Home General Health Everything You Need to Know About Movax Tablet Uses and Side Effects

Everything You Need to Know About Movax Tablet Uses and Side Effects

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Have you ever experienced muscle stretching?

Well, I am sure most of us witnessed it. Muscle relaxants, in this case, serve as our go-to option. These muscle relaxants come in many forms. Movax tablet is a commonly prescribed short-term muscle relaxant. You will often find it as movax 2mg or movax 4g tablets. You can easily order Movax Tablets from Healthwire Pharmacy.

Let’s know more about this!

What is Movax?

As said earlier, movax is a medicine used to treat muscle spasms. Movax belongs to a class of medicines known as tizanidine. 

Muscle spasms can occur from a variety of conditions such as spinal injury, multiple sclerosis etc. The disorders of the brain and spinal cord are the most common ones for which movax is widely used. This medicine relaxes your muscles as well as reduces the pain, thus providing symptom relief.

Movax is an oral medication that is given after a 6-8 hours interval depending upon the patient’s condition. The effectiveness of a movax tablet depends upon how and when you are taking it. 

How does Tizanidine Work?

Chemically, a movax tablet is tizanidine. Tizanidine is a short-term acting muscle relaxer. This works by blocking the sensation of pain. Pain signals are transmitted as the nerve impulse. Tizanidine acts by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses that make you feel in pain. 

In this way, tizanidine helps with pain relief from muscle spasms. However, the medication has short-term effects. It should only be used for patients suffering from muscle spasms who are unable to carry out their routine activities. 

Movax Tablet Uses

Here are some of the common movax tablet uses you need to know about:

  • Movax tablet is used to treat muscle spasms
  • This is also effective against muscle cramps
  • Next among movex tablet use is its role towards brain injuries
  • Movax is also a preventive medication against muscle spasms
  • It is a short-term painkiller that helps to relieve inflammation as well
  • Another movax tablet used is for the treatment of sports injuries.

Movax Tablet Side Effects

Despite all these potential movax tablet benefits, one needs to be careful about its side effects as well. Not everyone experiences these side effects but some people may experience these. These side effects can range from mild to serious. 

No matter for what reason you are taking it, here are some of the side effects associated with movax tablet use. 

People who already suffer from low blood pressure, chronic lung disease or are on other medications, should avoid using it without a doctor’s prescription.

What is the Recommended Dosage of Movax Tablet?

The dosage of movax tablets can vary from person to person. Movax tablets are generally available as movax 2mg and movax 4mg tablets. The recommended movax doses depend upon your purpose of medication and the severity of your disease.  

Generally, your physician asks you to begin with movax 2mg tablets that can gradually increase to 4mg tablets. The effects of tablets usually appear 1-2 hours after taking them and remain for another 3-6 hours. Based on this observation, medicine is repeated after every 6-8 hours. No matter what dose you begin with, it is recommended to keep the total dose below 36mg. 

These doses can even vary for people suffering from liver or kidney diseases to prevent complications. Your physician decides your medication dosages and for how long you need to continue it. 

Are there any Risks Associated with Movax Intake?

Not everyone is at the risk of developing side effects due to movax. However, here are the risk factors associated with the medicine.

  • Someone who is suffering from liver or kidney disease can develop complications due to movax
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding females should be careful with the intake of movax tablet
  • Due to chances of reaction of movax with other tablets, its intake is prohibited with fluvoxamine, ciprofloxacin and CYP1A2 inhibitors to minimize the side effects
  • It is advised to not drive or operate any machinery while you are taking movax as it can cause sleepiness.

Movax Tablet Price in Pakistan

As of today, the price of a 2mg movax tablet in Pakistan is 15.91/tablet. While 4mg movax tablet in Pakistan cost 25.50/tablet

Let’s Wrap Up!

Movax is a commonly used tablet that is used to treat muscle spasm that comes from musculoskeletal disease. There are many potential movax tablet uses. This is an oral medication that comes in 2mg and 4mg strengths. The dose of medicine varies from person to person and your physician decides what dose to begin with. The medicine is generally safe for everyone but there are side effects and risks associated with the movax. So, one should never go for self-medication and always consult a doctor. You can consult the best general physician in Lahore  via Healthwire.pk to make wise decisions regarding your health.

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