Home General Health Blood in Vomit – Understanding Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Blood in Vomit – Understanding Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Blood in Vomit
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Seeing blood in vomit can be a really traumatizing experience. This can raise concerns regarding your well-being and health. It is also commonly known as hematemesis which appears as a symptom that is not to be ignored. 

Although a lot of people tend to ignore the presence of blood in their vomit, it needs prompt attention and understanding. This can be a sign of an underlying condition that can be life-threatening. 

It appears as red streaks or just streaks of blood mixed with food, and sometimes it is dark brown colored blood that is very similar to coffee grounds. 

So, to know what this blood appears in the vomit, to the treatments and underlying reasons, here are some of the answers to your most asked questions.

Why Do I Have Blood in Vomit? 

Hematemesis, another name for vomiting blood, happens when stomach contents are regurgitated along with blood or when only blood is expelled through the mouth. Vomit that contains blood often is often the sign of an upper gastrointestinal (GI) source, most often the stomach.

Hematemesis (bloody vomiting) can be a troubling symptom that calls for attention and additional research. It frequently points to a problem with the upper GI tract at the root.

Minor factors, such as ingesting blood from a mouth wound or a nosebleed, can sometimes cause blood in vomit. But there are very less likely long-term consequences from these events.

In case of some serious conditions, there can be real emergencies including;

  • Organ rupture
  • Internal Injuries
  • Organ bleeding

How Does the Blood in Vomit Look Like? 

The color and the quantity of blood that appears in your vomit can help in indicating the source and the severity of the bleeding. Blood in a puke can look like this: 

  • Red streaks mixed with food
  • Bright red color
  • Brown in color, that often looks like coffee grounds

The bright fresh red blood often is a sign of an acute bleeding episode in the esophagus or the stomach. It can indicate a very fast bleeding source. 

What are the Major Causes of Blood in Vomit?

There are a number of causes of blood in vomit. This ranges in severity from minor to major. These usually result from illness, medication use, or injury. 

Some of the common causes of vomiting include: 

  • A bleeding ulcer
  • Swallowing blood after nosebleeds
  • Gastritis
  • A tear in the esophagus due to excessive vomiting
  • Severe gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Some of the serious and less commonly observed causes include: 

  • Fatty liver disease
  • Anemia
  • Cirrhosis
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Stomach cancer
  • Alcoholic hepatitis

Experts at Avicenna Hospital say that, if any of these instances occur, the best way to cope with them is to see a gastroenterologist near you. 

Suggested Read: Iron-Rich Food to Fight Anemia

Diagnosis of Conditions Related to Blood in Vomit

It’s critical to get in touch with your doctor right away or seek emergency medical attention if you start to vomit blood.

Your healthcare professional will perform a comprehensive physical examination as soon as you seek medical help. Your symptoms, medical history, and any drugs you are currently taking will be discussed.

Your doctor will listen to your abdominal noises while performing a mild palpation to feel for any indications of stomach soreness. These evaluations aid in determining the severity of the ailment and offer crucial data for diagnosis.

Some of the common lab tests that you advise include 

Blood Tests

To look into the overall chemistry of the body your doctor can recommend you get a blood test. This can test out anemia or any other blood disorders that might be causing blood in vomit. 

Stool Test

To check if there is blood in the stool as well as the vomit, the doctor can ask for your stool test

Here are some of the other tests. 

Upper Endoscopy

A tiny tube with a light and camera on its tip is inserted into your mouth and down into your stomach during an endoscopy.

The medical professional can locate the area of bleeding with the aid of this treatment.

Abdominal Scan

This is a scan that uses computer technology and X-rays to take images of your abdomen to see where the bleeding is. 

Complications of Vomiting Blood

Depending on the underlying cause of blood in vomit, it might result in a number of further health issues.

Research suggests that Anemia is one frequent consequence that results from heavy bleeding. A lack of healthy red blood cells in the body is what defines anemia. When there is an unexpected and quick blood loss, it is especially prone to occur.

However, people who routinely use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) or who have illnesses like gastritis that advance slowly may acquire anemia over a few weeks to months. 

In such circumstances, anemia could not show symptoms until the hemoglobin or blood count falls to a very low level.

How is Blood in Vomit Treated?

Treatment a lot of times depends on the cause of bleeding and where it is coming from. 

If needed doctors can close the bleeding area with a clip or a band. 


Your doctor may recommend medicine to help the ulcers heal and get rid of the infection if an ulcer or infection is the source of your bleeding. 

Blood Transfusion

A blood transfusion might be required if considerable amounts of blood have been lost through vomiting. During a blood transfusion, donor blood is used to replace the lost blood. This procedure involves inserting an intravenous (IV) line into your vein to provide the donor blood.

Suggested Read: Blood Donation Benefits – Why You Should Need to Donate Blood


Dr. Bilal Bin Mukhtar who is one of the top gastroenterologists in Pakistan says that in some instances, surgery may be necessary to locate and stop the bleeding if it cannot be stopped medically. 

Your doctor could recommend that you see a gastroenterologist, a doctor who focuses on digestive system diseases if you experience more severe upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tract disorders are specialties of gastroenterologists. 

If necessary, they can give additional treatment alternatives and specialized care. 

Can Blood in Vomit Cause Death? 

Vomiting caused by excessive bleeding can cause shock due to internal bleeding. Some of the common shocks include: 

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Pale skin
  • Shallow or fast breathing
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness upon standing
  • Low urine output
  • Cold or clammy skin
  • Fainting

Shock can cause irreversible organ damage, multiple organ failure, and death if it is not treated right away.

When to Visit a Gastroenterologist

Here are some of the signs to look into when you experience blood in vomit that indicate you are visiting a gastroenterologist, of course through Healthwire. 

  • Feeling unwell
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Rapid and shallow breathing
  • Feeling pale and clammy
  • Abdominal pain
  • Feeling dizzy and faint

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