is available for Rs. 180 to buy in Pakistan. 



ZAFA’s Desofam is an oral contraceptive tablet. 

In Pakistan, it comes in a pack of 28 pills as well as three strips of 28 tablets each.

Price of Desofam in Pakistan

You can get one pack of 28 Desofam birth control pills for Rs. 33 in Pakistan. 

For Rs. 92, you can also get the three-strip variant, which contains 84 tablets. 

Don’t forget to take your doctor’s prescription with you. 


Meliane is a brand of oral contraceptives sold by Bayer in Pakistan. It is available in a pack of 21 tablets.


Possible Side Effects of Meliane

Some individuals may develop headaches, GI discomfort (an upset stomach), nausea, breast tension, melancholy moods, or changes in libido (sexual desire) when using this medication.

Price of Meliane in Pakistan

The price of 1 pack of Meliane in Pakistan is Rs. 700. 



Obs Pharma produces the Omatril brand of birth control pills in Pakistan. 

It comes in a package of 30 tablets. 

Omatril can help you avoid getting pregnant and may also help with acne, irregular periods, and period pain.

Possible Side Effects of Omatril

It may cause weight gain, nausea, loss of libido, breast pain and tenderness, edema, depressed mood, increase in blood glucose level etc. 

Price of Omatril in Pakistan

Price of Omatriil’s 1 pack is Rs. 280 in Pakistan. 

What are the Benefits of Birth Control Pills?

Although, there are side effects of each particular medication, birth control pills do have some benefits as well, e.g:

  1. Method of birth control that is both safe and convenient.
  2. It is possible to make periods less painful.
  3. Reduces acne and aids in period regulation.


Birth control pills in Pakistan are easily available and safe to use. You just need to have a doctor’s prescription with you to buy these pills from any pharmacy. In case you want more information on contraception methods, you may consult a well-known gynecologist to broaden your options. 
Book an appointment via Healthwire.pk or call at (0420 32500989.

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