Home Women's Health D& C After Miscarriage: Common Side Effects to Look Out For

D& C After Miscarriage: Common Side Effects to Look Out For

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Dilation and Curettage, or “D&C,” is a way to remove tissue from your uterus. Medical professionals use expansion and curettage to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions, like heavy death, or to remove the lining of the uterus after a failed labor or an early termination.

During an enlargement and curettage, your doctor uses small tools or medicine to open the lower, tight part of your uterus (cervix). Then, your doctor will use a surgical tool called a curette, which can be a sharp tool or a device that pulls on tissue, to remove uterine tissue.

Who needs D&C after Miscarriage?

You might need a D&C if you have or have had:

  • If you give birth too early or have a miscarriage, you need D&C revision.
  • After a fetus is taken out, there is extra tissue in the uterus.
  • Unknown bleeding between periods in women.

After a miscarriage and a hysteroscopy, you might have a D&C. In this method, your doctor puts a device into the cervix so he or she can see inside the uterus. If your doctor is trying to figure out what’s wrong, you might have both a hysteroscopy and a D&C.

What Things Happen Before and After D&C after Miscarriage ?

Before starting the D&C after a miscarriage, your doctor might use a laminaria stick to start to open up your cervix. They stick this thin rod into the cervix and leave it there for a long time. While the laminaria stick is inside, you can get up and walk around. The laminaria stick keeps the liquid from the cervix. When that happens, the cervix opens, letting the uterus come in.

Dr. Maria Farooq who is one of the top gynecologists in Pakistan says that, your consultant will give you medicine to calm you down before the strategy. You might be put to sleep for the whole procedure, which is called “general sedation.” Or, your doctor might give you a prescription to help you relax and calm down, but you still know how it works. Your provider will tell you which sedation option is best for you for D&C after miscarriage.

During the procedure, you lie on a table with your feet in stirrups, like you would during a gynecological test. Your merchant will:

  • Put a speculum in your vagina. This smooth tool, which looks like the bill of a duck, helps open the cervix.
  • Use a clip to keep the cervix in place.
  • Make sure your cervix is wide enough by using a series of bars to slowly open it up.
  • Use a curette, which is a kind of scratching tool, to remove a piece of tissue from the uterus.
  • Send some of the tissue to a research center so that it can be looked at.

Does The D&C Process Hurt?

Experts at Iqra Medical Complex say that the method of D&C after miscarriage itself takes between five and ten minutes. Whatever the case, the cycle could be longer. Also, you’ll have to wait a few hours in the recovery room after the surgery before you can go home.

You might have cramps that hurt like when you have your period. With pain medicine, the cramps can go away.Now you have answers to all your questions. Let’s move to its side effects, as a lot of women worry about the signs of infection after D&C. 

Common D&C Side Effects 

Complications from dilation and curettage are rare. However, there are risks, including:

Most of the time, dilation and curettage don’t cause any problems. There are, however, risks, such as:

Having A Hole In The Uterus

This happens when a hole is made in the uterus with a tool during the D&C after miscarriage. This is more likely to happen to women who have recently given birth or who have gone through menopause.

Most holes in the skin get better on their own.

But if a blood vessel or other organ is hurt, it might need a second surgery to fix it. This is often a side effect of D&C.

Damage Of The Cervix

If the cervix tears during the D&C, your doctor can put pressure on the wound or give you medicine to stop the bleeding, or he or she can stitch the wound shut (sutures). If the cervix is softened with medicine before the D&C, this might not happen.

Scar Tissue on the Wall of the Uterus

Scar tissue doesn’t form in the uterus very often when D&C after miscarriage is done.

Asherman’s syndrome is the name for this condition. Most of the time, Asherman’s Syndrome happens when a D&C is done after a miscarriage or birth. This can cause periods that are irregular, painful, or don’t happen at all, as well as miscarriages and the inability to have children. Surgery is often the best way to treat it.


Signs of infection  after D&C are very rare. If you have a feveror pain that is getting worse instead of better, or putrid vaginal discharge after a D&C, you should call the office of your primary care doctor.

All of these are common side effects of a D&C after miscarriage that happen after a miscarriage and can be bad for your health.

Suggested Read: How to clean uterus after miscarriage?

D&C after an Abortion Affects your Next Pregnancy?

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, about 65% of women who have had multiple miscarriages for no clear reason can expect their next pregnancy to be successful (ACOG).

From what I’ve heard, if you’ve had a D&C after a premature birth, your chances of getting pregnant again are pretty high. Nearly 90% of women who had a D&C procedure were pregnant within a few months of trying again.

Most doctors will tell someone who has had a D&C after a miscarriage to wait three cycles before trying to get pregnant again. This gives the lining of the uterus time to loosen up so it can help another baby. Depending on how early your premature birth or end of pregnancy was, though, or your D&C after miscarriage, your doctor might tell you to wait for a while.

After a miscarriage, your body is ready to have another child.

After two weeks of early delivery, you and your partner can make love again to get pregnant. If you are trying to conceive after an early pregnancy loss, it is best to wait at least 3 months before you try fpor another baby. If you had an unnatural birth cycle, talk to your health care provider about what to do when you feel ready to get pregnant. 

After one unnatural birth cycle, there may be very good reasons to wait, so stay strong, positive, and busy.

How After D&C Recovery Look Like?

You may feel tired or nauseated immediately following D&C after miscarriage. And in the days that follow, you may experience some mild cramping and light bleeding that can last for up to a couple of weeks.

Your doctor may recommend that you take over-the-counter (OTC) medications, like Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen), or prescribe you another medication for pain.

After a couple of days of rest, you may be able to go back to your normal level of activity and work. But everyone is different — so be sure to check in with your doctor for any specific guidelines.

And remember, even if your body is physically ready, it’s OK to need more time to be mentally and emotionally ready.

As far as putting anything into your vagina, this is another area where you’ll want to consult with your doctor. It takes some time for your cervix to return to its normal dilation after D&C. This means you’re more prone to infection from things like tampons, douches, or sex that involves vaginal penetration.

Suggested Read: Uterus removal side effects

You can find more Information 

A D&C after miscarriage is a process after a miscarriage that eliminates tissue from your uterus. You might require a D&C strategy on the off chance that you had a premature delivery or early termination. Your medical care supplier can utilize a D&C and hysteroscopy to analyze unexplained dying. You might have some gentle squeezing and drain for a couple of days after a D&C and might have some signs of infection after D&C. In the event that you had unsuccessful labor or have draining between your periods,  visit the specialist best gynecologist in Lahore to check whether you really want a D&C.

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